Синдбад, наслышанный о древнем золоте, тайком пробирается в пустыню, в лагерь колдуна Аль-Жибара. Среди многих реликвий он находит сундук из слоновой кости, в котором спрятан журнал капитана пиратов Миноса. Он и должен привести Синдбада к золотой голове Колосса Родосского.
A beautiful Chinese girl, Meiling, has a forbidden love affair with a young American man in Singapore. He leaves Singapore and never returns. Meiling gives birth to their Eurasian daughter whom she names Perfect Harmony. When she grows up, Perfect Harmony journeys to America to search for her father.
Director of Photography
The strain of juggling her responsibilities as wife, mother, and successful paralegal have worn Emma Burke out. Thus it is that Emma welcomes the opportunity to briefly take leave of her Boston home and head for sunny Hawaii. It is not, however, a pleasure trip: Having promised to honor the dying wishes of her Hawaiian-born surrogate mother. Leaving her husband, Mike, behind to care for their two children, Emma arrives in Hawaii for the first time since childhood, where she is reunited with her childhood friend Kala, the handsome son of her late surrogate parent.
Director of Photography
When ambitious CCT exec Will Patterson uncovers a corporate conspiracy, his life spirals out of control. With an unlikely ally and beautiful crusader to guide him through his struggle, he travels to the jungles of Indonesia where a tribe--wrongly forced off their land by CCT--and the corporation clash. No matter which side Will chooses--with so many lives on the line, his decision is destined to be a deadly one.
Director of Photography
Sabrina travels to Australia's Great Barrier Reef with her best friend Gwen, a fellow witch from England, for a week-long vacation where they try to help protect a hidden mermaid colony whose habitat is threatened by ocean pollution, and by a local marine biologist determined to find the colony as his claim to fame. While Sabrina finds romance with a "merman" from the mermaid colony, Salem the cat finds a possible romance with another witch-turned-into-a-cat, named Hilary, but finds Sabrina's problems interfering with his plans.
The true story of the 19th century Belgian priest, Father Damien, who volunteered to go to the island of Molokai, to console and care for the lepers.
Director of Photography
It was one of the last unexplored places on Earth; a terrifyingly deep gully in the heart of the Borneo jungle. It was the ultimate challenge – to climb down into it and explore what the locals call, "The Place of the Dead." Based on a true story that made headlines around the world, this adventure drama is the tale of men pushed to their limits and beyond, battling against forces that they could not comprehend.
Additional Director of Photography
The adventures of Golden Retriever pup Napoleon and his friend, the parrot Birdo Lucci.
Director of Photography
В грузовой космический корабль врезается метеорит. Командир, узнавший об этом за пару минут до катастрофы, бросает экипаж, вылетев на спасательной шлюпке. Связь нарушена, кислорода хватит только на троих человек из пяти, находящихся на борту. Двое должны «уйти», но решать свою судьбу простой жеребьёвкой кое-кому не хочется, ведь речь идёт о жизни и смерти. Кто выживет?
Two women escape to the mountains where they enjoy each others company, apparently disappointed with their male partners.
Director of Photography
Жизнеутверждающий и глубокий взгляд на последние дни пожилой женщины, больной раком. Этот фильм особенно значим тем, что сценарий был специально написан для актрисы, исполнившей главную роль, Шейлы Флоранс. Она действительно умирала от рака, и эта роль стала для нее своеобразным автопортретом.
Director of Photography
The story of an American horse-breeder living in Australia who is the single father of three sons.
Camera Operator
A convent teacher spreads a little happiness and makes enough money to support her crippled brother's habit by selling her favours regularly on a cross-country night sleeper. She makes sure she is in control of each encounter until one client reaches her more than she expects.
Director of Photography
Parody of historical epics that focuses on real-life Australian explorers William John Wills and Robert O'Hara Burkes, who tragically tried to cross the Australian continent from the south, to the north, a distance of 3,250 km.
Assistant Camera
Drama directed by Paul Cox.