Gertrud Wolle

Gertrud Wolle

Рождение : 1891-03-11, Urbis, Alsace, Germany [now Urbès, Haut-Rhin, France]

Смерть : 1952-07-06


Gertrud Wolle


Ночью на улицах
Frau Jaguweit
Пожилой водитель грузовика находит контрабандные деньги и оказывается связан с бандой грабителей.
Das ewige Spiel
A woman between two men. Horror melodrama.
Проделки близнецов
Fräulein Linnekogel
Близнецы Луиза и Лотта разделяются в младенчестве из-за развода родителей. Луиза вырастает у отца, дирижера в Вене, Лотта у матери, редактора журнала в Мюнхене. Когда им исполняется 10, они встречаются в летнем лагере, узнают правду и меняются местами, чтобы помочь родителям снова воссоединиться.
Frauenarzt Dr. Prätorius
In the face of two world wars, Professor Prätorius, a philanthropist and a surgeon, wants to exterminate the one danger to mankind, the microbe of stupidity, as he states in a spontaneous lecture to his male and female students. When he tries to help a pregnant girl he gets involved more and more in her life and is forced to marry her.
Die Kuckucks
Frau Poehler - die Wirtin
Mask in Blue
Gifted amateur dancer gets her big break on the Berlin Stage in this wartime romantic comedy.
Robert Koch, der Bekämpfer des Todes
Country Dr. Robert Koch is desperate: a tuberculosis epidemic is decimating the children in his district and no one is able to do anything about it. Every fourth child is already sick and the parents must helplessly watch as their young ones die. Now Koch is undertaking to find the cause of the tuberculosis --- something he has already been working on for years --- which has been causing this plague of illness. His work is made more difficult by envy; for example, that of his teacher, who was wounded defending his honor. But his greatest obstacle is the famous Berliner scientist and Reichstag deputy, Privy Councilor Rudolf Virchow: He is extraordinarily skeptical of Koch's theory, that the cause for tuberculosis is a bacteria.
Anthony the Last
Baroness Serafine
Comedy with Hans Moser as grumpy valet who takes corrective action with mumbling peevishness in the fortunes of his family household count.
Собака Баскервилей
Wirtin von Sherlock Holmes
Баскервилли прокляты. Согласно легенде, каждому наследнику этой старой семьи обещана страшная смерть, которых пожирает чудовищная и призрачная собака. Сэр Чарльз Баскервиль жил в страхе. Он умер в страхе. Следы гигантских лап, обнаружены рядом с его трупом, и вызывают тревогу у его друга, доктора Мортимера, и толкают его, чтобы он обратился к известному детективу на Бейкер-стрит, 221б, в Лондоне.
Die große und die kleine Welt
The taxi driver Fritz gets to know the millionaire-heiress Iris and marries her against the wishes of her family. They live together in a small apartment and are very happy. But Fritz wants to offer Iris more and thus finds a position as a laborer in a large car factory and ends up making a career for himself as a race car driver. But while he is driving from one victory to another, he is getting more and more estranged from his young wife. As his career starts to go downhill, he notices the mistakes he has made and tries to win Iris back.
Hot Blood
Baronin Körössy
Baroness Marika von Korossy dresses up as a man, in order to compete in a horse race. Her victorious horse, Satan, will only allow her to ride him and throws everyone else off of him. That includes the dandy lieutenant Tibor von Denes, who immediately recognizes that Marika isn't a man. It isn't long before he makes friends with her and even gets her to dance with him. It's then that Marika takes off her hat and shows she's a woman, which causes jealous Ilonka von Peredy to go into a rage. When Marika is forced to sell her estate to raise money, Ilonka is able to get Marika's beloved Satan.
Victor and Victoria
Aspiring singer Susanne takes over one night for her sick colleague, the slap-stick actor Viktor, at a small cabaret in Berlin where he works as a female impersonator. By chance, Susanne is then "discovered" by an agent, who thinks she′s really a man. She becomes famous and goes on tour to London. But when the local womanizer Robert catches on to her game, Viktor then has to jump in for Susanne as "Viktoria".
...und wer küßt mich?
Командир подводной лодки капитан-лейтенант Хельмут Лиерс (Рудольф Форстер) и его помощник обер-лейтенант Фипс Фредерикс (Фриц Геншов) находятся на побывке в родном городе, а когда снова уходят в море, оказывается, что оба они влюбились в одну и ту же девушку - дочь бургомистра Хельгу (Эльза Кнотт). Подводная лодка торпедирует и топит английский крейсер. Одержав эту победу, Лиерс впервые на радостях делится сердечными чувствами с Фредериксом, и тот, затаив в душе боль, молча осознаёт, что любимая им девушка предпочитает из них двоих Лиерса. Между тем подводная лодка торпедирует нейтральное на первый взгляд парусное судно, которое в конечном итоге оказывается английским кораблём-приманкой...
How Shall I Tell My Husband?
Frau Kötelhön
The film starts in the fashionable seaside resort on the Baltic, Heringsdorf, where Renate Müller spends a secret weekend away from her husband with her bosom friend Ida Wüst. The husband meanwhile has a flirtation while traveling by night train from Frankfurt to Berlin, nice atmospheric shots of sleeper and dining car in the morning. The action continues in the luxury villas and apartments of Berlin, Renate Müller wears a string of very elegant outfits. Misunderstandings, jealousies, temporary separation of husband and wife, a few songs, wicked humour.
Wenn die Liebe Mode macht
Girls to marry
Frau Krause
Three brothers lead the life of bachelors and their rent is overdue. The landlord who also happens to be a matchmaker tries to marry off the oldest brother to a rich girl.
The ball
The daughter of a nouveau riche family, invited to an upper class ball meant to launch her in society, rejects the offer.
The Little Escapade
A wife believes her husband has been deceiving her and decides to have some fun at his expense. After a bit of mischief, her husband, a lawyer who is preparing a divorce for a client, decides to start divorce proceedings himself. The wife then realises she has gone too far.
The Three from the Filling Station
Die Drei von der Tankstelle, meaning The Three from the Gas Station, was advertised as a German operetta when release and with it’s star studded cast would become the forerunner of Musical films. Even today the soundtrack of the comic harmonists is popular in Germany.
Die Ehe der Frau Mary
Plot unknown