D. Fairchild Ruggles


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Dede Fairchild Ruggles is a historian of Islamic art and architecture, and a professor of landscape architecture at the University of Illinois. She is known for her books on Islamic gardens and landscapes, for which she has won the J. B. Jackson Book Prize and the Allen G. Noble Book Award.


The Ornament of the World
Herself (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Filmed in Cordoba, Granada, Seville, and Toledo, this documentary retraces the 800-year period in medieval Spain when Muslims, Christians, and Jews forged a common cultural identity that frequently transcended their religious differences, revealing what made this rare and fruitful collaboration possible, and what ultimately tore it apart.
Искусство Ислама: Зеркало невидимого мира
Self - Historian
Этот девяностоминутный фильм отправляет зрителей в эпическое путешествие по девяти странам и более чем 1400-летней истории. Он исследует такие темы, как "Слово", "Пространство", "Орнамент", "Цвет" и "Вода" и представляет истории, стоящие за многими великими шедеврами исламского искусства и архитектуры.