Brian Quintero

Brian Quintero


Brian Quintero


Two associates finally get together during the holiday season to reminisce on their past glory days, hash out their differences, and rejoice by embracing a new, disturbing legacy.
Two associates finally get together during the holiday season to reminisce on their past glory days, hash out their differences, and rejoice by embracing a new, disturbing legacy.
Twisted Pieces
Ex-Seal hunts a demonic surgeon who abducts people for human trophies to sell to the highest bidder
To No Man's Land
When a catastrophic attack puts a peaceful galactic nation on the brink of war, a lowly Scout is sent to an isolated planet to obtain the whereabouts of the one man who may know who committed the attack. But he quickly finds out, that there are other players in the game, trying to incite a war between the peaceful factions in the universe.
Меняющий жизнь
Дрю - оборотень, который вынужден поглощать тела людей, принимая их облик, чтобы не погибнуть мучительной смертью. Но в большом городе незаметно находить новых жертв не так то и просто. Однажды он влюбляется в женщину, мужа которой поглотил, и оказывается перед нелёгким выбором: обречь её на вечные муки потери любимого человека или признаться в своей ужасающей сущности.
Drunken Partier
When given the chance at a fresh-start, a grieving young man and his coked-up stepbrother, must confront a local mafia kingpin and perhaps something even more dangerous - their past.
It was a simple pitstop in the woods, but a young woman finds herself with a terrible feeling.
A complicated thriller takes the viewer through layers of reality into the inner worlds of a ruthless lawyer and his wife, Selah, who he has wronged. She is on a mission to rid the world of evil-hearted men in order to gain back favor with The Maker and earn her spot in Heaven, once her earthly mission is complete.
Ruby's Secret
A man and a woman hit it off at a bar and decide to go back to her place. The man soon realizes that she is more than he bargained for.
Disgruntled Religious Man
In 2019, a medical company known as Coil Industries begins human trials of the controversial Amortal program. Aimed to have their cells replaced by self-replicating nanites, the two candidates, Jordan and Cass experience how becoming next stage of human evolution will affect them and others.