Izabella Dziarska


Izabella Dziarska


Chopin: Desire for Love
służąca George Sand na Majorce
The biography of world famous Polish composer Fryderyk Chopin.
Smell of the Dog's Fur
Sculptor Paul travels to the Black Sea resort. There he meets a German student of Slavic studies, Heidi, with whom he starts a romantic affair. They live in the campsite. He does not take this relationship seriously, but for the girl Paul is the first great love. Soon he accidentally discovers an illicit drug trafficking. Without a second thought, he takes the opportunity to get more cash - he takes over the goods and demands a ransom gang of twenty thousand dollars. Heidi then disappears...
Украденная коллекция
Joanna Chmielewska
Пожилой филателист Ян Ковальский отдает на хранение своей знакомой Йоанне Хмелевской свою коллекцию марок стоимостью полмиллиона долларов и со спокойной душой ложится в больницу. Однако коллекция бесследно исчезает из квартиры Йоанны. Последняя со своей подругой Яниной Повщинской пытается вернуть бесценные марки ...
Urzędniczka Urzędu Imigracyjnego
Zaczarowane podwórko
studentka; nie występuje w napisach
A mysterious Mania appears in Warsaw. The girl, together with the other children, experiences amazing adventures.
150km Per Hour
dziewczyna w zakładzie fotograficznym (uncredited)
Growing-up village boy Marcin Debik feels bored of existence in his native place and not interested in realizing his father's ideas for living there for ever and making business there. He dreams of living in a big town, making career there and, above all, having foreign automobile, preferably big one and of American make. His determination strengthens after he had accidentally attended some rich society's party for a while. Having finally decided to take his fate in his own hands, he takes leave of his family, his girl and departs for Lublin, the town where his uncle Lukasz runs own photographic studio.
Перстень княгини Анны
Гражина / Марыська
Трое мальчишек-фантазеров, увлеченные романом Сенкевича «Крестоносцы» во время летних каникул решили обследовать развалины старого замка. О приключениях, произошедших с ними в замке тевтонских рыцарей, в усадьбе Мазовецкого князя, и рассказывает фильм.