Katia Christine
Рождение : 1946-01-01, Netherlands
Born in the Netherlands as Katia Christine van Kranenburg, Katia was a busy exploitation film actress in the 60s and 70s. Her travels took her to France (where her career officially began), Italy, Turkey and the UK and she eventually settled in the U.S., where she put in appearances in a number of TV shows and made-for-TV movies. She also appeared in pictorials in the Italian Playmen magazine in 1975 as well as U.S. Playboy in 1977. She retired from acting in the mid 80s and currently lives in New York City.
A seemingly perfect marriage disintegrates, as both husband and wife become involved in a series of affairs.
После того, как его лучший друг погиб в автокатастрофе, детектив Майк Хаммер начинает собственное расследование. Вскоре он обнаруживает, что Джоуи уже был мертв до крушения, но влиятельные люди готовы сделать все, чтобы остановить его...
A shoot out after a robbery ends with the death of the Chief of Police. Police detective Ghini goes in search of a suspect, Lanza, to avenge the death of his boss. Ghini's search leads him to Belli, a Sicilian gangster and 'Trashy', the dirty leader of a gang of killers. The action is violent as both police and criminals track down Belli who still finds some time to attempt a couple of robberies...
A strange signal arrives on the Earth disturbing all communications, while an UFO appears above the Antarctic sea. Captain Alex Hamilton is sent with his spaceship and crew to the space outside the Solar System to find the origin of that signal. They reach an unknown planet where a giant robot enslaved a whole population of humanoids by taking their psychic energies.
While hiding from the royal authorities, Giacomo Casanova, the famous romancer, encounters his look-alike: Giacomino, a fugitive petty con man. Meanwhile, the Arabian Caliph and his wife are arriving in Venice for a state visit, and she insists on a night with the legendary lover. Through a series of erotic encounters and mistaken-identity comedies, Giacomo and Giacomino make their way back to Venice for their appointment with the Caliph's wife.
Annie Morgan
Tony Pintana, an art collector, and his wife are contacted by Martin, who is short on cash and proposes to rob a museum of a Indian golden mask that's worth 10 million dollar. When their attempt miserably fails, the museum decides to have the mask transported to a safer location. The three try their luck again and are successful this time. Chased by a policeman who isn't convinced they're innocent, the three will have a difficult time selling the mask on the black market.
The adventures of the Etruscan Cassiodorus who, after having involuntarily captured a rebel, is named centurion and ingratiates himself with Nero. He tries to take advantage of his role to enrich himself with shady deals, but it goes wrong.
Alba Galli
Thriller about a reporter who comes home from an overseas assignment to find his baby in the hospital and his wife dead...
This film traces the prison life of a group of women who-rather than being prepared to reenter society-are brought to the limits of depravity. Martine, wrongly imprisoned will bear the scars of a prison system wrongly based on punishment rather than rehabilitation.
Masha / Tanja Nijinski
Baron Ivan Rassimov, a brilliant doctor, died horribly during a fire burst in his laboratory. Since that day, his daughter Tanja retired to a life of reclusion, covering with a dark veil her disfigured face. Professor Nijinski was once a student of Rassimov; he married Tanja, and he's trying to restore her lost beauty with a series of skin transplants. However, to reach his goal, professor Nijinski needs beautiful young victims for his transplant experiments.
Anijeska Nijinski
Anijeska, the Rassimov's heir, moves with her husband, Dr. Alex Nijinski, to her father's mansion. In the basement, the doctor discovers the laboratory in which the late Rassimov carried out horrifying experiments.
Чако и его команда встречают Коси Сиа, у которого дела идут лучше чем у всех у них. Он разрабатывает с ними план по ограблению банка в Литтлхоуле. Для Коси Сиа важны не столько деньги, сколько возможность отомстить Его Преподобию Смиту, с которым у него старые счёты.
Paola Uzzeda
Doctor Gaudenzi, a real Sicilian manly man living in Rome, Italy, married the daughter of a wealthy industrialist. One day, his wife is about to die, and being very religious, she asks for a cardinal to perform the last rites and further demands that her husband pledges not to marry or be with other women after she dies. Constrained by the cardinal's presence, Gaudenzi promises, and she promptly dies. Later, as soon as he is about to fall in temptation when looking at sexy girls, strange things happen, finally convincing him that his jealous wife is watching from "out there". Gaudenzi decides to give up on his lusty life: he's returning to his Sicily home and, to be on the sure side, he asks to be injected with female hormones. That's when he meets a sexy woman no man can resist...
Nicoletta Bianchi
A girl is drafted due to a misunderstanding and this gives her the occasion to check on her boy-friend, whom she believes to be a womanizer.
Fabienne Bélanger
Stefano Argenti, an ambitious advertising executive, meets a curious hippie named Count Mateo Tiepolo and they form a strange bond. Having gained Stefano's confidence, Tiepolo reveals that he wants to kill his domineering brother. He suggests that Stefano carry out the killing and in exchange he offers to murder Luisa, Stefano's wife who is a barrier to his career and his affair with Fabienne, a model. Argenti is more curious than shocked but decides to reject the bizarre offer. However, a short-time later, his wife is strangled to death by an intruder and he becomes the prime suspect. By withholding evidence that could prove his innocence. Mateo blackmails Stefano into keeping his part of the bargain. But there is a twist ...
Elena (as Katia Christina)
Несмотря на протесты матери Вирджиния выходит замуж за своего возлюбленного, молодого бизнесмена Карло Даниэли. Но после свадьбы выясняется, что материнские подозрения относительно мужских способностей жениха были не лишены оснований. Современная женщина считала, что ее дочери не следовало идти под венец девственницей, ни разу не испытав будущего мужа в деле. И вот теперь обнаружилось, что Карло не в состоянии преодолеть свою робость и овладеть законной женой. Матушка немедленно предлагает своей драгоценной дочери начать процедуру развода. Но Вирджиния решает бороться. Вместе с Карло она отправляется на его родину, на Сицилию, рассчитывая, что в знакомой обстановке ее супруг обретет мужскую силу и отвагу. Спустя короткое время туда же отправляется и ее мать…
Grace Cardaci
A prince who has become poor accepts a marriage to the daughter of an American tycoon. The girl is only interested in his title and plans a divorce, but after a while she also grows fond of him.
Complice dei rapinatori
Two Sicilian shopowners who live in Rome pick up some beatnik hitchhikers and the group gate-crashes their seaside villa. In the meantime the two men's wives smell something fishy going on and go to the villa themselves. To make things worse the place is also invaded by three prison fugitives who terrorize the lot.
Natalia (as Katia Christina)
The wealthy playboy son of an assassinated South American diplomat discovers that his father was murdered on orders of the corrupt president of the country- a man who was his father's friend and who, in fact, his father had helped put into power. He returns from living a jet-set life in Europe to lead a revolution against the government, only to find out that things aren't quite as black and white as he'd assumed.
An American playwright living in Rome consults a quack psychiatrist to combat his fears of balding and save his failing marriage.
В 1943 году английским учёным удалось создать абсолютно новое устройство, которое было названо радаром. С этого момента стратегия ведения войны в Европе изменилась и вооруженные силы союзников стали одерживать победы на всех направлениях. Однако, осенью того же года английский разведовательный самолёт, оснащённый таким радаром, был сбит немецкими истребителями над территорией норвежских вод. Небольшая группа сил союзников приступила к операции, чтобы не дать возможности попадания радара в руки немецких учёных. Суровая природа севера, численное преимушество противника и нехватка времени - всё было против диверсионной группы в этой самоубийственной операции. Ожидаемый результат которой: вероятность равна нулю.
Christine (as Katia Cristina)
Teenage student Olivier (Verley) meets 25 year-old Frédérique (Delon), wife of race car driver Enrico (Hossein), and start an affair. But guilt and doubt storm over Olivier's mind.
Girl on Dissection Table
В первой новелле, распутная и своенравная графиня Фредерика, находящая удовольствие в издевательствах над своими подданными и соседями, но, влюбляется в своего вороного коня и погибает вместе с ним.Вильям Вилсон, герой второй новеллы, ведет смертельную борьбу со своим двойником, преследующим его всю жизнь. И карточная партия станет переломным моментом в этой борьбе человека и его совести. А наркоману и алкоголику Тоби Даммиту, герою третьей новеллы, является Дьявол в виде девочки с мячиком…
During the Six Day War between Egypt and Israel a crack team of soldiers are sent on a dangerous mission and end up getting stranded in the desert, where they are forced to fight off numerous attacks by the enemy.
Katie O'Brien
After robbing $500,000, the Jarret gang hides in a small isolated western town, where they are waiting for a scout to take them through the desert to Mexico. But the unresolved conflicts between Jarret and El Santo, the brains of the bandits, who has also an eye on Jarret's girlfriend, become a problem amongst the bandits. And there is also an underestimated scalawag named Billy Rum and his friend Mark, who are trying to help the captured citizens.
Giovanni Percolla lives in Catania surrounded by the attentive cares of his three sisters. He permanently acts like a Don Giovanni to hide his real poor "knowledge" of women. With his friend he moves also to Rome but women still continues to remain part of his fantasies. But Giovanni succeeded to build anyway a fame of "tombeur de femmes". One day he meets the real love of Maria Antonietta and decides to marry. Will things change?
Mary (uncredited)
Обаятельный авантюрист по прозвищу «Святой» по просьбе своего друга, секретного агента Оскара, отправляется на Сицилию, чтобы забрать миллион долларов, который тот получил в результате крупной аферы. Однако, на хвосте у Святого американская и немецкая разведки, а также мафиози, желающие получить свои денежки обратно. К тому же в эту поездку с ним увязалась дочка Оскара, о которой он дал слово позаботиться. Но ничто не сможет помешать Святому выйти на след заветных долларов...
A troupe of French actors on tour in Normandy become involved in the events of WWII.
Мсье Поль по прозвищу Паоло Алмаз — респектабельный владелец ночного клуба в центре французской столицы и один из самых знаменитых контрабандистов мира. Полициям разных стран никак не удается доказать причастность мсье Поля к самым громким преступлениям. Под видом журналиста «Гарольд Трибьюн» в Париж прилетает специальный агент Американского Казначейства Томпсон с заданием войти в доверие к контрабандистам. Любовь к проститутке Лили — по «легенде» — и вызывает у сластолюбивого американца серьезные финансовые затруднения. К кому запутавшийся молодой иностранец может обратиться в чужой стране? Конечно, к мсье Полю, который всегда ищет перспективных и легко контролируемых людей для реализации своих масштабных проектов.
Serge follows Hélène in the crowded streets of Paris and manages to seduce her. Werther takes Sophie to her dentist, Raoul, who tries to seduce her too.