Lauri Nebel

Lauri Nebel

Рождение : 1948-10-11,


Lauri Nebel (born 11 October 1948) is an Estonian actor, singer and magician.


Lauri Nebel
Lauri Nebel
Lauri Nebel
Lauri Nebel


Totally Boss
13-year-old Oliver and Sass make a nose-shaped glasses holder in shop class, which at-tracts the interest of a mysterious major investor. At the same time, Oliver’s recently laid off father is struggling to find a new job. The boys are too young to run their business themselves so Oliver hatches a plan to kill two birds with one stone: they hire Oliver’s dad to run their business, also saving his parents’ rocky marriage! The trick is that Oliver’s father doesn’t know that he works for his son and son’s friend Sass. A fast-paced duplicitous game unfolds and starts to escalate when the boys find out what their mysterious investor is really up to.
The Vacationers
Fisherman Ärni has decided to take vacationers for midsummer due to the poor catch of fish. The plan is not bad, but extremely troublesome guests arrive at his beautiful farm in Muhumaa: Mrs. Sohvia, her husband Johan, their son Junior and Sohvia's beautiful sister Erna with her businessman cavalier Ivo. From first glance, it is clear that Ärni and his wife Laine will have a hard time with these vacationers.
Tiiu and Dragon
Aunty Tiiu is hosting a dance party at her house and is thrilled when for once more than 3 people show up! Unfortunately the guests are all there because of a dragon attack, but Aunty Tiiu's best friend Marta has asked them to keep it a secret.
Зелёные коты
Два старых жулика, Маркус и Эдуард, которые провели большую часть своей жизни за стенами тюрьмы, выходят на волю. Мир снаружи изменился, и вот они, движимые прошлыми планами и мечтами, желают изменить свою жизнь. Всё происходящее с ними — новая реальность, препятствия и абсурдные ситуации, в которые они попадают — выбивает их из колеи.
Тайное общество Супилинна
Cemetery Guard
В очередные летние каникулы четверо детей — Мари, Саду, Олав и Антон — решили организовать команду. Чтобы дети не болтались без дела по городу, дедушка Мари придумал для них интересную игру. Они должны разыскивать в определенных местах предметы, которые он указывал на карте. Но в эту игру вмешалось одно обстоятельство. Кто-то в городе стал распространять странное вещество, от которого взрослые своим поведением стали напоминать детей. Теперь эта четверка должна остановить злодея и найти противоядие, чтобы спасти своих родственников и знакомых.
A young woman inherits a house in the country
Good Hands
The Estonians and Latvians join hands in this jointly produced Baltic comedy about love and theft centering on light-fingered Margita. Everything and anything that hasn't been nailed to the spot winds up in her possession - whether it's a wallet belonging to a passer-by or a Jeep. But the police are on to her and the streets of Riga are becoming just a little too dangerous for Margita these days (played by rising Latvian star Rezija Kalniņa). She decides to break camp and hitchhike her way up north coming to rest at a little place called Vineeri in Estonia, where she soon finds herself looking after an entire household, including three men and a small boy.
Все мои Ленины
Lenin IV (Criminal)
«Злобные германские империалисты» осуществляют тайную операцию по развалу Российской империи. Для этой цели в Россию засылается вождь большевиков Владимир Ульянов. На всякий случай агенту «Ленину» готовится замена из числа двойников. Один из поддельных вождей оказывается значительно качественнее настоящего...
When the Robbers Came to the Town of Cardamom
The story of the town of Cardamom and the people there, as well as the only characters who stir up serious trouble.
Вот и мы!
В хороший летний день приезжает из Таллина на ферму на эстонский остров Мухумаа капризная семья, которая решила провести свой отпуск в красивой природной среде.
How the King Wanted to Go to the Moon
A story about a king, who one day decides he needs to get to the moon, no matter what it takes.
The Little Witch
Evil Witch
The little witch is already 127 years old, but that's no age for a real witch! She lives with a nice green crow named Aabram in a tiny hut in a thick forest, which, like all other witches' houses, stands on chicken legs. As you can imagine, she is busy all day to learn all the wisdom of the witches. Anyway, the little witch is quite different from the usual fairy tale witches.
Forest Captain
Sailing to South America, the sailing ship "Fortuna" gets stuck in a calm in the middle of the Atlantic. Heat and thirst drive the team crazy, knives are already flashing and the wind is being conjured in the darkness of the night. Captain Kihnu Jõnn has to tame desperate men and trade with heavenly forces in order to bring the ship's crew to the destination port, who want to leave him there.