Paul Marion

Рождение : 1915-09-12,

Смерть : 2011-09-08


Adventures of Captain Africa
Boris - Henchman
Filled from front to back with stock footage taken from the Columbia serials "The Phantom-1943" and, primarily, "The Desert Hawk-1944", with John Hart and the always-dull Rick Vallin making less-than-adequate substitutes for Tom Tyler and Gilbert Roland, this Sam Katzman "production" finds the mighty jungle avenger and legendary Captain Africa - A "Phantom" rip-off that side-stepped the need to pay King Features another fee for using the character - pledging to see that the legitimate Arabian caliph, Hamid, is restored to the throne which a tyrannical rival has usurped. He is joined in this enterprise by adventurer Ted Arnold, wild-animal trapper Nat Coleman, and his assistant Omar and, to cover all bases
Adventures of Captain Africa
Abdul el Hamid
Filled from front to back with stock footage taken from the Columbia serials "The Phantom-1943" and, primarily, "The Desert Hawk-1944", with John Hart and the always-dull Rick Vallin making less-than-adequate substitutes for Tom Tyler and Gilbert Roland, this Sam Katzman "production" finds the mighty jungle avenger and legendary Captain Africa - A "Phantom" rip-off that side-stepped the need to pay King Features another fee for using the character - pledging to see that the legitimate Arabian caliph, Hamid, is restored to the throne which a tyrannical rival has usurped. He is joined in this enterprise by adventurer Ted Arnold, wild-animal trapper Nat Coleman, and his assistant Omar and, to cover all bases
Hell's Island
Juke Box Pitchman (uncredited)
After being dumped by his fiancée, hard-drinking and depressed Mark Cormack loses his job in the Los Angeles district attorney's office and serves as bouncer in a Las Vegas casino. A wheelchair-using stranger Barzland hires him to locate a ruby that disappeared in a Caribbean plane crash. He lures Cormack into doing the job by telling him it may be in the possession of the very woman who jilted him. The ex-detective flies to remote island Santo Rosario to find the stone and investigate the mystery. When he finds his old flame he finds that her husband is in prison. Cormack, again falling for Janet, is convinced into helping him break out of jail. But Janet has other plans.
a deputy U.S. Marshall pursue the gang of Ben Thompson after the murder of another marshall. Along with a bounty hunter and a half-breed woman they follow the trail into Apache territory.
A fire worshipping cult of Indian is disbanded by a man, his elephant and tiger.
Bowery to Bagdad
Cleancut Arab Thug
The Bowery Boys find a lamp that has strange magic powers.
Зеленый огонь
Райан Митчелл обнаруживает в Южной Америке месторождение изумрудов. Однако, не успевает он начать разработку, как его начинают преследовать. Вместе со своим партнером Виком они все же едут на месторождение. Там они знакомятся с владельцами кофейной плантации Кэтрин и Дональдом Ноуландами. Райан влюбляется в Кэтрин и оказывается перед сложным выбором...
Killer Ape
Nasty white hunters are testing out their germ warfare weapons using wild animals in Africa… until they run into Jungle Jim.
Appointment in Honduras
Wounded Soldier (uncredited)
On a tramp steamer off Central America are Mr. and Mrs. Sheppard, five prisoners en route to a Nicaraguan prison, and Corbett, an American carrying money for a Honduran counter-revolution. Denied permission to land in Honduras, Corbett releases the prisoners and with their aid hijacks the ship. They land, taking the wealthy Sheppards as hostages, and start the arduous trip upriver to Corbett's rendezvous, meeting jungle hazards
Safari Drums
A group of movie makers arrive in Africa to make a film about jungle wildlife.
Scared Stiff
Ramon Cariso / Francisco Cariso
A nightclub singer and his partner escape mobsters by fleeing to Cuba with a beautiful heiress, who has inherited a haunted castle on an isolated island. The trio hunt for a hidden treasure and encounter a ghost, a zombie, and a mysterious killer...
Форт Возмездие
Eagle Heart
Фильм один из тех вестернов, в которых главными героями являются констебли Северо-западной конной полиции Канады. Им приходится противостоять сиу во главе с вождём Сидящим Быком. В центре истории два брата из Монтаны, противоречия между которыми не может снять даже совместная служба в красных мундирах.
Злые и красивые
Spanish Actor in Screen Test (uncredited)
Историю взлета и падения Джонатана Шилдса, безжалостного и одержимого голливудского продюсера, вспоминают самые близкие ему люди, которых он предал в тот или иной момент — кинозвезда Джорджия Лоррисон, режиссер Фред Эмиэл и сценарист Джеймс Ли Бартлоу. Только кино существовало для Шилдса, только ради него он жил, и только успех волновал его очерствевшую душу… Роль могла быть списана с Вэла Льютона, экстравагантного продюсера 40-х, автора «Людей-кошек». Но, вероятнее всего, прототипом послужил Дэвид О. Селзник, когда он был еще продюсером фильмов категории «Б» и только мечтал об «Унесенных ветром». Персонаж Ланы Тернер легко идентифицировать с Дианой Бэрримор, а Дика Пауэлла (1904-1963) — с писателем Фрэнсисом Скоттом Фицджеральдом, чей роман с Голливудом закончился горько.
A man is framed and sent to the toughest prison in the territory.
Harem Girl
The palace secretary to a princess foils a sheik's plot to grab royal oil.
The Family Secret
When his son accidentally kills someone, a lawyer must defend the man wrongly charged with the murder.
Hot Lead
Recently released from prison, nice guy Dave Collins finds himself unwillingly mixed up with his old outlaw acquaintances Turk Thorne and his gang as they try to use his telegraphy talents to zero in on the arrival of a gold shipment on the local train. Taking a liking to Collins, cowboys Tim Holt and Chito Rafferty get him to agree to help set a trap for the train robbers
Officer (uncredited)
Действие происходит в 1925 году в Дамаске, где идет война между сирийскими повстанцами и французскими войсками. Гарри Смит — аморальный американский торговец оружием, продает оружие арабским мятежникам в Дамаске, пытающимся свергнуть французский протекторат. Однажды в ресторане он знакомится с Виолеттой, подругой шефа французской разведки полковника Феру, который хочет встретится для переговоров с лидером сирийцев Эмиром Хассаном. Феру вынуждает Смита устроить ему встречу с Хассаном.
Fury of the Congo
Jungle Jim must protect rare pony-like animals whose glands produce a powerful narcotic. On the way, he fights a giant spider.
The Flying Missile
A Navy commander experiments with launching missiles from submarines.
The Bandit Queen
Manuel, a Vigilante
Zara Montalve, half Spanish and half America, returns to her native California in time to see her parents murdered for their hacienda and gold by Sheriff Jim Harding and his gang. Posing as Lola Belmont, an American visiting from Detroit, teams up with Joaquin Murietta, posing as Carlos Del Rio, to form a Robin-Hood type band that takes vengeance on the gang and restores stolen gold to its rightful owners, aided by militia leader Dan Hinsdale.
Raiders of Tomahawk Creek
Chief Flying Arrow
Charles Starrett, aka "The Durango Kid", is back in Raiders of Tomahawk Creek. Starrett plays Steve Blake, a novice Indian agent, sent out to investigate a series of mysterious murders.
Harbor of Missing Men
Philip Corcoris
A smuggler hides from hit men with a Greek fisherman and his daughter.
The Devil's Henchman
Bill Falls
Insurance agent Jesse Arno is posing as a sailor while on the trail of a gang of waterfront thieves, supposedly headed by Tip Banning. Arno is aware that a gang member has been murdered by Rhino, Banning's simple-minded right-hand man, but says nothing when he is questioned by the police, who are unaware of his real profession. Banning, knowing that Jesse knew who the killer was, admits him into the gang.
Sword in the Desert
First American film about the conflict between Jewish nationalists and the British in the creation of the state of Israel.
Flaming Fury
Sam Polacheck
A Los Angeles fire captain (Roy Roberts) sends an arson-squad rookie (George Cooper) undercover.
The Secret Of St. Ives
A French soldier in the Napoleonic Wars plots his escape after he's captured and imprisoned in a castle fortress in Edinburgh, Scotland. Director Philip Rosen's 1949 film, adapted from a novel by Robert Louis Stevenson, stars Richard Ney, Vanessa Brown, Henry Daniell, John Dehner, Douglas Walton, Aubrey Mather, Jean Del Val, Luis Van Rooten, Maurice Marsac and Billy Bevan.
The Lost Tribe
Jungle Jim fights a lion and sharks trying to save an African village from those who would despoil it.
The Undercover Man
Frank Warren is a treasury agent assigned to put an end to the activities of a powerful mob crime boss. Frank works undercover, posing as a criminal to seek information, but is frustrated when all he finds are terrified witnesses and corrupt police officers.
Devil's Cargo
Ramon Delgado
John Calvert takes over as the Falcon in this Poverty-Row continuation of the film series.
So Dark the Night
Inspector Cassin, a renowned Paris detective, departs to the country for a much-needed break. There he falls in love with the innkeeper’s daughter, Nanette, who is already betrothed to a local farmer. On the evening of their engagement party, Nanette and the farmer both disappear. Cassin takes up the case immediately to discover what happened to them and who is responsible.
The Catman of Paris
When author Charles Regnier (Carl Esmond) returns to Paris with a best-selling book that criticizes the government, he's tormented by frequent blackouts. After a mysterious cat-like creature slaughters people close to him, Charles is suspected of murder. Charles fears that he is the beast, but his paramour, Marie (Lenore Aubert), and best friend, Henry (Douglass Dumbrille), believe he's innocent ... until the creature begins to stalk Marie (from Netflix description).
Иметь и не иметь
Beauclere - Gaulist (uncredited)
Идет Вторая мировая война, Франция оккупирована нацистами. Гарри Морган живет на острове Мартиника, ему принадлежит катер, на котором он возит богатых клиентов ловить рыбу. К Моргану обращается Жерар, участник Сопротивления, с просьбой тайно перевезти на Мартинику одного из лидеров движения. Морган, которому нет дела до политики, отказывает. Но когда Мари просит его помочь выбраться с острова, он соглашается на смертельно опасное задание Жерара.
Peter, the Greek
Молодой морской офицер Том Мерриам прибывает в порт Сан-Педро, чтобы занять должность третьего помощника капитана торгового судна «Альтаир». Перед посадкой на судно Мерриам встречает слепого нищего, который предупреждает его о том, что это плохой корабль. Это сообщение не вызывает у молодого человека ничего, кроме усмешки. Но не успел корабль отчалить, как один из членов экипажа был найден мёртвым. И вскоре трупов становится всё больше. Том Мерриам начинает подозревать, что во всём виноват капитан корабля Уилл Стоун, одержимый идеей власти и авторитета.
Призрак оперы
Скромный и тихий скрипач средних лет Эрик Клодин отказывает себе во всем и тратит все сбережения на тайное спонсирование уроков пения юной Кристин Дюбуа, к которой питает тайную страсть. Та об этом не подозревает и не обращает никакого внимания на музыканта, у неё уже есть два поклонника - оперный тенор Анатоль Гаррон и Рауль Д`Обер, инспектор Сюртэ. Доведенный до отчаяния Эрик совершает убийство музыкального издателя, но в результате его лицо становится обезображенным кислотой. Теперь цель его жизни - уничтожить всех, кто окружает Кристин...
Secret Service In Darkest Africa
An American secret agent travels to Africa to infiltrate a Nazi spy ring.
Mysterious Doctor Satan
A mad scientist named Dr. Satan plots to steal key pieces of technology to enable him to build an army of robots based on his prototype to conquer America. The only one standing in his way is Bob Wayne, who fights Satan as the enigmatic Copperhead. Mysterious Doctor Satan is a 1940 film serial named after its chief villain. Doctor Satan's main opponent is the masked mystery man, "The Copperhead", whose secret identity is Bob Wayne, a man searching for justice and revenge on Satan for the death of his step-father. The serial charts the conflict between the two as Bob Wayne pursues Doctor Satan, while the latter completes his plans for world domination.
Meet the Wildcat
Mexican Teenager
Ralph Bellamy and Margaret Lindsay, stars of Columbia's "Ellery Queen" series, let their hair down and went "screwball" in the Universal comedy-mystery Meet the Wildcat. Bellamy plays a New York gumshoe on the trail of an art thief. His investigation is confounded by the presence of snoopy girl reporter Lindsay.
Covered Wagon Days
Carlos Rinaldo
Stony Brooke, Rusty Joslin and Rico, the Three Mesquiteers, are returning from Mexico and are stopped at the border by Army officials, who are attempting to apprehend smugglers who are buying cheap silver in Mexico and smuggling it into the States, where they can take advantage of a silver stabilizing measure and sell it at a high price.
Drums of Fu Manchu
Si-Fan Messenger at Hotel
The nefarious Dr. Fu Manchu searches for the keys to the tomb of Genghis Khan, in order to fulfill a prophecy that will enable him to conquer the world. His nemesi, Dr. Nayland Smith and his associates fight to keep the evil doctor from getting his hands on the keys. In 1943 the serial was edited together into a feature movie also called Drums of Fu Manchu.
Zorro's Fighting Legion
The mysterious Don Del Oro ("Lord of Gold"), an idol of the Yaqui Indians, plans to take over the gold and become Emperor. Francisco was put in charge of a legion to combat the Yaqui tribe and protect the land, but when attacked Zorro came to his rescue. Francisco's partner recognized Zorro as the hidalgo Don Diego Vega, then ask him to take over the fighting legion as his alter-ego Zorro.
In Old Caliente
Carlos Vargas
Americans come west to California in the hope of peaceful settlement. Roy and Gabby sing a duet: "We're Not Coming Out Tonight." Other songs include "Sundown on the Rangeland" and "Ride on Vaquero."