Giorgos Niagasas


Ο εαυτούλης μου
Sound Engineer
Yangos Aggelis (Lambros Konstantaras), director of a factory, is the type of classical friend. He is only interested in himself while he is engaged for five years with Eleni (Beata Asimakopoulou) whom she does not say married. At the same time he is sexually attached to his czech secretary, Lilly, whom he wants to marry with an impoverished employee in order to have his hand. When she learns that Mrs. Papageorgiou (Miranda Myrat), the widow of the factory owner, intends to remarry, she does not hesitate to apply. However, his excessive selfishness and irresponsible attitude lead him to complete isolation, as everyone leaves him.
Το μεροκάματο του πόνου
Престарелый и больной каменщик Вангелис мечтает, чтобы его сын окончил университет и стал врачом. О том, как, несмотря на все трудности и материальные лишения, старику удалось осуществить свою мечту, и рассказывает фильм.
Ο παλληκαράς
Sound Recordist
Erotic Stories
Sound Engineer
A modest film of three independent parts showing sad couple stories.
One Street Organ, One Life
Sound Engineer
An organ grinder (Orestis Makris) loses his wife from complications during birth. Distraught by her death, he refuses to take care of the baby and gives it to a family (Lavrentis Dianellos and Nitsa Tsaganea) to raise. The child (Jenny Karezi) is raised comfortably, and her natural father is too embarrassed to meet her - until she falls in love with a poor musician (Petros Fysoun), and her foster parents refuse to accept their relationship.
Герой в домашних туфлях
Sound Engineer
О судьбе генерала, всю свою жизнь трудившегося на благо Родины, а на старости лет всеми забытого и покинутого, доживающего свои последние дни в нищете и одиночестве.
The Money
Sound Engineer
The sudden heritage, which is announced to two mercantiles, infuses their minds and begins to live richly, forgetting their previous lives.
Залив страстей
Христос – неформальный лидер рыбацкой артели, отстаивающей свои права перед владельцем лимана Калибукасом. Тот приезжает в деревню, чтобы объявить арендаторам о новых правилах лова. Вместе с ним в поисках развлечений отправляется и его дочь Миранда. Внимание девушки сразу же привлекает мужественный и решительный Христос, которому нелегко устоять перед чарами избалованной городской красотки. К тому же среди рыбаков немало и тех, кто готов поверить обещаниям Калибукаса и только и ждет ошибки от Христоса, чтобы лишить его доверия рыбаков…
Ο Γυναικάς
Sound Engineer
Paschalis Zoumpoulos, an otherwise decent family man and director of the house Frabalas & Co. belonging to his wife Corinna, is an incorrigible skirtchaser. His assistant Aristos covers as it can, but someday found himself in the dock because Paschalis stung a woman in the street. In court, where he ordered course a poor but clean-cut girl is in dire need of money, and that the way of obliging Paschalis to hire her as a secretary. When Paschalis flirting Alki, she immediately leaves her job and Aristos, resigns.
Фальшивая монета
Из рук в руки переходит фальшивая лира, которую на беду себе изготовил афинский гравер Анаргир. Нет, не принесло ему богатство ремесло фальшивомонетчика. Сколько волнений, сколько страха натерпелся Анаргир, пока сумел сбыть монету слепому. Так начала свой путь фальшивая лира. Где только не побывала она: в дырявом кармане нищего, в худенькой руке девочки-сироты, в рождественском пироге скупца-богача и в копилке молодого талантливого художника...
Γλέντι Λεφτά κι Αγάπη
Sound Engineer
Angelos, a law student in Athens, is expecting Lavrentis, his rich uncle from the village, hoping that with his money, his luck will change. His uncle though is very sick and the doctors suggest rest and calmness. Youyou, Angelos' girlfriend though suggests otherwise in order to push the rich uncle closer to his death. And so, Angelos, with two friends from his village, Damian and Sarantis start partying with Lavrentis whose health starts getting better and better. In the meantime Angelos meets Myrto, falls madly in love with her and decide to finish his studies and marry her.
The story of a young,wild woman who doesn't want to compromise and settle down. Stella is a restless, rebellious Greek woman who plays with men and enjoys her life as much as she can. But when she meets a young football player, things get mixed up. She loves him but she loves her freedom too. So it's about time she made an important choice.
The Little Mouse
Sound Editor
Loukis, after a successful break-in, manages to escape the police chase thanks to a younf flower seller named Krinoula who introduces herself as "Little Mouse". He will take her with him in his hideout where he lives with Vangelis, Hristina and their gang leader Costas. Loukis wants to live an honest life and so he rents a room with the Little Mouse and tries to astart over. Costas though is not yet ready to see his criminal gang disband...
The Father Is Training
Sound Engineer
A widowed taverna owner tries to improve himself in order to please the aristocratic family of his son's wife. He manages to change things and ends up training everyone else instead.
The Tower of Knights
Sound Engineer
A down-to-earth grocer yields to pressure and decides to follow his wife's advice to put to good use his deceased Jewish associate's gold sovereigns, even though he cherishes his simple lifestyle. In the end, can money bring happiness?
One Night in Heaven
Sound Engineer
Ms. Byzantiou is a passionate writer who stays at the hotel “Paradise” together with other eccentric tenants. When the friend of a hotel boy, who is planning to marry a young tenant, arrives at the same time with a couple of newlyweds, Ms. Byzantiou is inspired to write about a dramatic love affair.
Дети Эллады
Вернувшись после войны в родной дом капитан Николас не находит в нем никого из родных. И только из разговора с соседкой узнает об их трагической судьбе...
Anna of Rhodes
Sound Engineer
During World War II, a lieutenant of the Royal Navy, Aris Galanos, arrives in Italian-occupied Rhodes on a secret mission. He takes the place of the Italian officer Giovanni Retsini and, as captain Giovanni, now helps the residents of the island as much as possible. At the same time, he also falls in love with Anna Roditi, a member of the Resistance. He travels back and forth to the Middle East carrying secret plans for the defense of the Dodecanese. The revelation of Aris' activity also leads to Anna's arrest, who is about to be court-martial-led. The capitulation of Italy, however, averts such an unpleasant development. With the end of the war and the unification of the Dodecanese islands with Greece, Aris returns to Rhodes to live there forever with his beloved Anna Roditi.