Laurent Machuel

Laurent Machuel


Laurent Machuel


Comme une louve
Director of Photography
When Lili, 26 years old, poor, single mother of three, is wrongly accused of abuse and the social services take away her children, she collapses. But this is without counting on the luminous meeting of other women. With them, Lili fights to rebuild her family.
Director of Photography
Gentle is a film set in modern-day South Vietnam and based on the short story 'A Gentle Creature' by the Russian novelist Dostoevsky.
The Finishers
Director of Photography
Julien, 17, is wheelchair-bound due to cerebral palsy. Despite their love for him, his family is gradually falling apart under the strain of dealing with his disability. In a bid to bond with his father, Julien challenges him to participate with him in the Ironman race in Nice (French Riviera), a triathlon in which his father has previously competed.
Главная героиня фильма — большая почитательница творчества Вуди Аллена — к своей радости однажды случайно встречает своего кумира перед знаменитой гостиницей Plaza Athenee в Париже.
Замкнутый круг
Director of Photography
Клан Малакиан, семья армянских гангстеров, управляет преступным миром на юге Франции. Во главе клана — крёстный отец Мило Малакиан, жестоко управляющий своим миром. Его сын и наследник Антон мечтает вырваться из этого, чтобы жить и любить Элоди, посторонней клану, и поступать так, как ему самому хочется. Но правящие круги мафии уже по локоть в крови. Чтобы убежать, не только Антон должен бороться со своей судьбой, но и человек, поклявшийся убрать его отца — инспектор Соньер.
Out of the Blue
Marion, a 50 year old woman, suddenly ups and leaves the man with whom she has been living for the past 20 years; she has found herself, midlife, in love with her friend Claude, another woman.
Dad on the run
Director of Photography
Jonas (Clément Sibony), a 23-year-old dad attempts to carry out an important Jewish tradition: burying the foreskin of his newly circumcised son. The forgetful father only has a few hours to complete the task... but have a group of hit men on his trail won't help matters much.
Longe da Vista
Director of Photography
In order to make some much-needed cash for himself, 65-year-old Portuguese prison inmate Eugenio impersonates a young woman and begins a romantic correspondence with a lonely Portuguese truck-driver living in Boston, convincing him that her tragic life has culminated in financial dire straits so he will send money. At first Eugenio's sister Idalina assists him in creating the character of Maria da Luz. Touched by her sweetness and apparent loving nature, the trucker willingly sends her money. When Idalina starts fearing they will be caught, she backs out of her arrangement with Eugenio who then convinces his young cellmate Vasco to help write the letters and even sends a picture of himself at age seven to "prove" that Maria has a young son. As prison life exacts an increasingly heavy toll upon Eugenio's health, his feminine alter-ego helps sustain him.
Alors voilà,
Director of Photography
A trucker, an accountant, a former plumber hospitalised after a suicide attempt... Presided over by the accountant, the three families decide to buy a truck, a trucker's dream. The father, practical joker, and larger-than-life lover, keeps a watchful eye. The children are his accomplices. One is his heroine. His daughter is his other heroine. A puzzle of life's desires in which all veers into the imaginary, into dreams of far-off lands.
For a Good Cause
Director of Photography
When 12-year-old Tonin's teacher announces that he is looking for volunteers to house one of several orphan African refugees for a month during their visit to Paris, the exuberent, well-meaning youth immediately offers his own abode. His classmates cheer and he feels happy until he broaches the subject with his parents. Daniel, the boy's father is delighted by his son's humanitarianism, but still says no. Not wanting to lose face at school, Tonin decides to take the visitor anyway and just keep him hidden for the next few weeks. This family-oriented French comedy follows his efforts to keep his new African guest, Moussa, a secret.
Три жизни и одна смерть
Это истории, которые всем известны, но в которые никто не верит. Молодой человек ненадолго уезжает по делам, живет двадцать лет в доме напротив, а затем возвращается без всяких объяснений. Богатый мужчина становится нищим, при этом по-прежнему оставаясь богачом. Пара юных влюбленных, живущих в нищете, внезапно получает в наследство прекрасный дом. Бизнесмен для прикрытия своих деловых операций выдумывает себе семью за границей. Все эти истории разных людей сплетаются в одну, потому что это история одного человека.
Diary of a Seducer
Director of Photography
A few stories are mixed, but all starts with Claire who one day brings back to Gregoire one of his books found at the university. Gregoire is the tenebrous romantic king, and Claire falls in love with him. But there is also Gregoire's circle, his disturbing neighbour, his maybe crazy grandmother Diane, his former teacher Hugo. And this is mixed up with Sebastien's attempts to seduce Claire then her mother Anne. And also Claire's psychiatrist.