Emmanouil Kalogeropoulos


Erotic Stories
Property Master
A modest film of three independent parts showing sad couple stories.
One Street Organ, One Life
Property Master
An organ grinder (Orestis Makris) loses his wife from complications during birth. Distraught by her death, he refuses to take care of the baby and gives it to a family (Lavrentis Dianellos and Nitsa Tsaganea) to raise. The child (Jenny Karezi) is raised comfortably, and her natural father is too embarrassed to meet her - until she falls in love with a poor musician (Petros Fysoun), and her foster parents refuse to accept their relationship.
Герой в домашних туфлях
Property Master
О судьбе генерала, всю свою жизнь трудившегося на благо Родины, а на старости лет всеми забытого и покинутого, доживающего свои последние дни в нищете и одиночестве.
The Money
Property Master
The sudden heritage, which is announced to two mercantiles, infuses their minds and begins to live richly, forgetting their previous lives.
Fanouris and His Kin
Property Master
A good-natured paterfamilias who is struggling to make ends meet rests his hopes on his successful expatriate brother to finally see their older sister get married. However, is the wealthy sibling willing to help?
Фальшивая монета
Property Master
Из рук в руки переходит фальшивая лира, которую на беду себе изготовил афинский гравер Анаргир. Нет, не принесло ему богатство ремесло фальшивомонетчика. Сколько волнений, сколько страха натерпелся Анаргир, пока сумел сбыть монету слепому. Так начала свой путь фальшивая лира. Где только не побывала она: в дырявом кармане нищего, в худенькой руке девочки-сироты, в рождественском пироге скупца-богача и в копилке молодого талантливого художника...
Γλέντι Λεφτά κι Αγάπη
Property Master
Angelos, a law student in Athens, is expecting Lavrentis, his rich uncle from the village, hoping that with his money, his luck will change. His uncle though is very sick and the doctors suggest rest and calmness. Youyou, Angelos' girlfriend though suggests otherwise in order to push the rich uncle closer to his death. And so, Angelos, with two friends from his village, Damian and Sarantis start partying with Lavrentis whose health starts getting better and better. In the meantime Angelos meets Myrto, falls madly in love with her and decide to finish his studies and marry her.
The Little Mouse
Property Master
Loukis, after a successful break-in, manages to escape the police chase thanks to a younf flower seller named Krinoula who introduces herself as "Little Mouse". He will take her with him in his hideout where he lives with Vangelis, Hristina and their gang leader Costas. Loukis wants to live an honest life and so he rents a room with the Little Mouse and tries to astart over. Costas though is not yet ready to see his criminal gang disband...