Neva Rosić


The story of Jasna, a Croatian ex-pat who, due to her mother Anka's declining health, is forced to return to a place she has been avoiding most of her life - her home. The two haven't been in touch for years, but the proximity of death forces them to confront the ghosts of their past. It is also a portrait of life in a typical small town in the midst of Mediterranean hinterland. Plunging into the anxieties of the community, MATER subtly uncovers class, status, and gender issues that shape Anka's and Jasna's personalities - their stubbornness, strength, and tragic flaws.
The Orchid Villa
Successful writer (Boris), accompanied with his fiancé, returns to place where he grew up in hope to find inspiration for new book. But memories are somewhat distracting, especially those of an old love...
You Love Only Once
Tomislav is a former Partizan who continues his struggle after the war as a dedicated member of Tito's secret police. He meets and falls in love with a ballet dancer from a bourgeois family. His love affair with the class enemy and his slow adaptation to the post-war realities could seal his doom.
Восьмая дверь
Vera Simonović, ćerka
Действие фильма происходит в дни второй мировой войны в Белграде. Всю жизнь профессор был далек от политики и не хотел знать, что происходит за стенами его дома, что его любимая дочь связана с партизанами. Но как профессор не прятался от жизни, она сама ворвалась в его дом, и, когда один из подпольщиков, преследуемый фашистами, обратился к нему за помощью, профессор поступил как честный человек.