Mark Williams

Рождение : 1959-12-18, Santa Clara County, California, USA

Смерть : 1998-05-27


Baby Ghost
Several people get haunted by a malicious baby ghost while being locked in their high rise overnight.
Baby Ghost
Several people get haunted by a malicious baby ghost while being locked in their high rise overnight.
Little Lost Sea Serpent
Julie and Tommy rescue a baby sea serpent and attempt to keep it safe and hidden from their father (a reporter for a tabloid) and a couple bumbling thieves until they can get it back to the ocean.
Little Lost Sea Serpent
Julie and Tommy rescue a baby sea serpent and attempt to keep it safe and hidden from their father (a reporter for a tabloid) and a couple bumbling thieves until they can get it back to the ocean.
Little Lost Sea Serpent
Park Custodian
Julie and Tommy rescue a baby sea serpent and attempt to keep it safe and hidden from their father (a reporter for a tabloid) and a couple bumbling thieves until they can get it back to the ocean.
The Devil's Pet
Never officially released, this stars Jeff Conaway and Gini Dante as exploitation filmmakers having a little improvised "My Dinner With Andre" style conversation in a restaurant in hell. There are animated bits and Julie Strain has a co-starring part and gets to sodomize a man. Often confused with "Queen of Lost Island;" another Jackson film made around the same time that itself went unreleased for over a decade until it showed up on DVD under a different title.
Legend of The Roller Blade Seven
Heavy Metal
In a post-apocalyptic world where rollerblading is the chief means of travel, the evil Pharoah sends his minions outside the Wheel Zone to abduct a psychic. The psychic has been trained in the way of the samurai, but has shunned her training to become a Passive. Once abducted, her brother joins forces with others to try and rescue her, but they face many challenges from the Dark Side.
Return of the Roller Blade Seven
Heavy Metal
This film follows the further adventures of the lone samurai Hawk, as he continues his battle to defeat the evil Pharaoh, Saint Offender and the Black Knight. Guided by his Psychic, Hawk ultimate defeats his adversaries and brings order to the universe.
Production Design
Experience the breathtaking panic and agonizing fear when a beautiful, desperate young woman escapes from her abusive husband only to become the victim of a ruthless carjacking. This film is a suspenseful wild-ride through the savage back roads of California.
Experience the breathtaking panic and agonizing fear when a beautiful, desperate young woman escapes from her abusive husband only to become the victim of a ruthless carjacking. This film is a suspenseful wild-ride through the savage back roads of California.
The Roller Blade Seven
Heavy Metal
In a futuristic society, a sword-wielding roller skater fights evil ninjas, punk roller skaters and is sent on an important rescue mission.
Makeup Effects
Учёные международной корпорации «Нортон Кибердайл» произвели на свет синтезированный генетический организм СИНГЕНОР. Этот биоробот предназначен для боевых действий. Но он оказывается раньше времени на свободе и уничтожает нескольких служащих компании, включая своего создателя Итана Валентайна. Его племянница Сьюзен находит своего дядю мёртвым, при этом она сама чудом спасается от монстра. Полиция не верит в существование чудовища, и только репортёр Ник Кэри соглашается ей помочь, надеясь при этом получить хороший материал для репортажа. Но даже фотографии, сделанные Ником, не убеждают полицию. А тем временем в лаборатории дяди появляется на свет новое чудовище…
Makeup Effects
Доктор Блэйк, ведущий известного телевизионного шоу, с помощью инопланетного организма, условно называемого Мозгом, промывает мозги телезрителям, вынашивая идеи мирового господства.
Blue Monkey
Creature Design
While working in a greenhouse, a man receives an insect bite after touching an exotic plant. Immediately, he falls ill and is taken to an emergency room where the doctors diagnose him as suffering from an unknown bacteria, and a strange parasite which emerges from his mouth as a large slimy wormlike creature. Soon, there are more cases of bacterial infection, but the more immediate problem for the hospital is the wormlike creature which after accidental exposure to a genetic growth stimulant grows to monstrous proportions and starts a reign of terror and bloodshed in the hospitals abandoned wing.