Grant Taylor

Grant Taylor


Grant Taylor


Antihero: Fantastic Voyage
Friendships and traveling... down the block or to foreign lands, the streets of the world are calling to you and your skateboard to come take a rip. Life is a trip.. but with a board under your feet its a trip of a lifetime.
In uncertain times, an eclectic roster from the Swoosh stays focused on the one thing that always rules. With epic sections from GT, Daan, Oski, Korahn, Hause and more, this vid shines with a much-needed light. Appreciate the constant.
Independent's Scabs for Slabs
Jake at the helm with a gang of heavyweights in tow—this Indy trip to OZ is pure destruction on all levels.
Supreme представляет полнометражный видеофильм "БЛАЖЕННЫЕ".
Out of Sight: Treasure Island DIY
Real Skateboards presents Out of Sight : Treasure Island DIY - a full length 43 minute documentary filmed over 2 years. We didn’t set out to make this film, it happened by chance... What started as a simple 'How-To Build A Ledge’ video with our friend Josh Matlock ended with police cars and tickets, not unlike what usually happens to skateboarders daily... That bust lead to finding a new spot to build, away from prying eyes, on the semi-abandoned Treasure Island between Oakland and San Francisco. We kept the cameras rolling as it became clear the spot wasn’t getting demolished in the blink of an eye. It didn’t take long however for the city to find out about the spot but the crew had a few more trick up their sleeves… See how this crew of renegade DIY builders took their ideas to City Hall and turned a desolate tennis court into an approved public skatepark.
Anti-Hero: The Body Corporate
The Body Corporate made by Anti-Hero skateboards. That wasn’t the original title we had in mind. We were pushing for “Reality Breakdown”. But things changed along the way. The video itself came out a lot different than the video we thought we were making, and that’s not a bad thing. This is the video we came back from New Zealand with. It morphed from wanting to tell a story about skating being an act of defiance, a path away from the status quo & spoon fed commercialism & all that lazy stuff, to being the story of what drew these guys to skateboarding & why it sticks so strongly with some of us. In the end it still speaks to those other ideas, though not said out-loud. These guys poured their hearts into this thing & we couldn’t be more stoked on how it came out. We hope you dig it.
Holy Stokes! Реальная жизнь
В «Реальная жизнь» представлены международные фигуры фигуристов, начиная от знатоков улиц и заканчивая переходными эсминцами до гигантских талантов и прокатки и сплочения по всей планете. Режиссёр автор сценария фильма Рассел Хьюфтен, Holy Stokes! представляет собой визуальную документацию о сыром скейтбординге и погоне за стоком.
Anti Hero - Destination Unknown
Isn't life strange, and rad, and fucked up... Thank fucking skateboarding for the grounding and perspective in this shit stew of consumer capitalism and naked hypocrisy. Keep it raw. Keep it lurkie. - The management
Volcom: правдой к этой
Volcom была основана в 1991 году, это была первая компания, объединявшая скейтбординг, серфинг и сноубординг под одним брендом. Этот образ жизни повлиял на стиль и отношение анти-истеблишмента, которые определили поколение. Культурный феномен был лучше всего воспринят, когда Volcom выпустил «Alive We Ride» в 1993 году: фильм, документирующий сырое возбуждение и спонтанное творчество, присущие образу жизни. Двадцать один год спустя, с выпуском «True To This», Volcom снова захватывает энергию и артистичность верховой езды в самых чистых формах. Выстрел по всему миру и демонстрация знаковых спортсменов «True To This» - это дань памяти движению, которое вдохновило поколение и людей и места, которые сегодня воплощают этот дух.
Thrasher - King of the Road 2011
Pain, regret, embarrassment? What horrible shame do Jamie Thomas, Slash, Svitak, Garrett Hill, McCrank, Gravette, J Casanova and Rattray all have in common? Is it that time of the year again already?
Nike SB - The SB Chronicles, Vol. 1
The first video in the Nike Skateboarding Chronicles series. Featuring Chet Childress, Clark Hassler, Daniel Shimizu, Grant Taylor, Lewis Marnell, Stefan Janoski, Wieger Van Wageningen, and Youness Amrani.
Nike SB full movie, integraly shot in HD! Featuring David Clark, Daryl Angel, Grant Taylor, Shane O'Neill, and Justin Brock. And friends
Alien Workshop - Mind Field
Filmed and built over the span of 2005-2009, Mind Field is the 4th full lengh audio/visual offering by AWS. A document of the team's raw talent and eclectic personalities interlaced with the workshop's undying pursuit of visual individuality and creative freedom.
Nothing But the Truth
Nike team skateboarding.