Andrew Doheny


Psychic Migrations
Psychic Migrations is yet another inspired Veeco Production that builds on more than 20 years and 30 influential films from the world of Volcom. Directed by veteran surf filmmaker Ryan Thomas and shot on location in the West Indies, East Indies, Australia, Polynesia, and Central and South America, the film weaves the physical expression of riding a rousing score of waves with a cerebral odyssey through the scapes and textures travelled to find them. Made by Volcom in 2015.
Dane Reynolds is the star of Marine Layer Productions' new surf movie "Loaded". Prepare for 23 minutes and eight seconds of retro surf footage. Although the original video clips may have been shot in high-quality cameras, Reynolds likes it old, grainy and lo-fi. "'Loaded' started shortly after I finished 'Slow Dance' and I wanted to do a video documenting the premiere tour, but I was also doing a little video piece with Taylor Knox, and I had the idea of cramming it all together without context and calling it 'Loaded'," explains Reynolds. The surfer from Ventura is not alone in his retro surfing adventures. Superheroes Craig Anderson, Taylor Knox, Noa Deane and Nat Young join Reynolds in the quest for the world's emptiest surf breaks. The soundtrack for "Loaded" matches the film's look and style. Forget slow motions and immaculate wetsuits.
Volcom: правдой к этой
Volcom была основана в 1991 году, это была первая компания, объединявшая скейтбординг, серфинг и сноубординг под одним брендом. Этот образ жизни повлиял на стиль и отношение анти-истеблишмента, которые определили поколение. Культурный феномен был лучше всего воспринят, когда Volcom выпустил «Alive We Ride» в 1993 году: фильм, документирующий сырое возбуждение и спонтанное творчество, присущие образу жизни. Двадцать один год спустя, с выпуском «True To This», Volcom снова захватывает энергию и артистичность верховой езды в самых чистых формах. Выстрел по всему миру и демонстрация знаковых спортсменов «True To This» - это дань памяти движению, которое вдохновило поколение и людей и места, которые сегодня воплощают этот дух.
Tropically Yours
Escape the congested lineups of today’s popular surf destinations, and discover the best kept secrets in the surfing world. New exotic locales still exist, and Tropically Yours is your link to unspoiled perfection. Pack your bags, turn off your phone, and sink your feet into some warm, soft sand. Paradise awaits with welcoming arms. Tropically Yours invites you to come jump in with us—on an exotic surf adventure filmed in blue water, brown water, warm water and cool water.
A FILM ABOUT LIVING... AFILM ABOUT TODAY... A FILM ABOUT NOW Starring Chippa Wilson Filmed, Edited and Directed by Riley Blakeway Also featuring Benny Godwin, Dion Agius, Warren Smith, Andrew Doheny and Thom Pringle Music used with permission WAVVES 'King Of The Beach'
BS! is an out of the ordinary, if not extraordinary surf film that documents the serious ripping of Dusty Payne, Mitch Coleborn, Alex Gray, Ozzie Wright, Nate Tyler, and Andrew Doheny, while revealing their individual characters through thoughtful interviews that quickly slip into honest humor. On top of such humor, the film builds into striking notes of provokingly tweaked sarcasm that is in refreshing contrast to current surf film genre trends.