Ulla Ziemann


Eine Million Minuten
Vera and Wolf Küper live in Berlin with their 5-year-old daughter Nina and their one-year-old son Simon. Vera takes care of the children and the household alongside a part-time job, while Wolf works as a scientific advisor to the UN, trying to raise awareness of the seriousness of the coming climate catastrophe. The stressful everyday life in a system that is not exactly family-friendly puts increasing strain on the young family and the couple's relationship. The Küper family's way of life is finally shaken to the core when little Nina is diagnosed with a fine motor and coordination disorder. At this moment, Wolf remembers a wish that his daughter expressed shortly before going to bed. Nina would like to have a million minutes, just for the really nice things.
Krügers Odyssee
Keiner schiebt uns weg
Sternstunde ihres Lebens
Bonn 1948. The member of parliament and lawyer Elisabeth Selbert fights tirelessly for the inclusion of the sentence "Men and women have equal rights" in the Basic Law of the future Federal Republic of Germany. Despite the opposition she encounters during sessions in the Parliamentary Council , there is _she does not stop and stubbornly sticks to her plan . Selbert experiences a grandiose triumph when her application is included in the new Basic Law under Article 3, Paragraph 2 . In doing so , she lays the foundation for what has now been a 65-year political and social debate on the subjectEqual rights.
Новые приключения Золушки
Script Editor
Сохранять равновесие между Добром и Злом в Волшебной стране сказок оказывается не так уж и просто. Главный Волшебник, повелитель всех сказок и ответственный за счастливый конец каждой из них, решил взять небольшой «тайм-аут» — укатить отдохнуть и поиграть в гольф в Шотландию. Вместо себя он оставляет двух своих помощников — Манка и Мамбо, следить за тем, чтобы все сказки шли своим чередом и заканчивались счастливо. Золушка, типичная сказочная героиня, дружит с дворцовым посудомойщиком Риком, питающим к ней самые тёплые чувства, но всё равно мечтает танцевать на балу в этот вечер только с Принцем.
Der Radfahrer von San Cristóbal
Assistant Director
A cyclist decides to go for everything and win the 'Tour of Chile' Race, so he can finance the medical treatment for his ill mother with the prize. However, he must soon recognize that the sporting event is corrupted by commercial and marketing interests, in addition to the political goals of the military regime.
The Uprising
This movie is about the liberation by the Sandinistas of the Anastasio Somoza regime in NIcaragua. The movie covers some of te key points in the fight for León, a city close to the capital Managua, and the first liberated territory. Many of the inhabitants of León who participated in the guerrilla and members of the sandinista army participated in the film.
Фильм рассказывает о еврейском юноше, взрослеющем в нацистском Берлине. В фильме раскрываются темы борьбы за самоидентичность и борьбы за выживание, бывшие актуальными для евреев, особенно молодых, в охваченной войной Европе.