Casey Drogin


In the remote Russian Arctic, an aging scientist and his son are trying to recreate the Ice Age. They call their experiment Pleistocene Park – a perfect home for woolly mammoths, resurrected by modern genetics. But the mammoths are only a means to a bigger end: defusing a carbon timebomb frozen in the permafrost to slow the effects of global warming.
Through the Dust
September 11th, 2016 marks the fifteen-year anniversary of of the largest terrorist attack ever to take place on American soil. Annual memorials and ceremonies will dutifully commemorate the tragedy and its victims. In this recollection, every one of us is presented with an important opportunity for deeper reflection on how we can offset 9/11’s damaging legacy together.
A guy struggles to explain what happened the night before.
Неопределённый срок
Избегая встречи с женой, Робби находит пристанище в сельском доме своей тётушки Карлы, где женщина устроила приют для беременных подростков.