Jared Doreck


Sir De Blois
A tragedy strikes the family of widow Svetlana and her two sons, Jan and Maxmilián. The villagers believe that the hated nobles surrounded by myths and superstitions - Madam and Sir De Blois - are responsible for it.
US MP officer
This fascinating historical drama looks at the life of "the Czech Schindler," Zdenek Toman, a controversial figure who was an unsavory politician and dubious entrepreneur, but also the savior of hundreds of Eastern European Jews.
Интерлюдия в Праге
Herr Spitz
Премьра оперы Вольфганга Амадея Моцарта «Свадьба Фигаро» имела огромный успех в Праге, и известный композитор был приглашён в город, чтобы лично дирижировать оркестром в Сословном театре. Там он начинает работу над своей новой оперой «Дон Жуан». Однако пребывание в Праге приводит к ряду драматических и трагических событий в жизни великого композитора.
Другой мир: Войны крови
Control Room Vampire
Воительница-вампир Селена вступает в свой последний и решающий бой между оборотнями и кланом вампиров, который предал ее.
Suicide Notes
Down on his luck playwright, Julian Parker, has written a play in which the lead character commits suicide in the final scene. The only way he can get it produced is when a money hungry producer named Marla French offers to produce the play for a limited three night engagement. The only catch: they are going to cast legitimately suicidal actors
Jim Davenport
Employees attending an extreme team-building function for the weekend find new meaning in teamwork, thinking outside the box, and risk management as they fight for survival from a deranged killer bent on revenge.