Frank Boyce

Frank Boyce


Frank Boyce


Break Clause
A trio of con-artists rip off some gangsters and lie low in a rented house. Christy tries to see the sting through whilst an unwanted guest, Phil, soon has Nick under his spell and Chloe firmly in his sights.
Blood and Carpet
In the late 1960s there were no CCTV or crime scene DNA testing, but disposing of a dead body was still bloody murder.
Ben Kirk
Brutal cop, DS Mike Blake is no stranger to violence. He finds himself caught in a web of conspiracy, corruption, deceit and murder when investigating the cold case of a Politician’s missing daughter. If he solves the case, the elite in power will make sure he won’t be prosecuted for the death in custody of a young black teenager. Solving the case will lead to his redemption, but ultimately he could pay the price and his life will spiral into a deeper hell. Which leads him to a Rock Star who has sold his soul to the Devil, and Gangsters who want to protect a secret.
Bodily Harm
Parking Attendant
Mitchel, a mild-mannered suburban stockbroker spirals out of control after losing his job, finding his wife in flagrante with a sleazy neighbour, and discovering his dad is dying of cancer, all on the eve of his 44th birthday.
Мичман Хорнблауэр: Экзамен на лейтенанта
Midshipman Cleveland
Продолжается англо-французская война. Британская эскадра в Гибралтаре три недели не получает провиант. Моряки голодают, всё чаще раздаются призывы к бунту. Горацио Хорнблауэр отправляется в африканский порт Оран пополнить запасы продовольствия. Но там его ждёт страшное открытие, которое ставит под угрозу жизнь каждого моряка английской эскадры в Гибралтаре.
Мичман Хорнблауэр: Равные шансы
Midshipman Cleveland
1793 год. В Европе началась эпоха войн и революций. Семнадцатилетний Горацио Хорнблауэр поступает на службу в британский королевский флот. Юный мичман страдает от морской болезни и терпит унижения от жестокого сослуживца Симпсона. После объявления войны Франции у Хорнблауэра появляется возможность проявить себя в сражениях с врагом и отстоять свою честь на дуэли.
Alive and Kicking
Man In Park
A passionately committed young dancer is forced to re-examine his career and life when faced with death, finding hope through an older man who becomes his lover, mentor and companion.