Oliver Streeton

Рождение : 1941-10-02,

Смерть : 2013-10-17


The Craic
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When Fergus and Wesley get in the bad books of a local rough in their home town in Northern Ireland they decide to flee to Australia. After making a new life for themselves in Sydney they soon outstay their visas and must go on the run again, this time from the immigration officials.
Hammers Over the Anvil
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Set in the summer of 1910 in Australia the film follows the story of 14 year old Alan Marshall (Alexander Outhread) as he stumbles out of childhood towards the exciting yet forbidding world of adulthood. For Alan, despite the effects of polio, there is only one passion in life - to become a great horseman just like his hero, the reclusive horse trainer East Driscoll (Russell Crowe). Alan is one of East's few friends and also one of the few who knows about the affair between East and the aristocratic English woman Grace McAlister (Charlotte Rampling). Things inevitably take a turn towards the tragic when East becomes determined to force Grace to leave her husband and run away with him. Hammers Over The Anvil is an evocative coming of age film from Australian director Ann Turner.
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Неонацистская группа молодежи терроризирует азиатское население Мельбурна, и в беспрерывный поток насилия вписана любовная история. На страшных, лысых мордах прорезаются человеческие черты, покрытые татуировками куски мяса образуют человеческие тела. Азиаты покупают клуб, который немедленно с дикой ненавистью «разносят» белые, и дело здесь, кажется, не просто в цвете кожи. Азиаты в огромном количестве налетают со всех сторон, как из-под земли, и одерживают победу.
The Media Project
A film that criticises and discussed the Australian media coverage of the first gulf war.
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Герой фильма Мартин слеп от рождения, он считает, что его никто не любит, даже мать тяготится им и хочет избавиться от него. Ему кажется, что все лгут ему, описывая окружающий мир. И тогда Мартин находит свой оригинальный способ проверить правдивость зрячих людей — он начинает заниматься фотографией.
A Kink in the Picasso
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Two crooked gallery officials swap a Picasso for a fake hoping to make a fortune. When thieves break into the gallery to steal the Picasso, an amusing chain reaction snowballs into a hilarious romp.
Return Home
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A man and his wife are partners in a small business, a service station, that is struggling to survive financially. They are visited by his brother, a divorced middle-aged man, who has taken a break from his stressful career in a big business corporation.
A Sting in the Tail
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Diane Lane is intelligent and ambitious. When she is elected to Parliament her idealism and commitment give her unpopular party a boost. Everyone, including the Prime Minister, is eager to share her limelight. Diane’s ambition is not satisfied with her new position. Diane’s married lover, Barry Robbins, the Minister for Health, is unaware of Diane’s ultimate plan. Her closest friend, Louise Parker, a political journalist, is a bit more realistic about what women can achieve; she too has a higher goal in mind.
Lover Boy
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Explores the conflicting worlds of a teenager and a mature woman as they discover the full force of their sexuality.
Blowing Hot and Cold
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The story of two men from opposite backgrounds and social structures who become friends. Jack Phillips is a laid-back, wry service station proprietor in a small Australian country town. His world is disrupted when a fast talking, gesticulating, vocal Italian, Nino Patrovita bursts upon the scene.
Thanks Girls and Goodbye
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Documentary using archival footage, newsreels and contemporary interviews with women of the WW2 Australian Women's Land Army.
Smoke 'Em If You Got 'Em
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The world is a blazing atomic hell. Civilisation is dying in agony... What do you do? ...THROW A PARTY! The Third World War has happened. Bombs are dropping everywhere, even Elwood, Melbourne, Australia. In the ruins that follow, three survivors find a bomb shelter. Only to find that the survivors in there are having a party.
The Umbrella Woman
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In pre-WWII Australia, a love triangle develops between a man, his wife and the man's brother.