Francesca Rossi


Quasi orfano
Makeup Artist
Valentino Tarocco invents a new life as a famous Milanese designer. He has removed all connection with the past, but an accident will bring him back to his twenties, causing him to recover his Apulian dialect and love for his origins.
Il sesso degli angeli
Makeup Artist
A street priest struggling to save his church learns his late uncle left him a small business that could turn his fortune around: he'll soon realize that said business is in fact... a brothel!
Tutta un'altra vita
Makeup Department Head
Gianni is a taxi driver dissatisfied with his life. One day by chance he gets the opportunity to take possession of the villa and life of a billionaire on holiday.
Il professor Cenerentolo
Makeup Artist
Convict Umberto is allowed to work outside prison during daytime as a librarian. There he falls for a beautiful woman who mistakes him for a volunteer helping the inmates — however, like a modern-day Cinderella, every day he must leave and be back to his cell before midnight... will they manage to live happily ever after?
Claude Glass - L'inchiostro del tempo
Прекрасная жена
Makeup Department Head
У Мариано, продавца фруктов самая красивая жена, в планы их семьи входит совместная жизнь, которая предусматривает детей и дом, по возможности с садом и комнатной собачкой. Жизнь пары в маленьком тосканском городке протекает спокойно, до тех пор пока на привлекательную жену не обращает внимание фотограф, который предлагает ей сняться для календаря в обнаженном виде. Мариано и Миранда не могут отказаться от этого предложения, так как оно поможет реализовать их планы.