Tom Bowyer


Ответственный ребенок
Production Design
Рэй, двенадцатилетний мальчик, вынужден столкнуться с британской правовой системой, когда его обвиняют в убийстве.
Walter's War
Production Design
Drama inspired by the life of Walter Tull who, after years in an orphanage, went on to become a professional footballer and then the first black commissioned officer to lead British troops during WW1. The action concerns Tull's turbulent passage from ordinary soldier to extraordinary officer at officer training camp, where he had to face his own demons as well as fight the prejudice that surrounded him
Production Design
The meeting of the quiet Helen North and the charismatic Carla on a beautiful Greek island leads to tragic consequences.
Last Resort
Production Design
Tanya leaves Moscow with her street-wise 10-year-old son Artiom to meet her English fiancée in London. But after he fails to turn up at the airport, Tanya, intent on staying in England, is forced to apply for political asylum and transferred to Stonehaven, a grimy former seaside resort where refugees are housed.
The Murder of Stephen Lawrence
Art Direction
Stephen Lawrence was a black London teenager murdered by white racists in 1993. His parents fought to have the crime properly investigated, culminating in a judicial enquiry into the event itself and also the inadequacies of the ensuing investigation by the London Metropolitan Police.