Paul Pastorelli


Associate Producer
Когда ты часть гетто и живешь на самом дне социальной цепочки, трудно себя изменить. Итен пытается вырваться из своего прошлого и находит смысл к существованию в воспитании и защите единственного, что у него осталось — своей сестры подростка, чтобы она не стала отбросом общества и не повторила его ошибок. Но жизнь не щадит тех, кто ее не ценит. Легкомыслие, веселье, наркотики, легкие деньги и подростковая романтика оборачиваются настоящим кошмаром. Расплачиваться по счетам приходится с опасным преступным синдикатом, цена расплаты — жизнь, а все, что у тебя есть — это злость.
New Suit
Set Decoration
A once-idealistic writer inadvertently ignites a feeding frenzy in Hollywood with the mention of a mysterious new screenplay and its illusive author.
Alien Terminator
Five miles below the Earth's surface, a group of scientists is working in self-imposed isolation, perfecting a series of DNA experiments that could literally change the world. But when one of those experiments goes awry, it unleashes a nearly immortal organism--one capable of instant regeneration, and with an insatiable appetite for living flesh. Soon, nothing can contain the creature, and with the lab's life support systems quickly shutting down, the scientists grimly prepare for their final battle... A small group of scientists are working in self-imposed isolation below the Earth's surface. They are all working to create DNA which could change the world, but one of the scientists have been given an secret assignment, and when the assignment goes wrong, all hell breaks lose. The new creation is now aboard the ship and will destroy anyone who gets in its way, as it moves towards the surface.
Art Direction
A family of three is travelling in space, when they encounter a stranded spaceship. They manage to pull out one survivor (Grieco) who's in shock. However, when the father goes on to investigate the ship, he finds that everyone was murdered. Suddenly, the stranger leaves him on the damaged spaceship and starts to terrorize his wife and daughter, for it turns out that the stranger is really an emotionally unstable android programmed without morals, making him go on a killer rampage. Who will survive?
Пришелец с другой планеты
Set Decoration
Страдающий болезнью крови инопланетянин прибывает на Землю с умирающей планеты.
Not Like Us
Set Decoration
A sexy, horror-filled story featuring two gorgeous aliens who move into a small American town.