Self (archive footage)
An appreciation and the story of the making of the 1941 film The Maltese Falcon.
Self (archive footage)
Stephen H. Bogart narrates the rise to fame of his father, Humphrey Bogart through the use of film clips, written material and interviews of friends and co-workers.
(archive footage)
Золотые моменты из фильмотеки MGM, что включает как комедии и драмы, так и классические музыкальные номера.
Self (archive footage)
Self (archive footage)
Ken Murray narrates his 16mm home movies shot over 35 years in Hollywood.
Jewel Mayhew
Шарлотта Холлис — немолодая затворница, которую мучают ужасные воспоминания и страшные галлюцинации. Она живёт в луизианской глуши, в старом особняке, где тридцать семь лет тому назад был убит и обезглавлен её жених, и в убийстве многие подозревали именно ее. Теперь же поместье собираются снести (прокладывается новая трасса), и Шарлотта просит кузину Мириам, живущую в Вирджинии, приехать к ней и помочь. Но с приездом Мириам видения только обостряются, и жизнь Шарлотты превращается в настоящий ад.
Irene Perry
An unknown Kentucky writer (James Franciscus) comes to New York and pursues fame and women (Suzanne Pleshette, Genevieve Page).
A collection of behind the scenes and home movies from the golden age of Hollywood.
Mrs. Roberta Carter
Residents of the small town of Peyton Place aren't pleased when they realize they're the characters in local writer Allison MacKenzie's controversial first novel. A sequel to the hit 1957 film.
Mrs. Leslie
A writer reflects on his life as he lies dying from an infection after a safari in the shadow of Mount Kilimanjaro, after Earnest Hemingway's short story.
Virgilnie Beasley
An Air Force pilot finds romance with his war buddy's widow.
Mrs. Tremaine
On a stormy night, young woman asks another guest at party to rescue her from her lecherous boss and take her to the train station. When her rescuer suggests that she stop at his place to get out of her wet clothes, she dashes from his car. The door she knocks on for help is the home of a retired actor and there she spends the rest of the night. He makes no passes and next morning she discovers young man who drove her from party is a next door neighbor, before long the two men are competing for her affections.
Mrs. Jargin
Cocky car racer Nick Jargin has retired since he nearly caused the death of his brother at a hairpin bend on a circuit. He now holds a trendy café who keeps him busy full time until one day, Tony Boari, a new champion racer, challenges him.
Mrs. George Salt
An ambitious executive jeopardizes his career to marry a European refugee.
Mrs. Corliss
К чему могут подтолкнуть амбиции совершенно беспринципное существо, привыкшее добиваться своего любыми способами? Куда может привести молодого и честолюбивого человека его желание подняться по социальной лестнице? А куда угодно. Ведь ради достижения своих целей он готов пойти на все — брак с нелюбимой девушкой, ложь и даже убийство. И если одна сестра вдруг потеряет расположение богатого папочки, то ее всегда может заменить вторая.
Isabelle Lagarde
The son of a French aristocrat is accused of stealing his father's money and of stealing his step-sister's heart.
(archive footage)
A compilation of early-day silent films that serves as a glimpse back to the formative days of the movie industry as a salute to Hollywood's Golden Year, so proclaimed by the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce as 1953.
When illegal casino owner Charley Enley Kyng develops heart disease, he is advised by a doctor to spend more time with his family. However, he finds it difficult to keep his work separate from his life at home. His son, Paul, feels ashamed of Charley's career and gets into a fight at his prom because of it. Meanwhile, Charley's brother-in-law, Robbin, who works at the casino, begins fixing games due to his extreme gambling debts.
Гражданская война в США. Сестры Мэг, Джо, Бесс и Эмми Марч живут дружно, невзирая на внешние обстоятельства. Их отец находится на фронте, и семье, ведомой их любимой мамой, необходимо как-то свести концы с концами. Существенную помощь семейству оказывают их сосед мистер Лоуренс и его внук Лори…
Это история о взрослении сестер Марч, об их первой любви, надеждах и разочарованиях, о формировании их жизненной позиции и начале самостоятельной жизни.
A former prisoner of war, Frank Enley is hailed as a hero in his California town. However, Frank has a shameful secret that comes back to haunt him when fellow survivor Joe Parkson emerges, intent on making Frank pay for his past deeds.
Queenie Havock
Известный судья Касс Тимберлэйн влюбляется в красивую девушку из низшего сословия Вирджинию Маршланд. Касс женится на Вирджинии, которая скоро забеременела. К сожалению, их дочь родилась преждевременно, и ее смерть отдаляет супругов друг от друга. Во время ссоры Касс говорит жене, что она может уйти к молодому привлекательному адвокату Брадду Крайли. Но когда Вирджиния тяжело заболевает, пути её и Касса снова пересекаются.
Louise Bishop
Sheltered by her conservative parents, a small-town teenager finally goes out on a date.
Fritzi Haller
Юная дочь владелицы игорного дома влюбляется в гангстера. Их отношения заходят слишком далеко, и уже никто не в силах предотвратить неминуемую беду…
Señora Morales
Знаменитый матадор Антонио Моралес вынужден был оставить карьеру после ранения в схватке с быком. Теперь он обучает молодежь секретам своего мастерства, и мечтает о сыне, который пойдет по стопам отца и станет не менее знаменитым. К огорчению дона Антонио, у его супруги рождается дочь. Впрочем, сеньора Моралес быстро "исправила ситуацию", и через четверть часа на свет появляется второй ребенок - на этот раз долгожданный сын. Прошло двадцать лет. После многолетних занятий под руководством отца, сын Антонио, Марио, готовится к своему первому публичному выступлению. Но в глубине души он мечтает о карьере пианиста и композитора, в чём его поддерживает мать. Зато его сестра Мария совсем не прочь пойти по отцовским стопам, правда, это совсем не входит в планы её жениха, Пепе Ортеги…
Adriana (archive footage)
This short was released in connection with the 20th anniversary of Warner Brothers' first exhibition of the Vitaphone sound-on-film process on 6 August 1926. The film highlights Thomas A. Edison and Alexander Graham Bell's efforts that contributed to sound movies and acknowledges the work of Lee De Forest. Brief excerpts from the August 1926 exhibition follow. Clips are then shown from a number of Warner Brothers features, four from the 1920s, the remainder from 1946/47.
Elizabeth Van Doren
The follow-up film to "Claudia", with Dorothy McGuire and Robert Young reprising their earlier roles as a young married couple living in a small Connecticut town.
Delilah Donay
Peter (Philip Dorn) and Delilah (Mary Astor) are a married couple running a roadside café in Nevada. Their stable partnership turns rocky, though, with the arrival of the sultry Sally (Gloria Grahame), a waitress who catches Peter's wandering eye. Delilah strikes back by hiring Sally's boyfriend (Marshall Thompson) as a waiter. Sally is initially dismissive of Peter's advances, but when he wins $40,000 in a lottery, she quickly pounces, turning on the charm and eyeing the easy life.
Mrs. Anna Smith
Сент-Луис. 1903 год. Алонсо Смит, преуспевающий бизнесмен, живет со своей женой Энн, дочерьми Эстер, Тути, Роуз, Агнесс, сыном Лоном, капризным дедушкой и служанкой. Дочь Роуз кокетничает с одним кавалером дома и переписывается с другим, уехавшим в колледж, а Эстер помолвлена с мальчиком, живущим в соседнем доме. Когда Алонсо получает повышение по службе и ему необходимо переезжать в Нью-Йорк, чего никто из членов семьи никак не желает, начинаются неприятности.
Josephine Evans
A widow's grown children try to break up her romance with a college professor.
Hyllary Jones
Оперная певица Кэтрин Джонс, оставив сцену, отправляется в часть к своему отцу полковнику, чтобы поднять боевой дух солдат перед отправкой на фронт и с тайной надеждой помирить своих родителей, которые уже много лет в разводе. Там она встречает бывшего знаменитого "летающего гимнаста", а ныне рядового Эдди Марша. Молодые люди влюбляются в друг в друга...
Alberta Marlow
Для всего мира Ричард Лилэнд — разжалованный капитан артиллерии, с позором изгнанный из вооруженных сил за казнокрадство. Для узкого круга избранных Рик — тайный агент, пытающийся раскрыть заговор японцев, готовящихся к военным действиям против Америки.
The Princess Centimillia
Том и Джерри Джефферс женаты уже несколько лет, но супружеская жизнь не складывается. Низкой зарплаты Тома не хватает на содержание их супружеского гнездышка, и молодым грозит выселение из квартиры. Джерри знакомится со странным богатым человечком по прозвищу «Король сосисок», который в будущем вроде бы должен занять их квартиру.
Новый знакомый дает ей 700 долларов для начала «новой жизни». Том не верит в «просто благотворительность» миллионера, и, подозревая измену, устраивает скандал. Милые ссорятся «навсегда». Джерри, посчитав, что их супружеской жизни пришел конец, отправляется в Палм-Бич, где надеется оформить быстрый развод. Том, взвесив все за и против в сложившейся ситуации, намерен ей помешать…
Self (archive footage) (uncredited)
Blooper out-takes from Torrid Zone, Four Mothers, The Wagons Roll at Night, The Sea Wolf, No Time for Comedy, The Bride Came C.O.D., and Affectionately Yours, among other Warner Brother productions of 1940 and 1941.
Brigid O'Shaughnessy
Частный детектив Сэм Спэйд начинает смертельную охоту за таинственно исчезнувшей бесценной статуэткой «мальтийского сокола». Эта реликвия пришла в современный мир из глубины веков и символизирует собою возможность управления людьми, народами, странами. Человечеством, в конце концов. Более-менее подкованному человеку известно, что миром правят секретные ордены и организации, а поэтому интерес к этой теме вечен и непререкаем.
Sandra Kovak
Проснувшись после пьяной свадьбы Пит узнает, что его брак с Сандрой недействителен, так как ее развод не вступил в законную силу. Он делает ей повторное предложение, а пока она размышляет он женится на своей бывшей невесте Мэгги. Но Сандра не намерена сдаваться, и она вступает в единоборство с Мэгги за обладание Питом, ведь в ее рукаве есть один неоспоримый козырь, она беременна ребенком Пита.
Mary Ann Young
Фильм рассказывает историю нескольких лет жизни Бригхэма Янга — американского религиозного деятеля, второго президента Церкви Иисуса Христа Святых последних дней (широкой публике известной как секта мормонов) и основателя города Солт-Лейк-Сити. Повествование начинается с 1844 года. После убийства Джозефа Смита — основателя религии мормонов и движения Святых последних дней, Бригхэм решает взять на себя руководство церковью и не дать только организовавшейся пастве разойтись в разные стороны. Именно он, после начатой травли мормонов властями США, стал инициатором «великого переселения» мормонов на запад 1846-47 гг. Под его руководством Мормоны дошли до Мексики, где и основали город Солт-Лейк-Сити, ставшей их столицей. В 1851 году президентом США Миллардом Филлмором, Бригхэм был назначен губернатором Юты.
Marion Manning
Bickering husband and wife Tim and Sally Willows mutter a few angry words to a statue of Buddha and wind up living each other's life.
Helene Flammarion
An unemployed showgirl poses as Hungarian royalty to infiltrate Parisian society.
Dottie Wingate
To stop Pinkie's widowed, struggling mother Dottie from marrying a well-off older man they know she doesn't love, teenager Pinkie and her best friend Buzz kidnap her in the family travel trailer to live a carefree life on the open road. They then get the idea to find Dottie a financially secure husband whom both she and Pinkie would like.
Cynthia Holland
A newlywed unhappily discovers that her husband's scheming ex-wife still has a controlling influence in his life and home.
Mrs. Irene Mallebre
A businessman mingles with German laborers to learn more about their lives.
Lola Fraser
An investigator for the District Attorney's office quits to open his own detective agency. However, business is so bad that he finally decides to give it up and go back to his old job. As his wife is at his office closing up, a wealthy society matron walks in with a case: she wants to know if her husband is having an affair with his ex-girlfriend, who is now married. The wife accepts what looks to be an easy case, figuring than she can then persuade her husband to re-start the agency. However, when the client's husband is found murdered, she decides to investigate the murder herself. Her husband has also been assigned by the D.A. to investigate the murder, and he doesn't know that his wife is also on the case. Complications ensue.
Kay McGowan
In this lightweight comedy, two news reporters who are engaged to be married endure romantic difficulties in their competitive pursuit of a "big scoop".
Mme. DeLaage
Прекрасная Марама любит Теранги, горячий темперамент, которого вечно вызывает неприятности со стороны коррумпированного губернатора острова. Взаимоотношениям этих персонажей добавляет жару налетевший ужасный ураган…
Antoinette de Mauban
Английский джентльмен по имени Рудольф путешествует по Европе. В вымышленной стране Руритания он встречает короля Рудольфа V, который оказывается его дальним родственником, тезкой и двойником. На ужине, по поводу забавного знакомства, будущего короля пытается отравить его кузен Михаэль, желающий сам захватить трон. Король находится при смерти, коронация назначена на завтра. Начальник гвардии полковник Запт убеждает английского Рудольфа занять место родственника на церемонии коронации. Молодой человек изображает короля с успехом. Ему также удается привлечь симпатию невесты короля - Флавии, которая прежде воспринимала Рудольфа V только как человека, с которым она должна вступить в династический брак по расчету.
Polly Dunlap
A manicurist witnesses a gangland murder. Realizing there was a witness to their crime, the killer tries to track her down and silence her.
Edith Cortright
Король автомобильной промышленности Сэм Додсворт уходит от дел, чтобы насладиться радостями жизни в обществе жены. Они отправляются в путешествие по Европе, но относятся к нему по-разному: Сэму быстро все наскучило, а Фрэн наслаждается новизной. Ни флирт с повесой, ни обиды от опасного авантюриста, ничему не научили ее. Она просит у Сэма развод, чтобы выйти замуж за молодого барона...
Barbara 'Bobby' Blake
An inventor looking for backing for his television invention gets involved with a crooked businessman and gangsters who try to steal his invention.
Edith Farnham
A bitter widow and a grumpy widower find themselves stuck in a hotel that is cut off from the outside by a snowstorm. Although both have no intention of getting married again, they begin to fall for each other. Their children, however, are determined to see that the "romance" never gets off the ground and do everything they can to see that they are kept apart.
Lillian Cooper
A young doctor is determined to expose the killer when a surgeon is found stabbed to death in a hospital elevator.
A construction company foreman's life changes--not necessarily for the better--when he is promoted to an executive position.
A country girl goes to the city and gets a job in a posh hotel, and winds up becoming an instant celebrity thanks to an ambitious photographer.
Martha Daniels
A mother sends her young son to military school so he won't find out she's been sentenced to a prison term on a framed fraud charge.
Marian Henshaw
In this romance, a slightly crooked and highly ambitious mayoral candidate convinces a woman to help him blackmail the incumbent by using a little baby as evidence in a paternity suit. The girl goes along with it until she learns that the mayor is innocent.
Patricia Sanford
An escaped convict redeems himself by becoming an auto racing champion.
Odette Mauclair
A man dodges jewel thieves while carrying a fortune in diamonds on the Orient Express.
A parade highlights the Screen Actors Guild's Film Stars Frolic, hosted by Walter Winchell as Master of Ceremonies.
Bessie Foley
Очень нервный человек по имени Картрайт приходит в офис к Перри, чтобы арестовать соседа за вой собаки. Он утверждает, что завывание является признаком того, что есть смерть в этом районе. Он также хочет, чтобы составили завещание отдавая своё имение даме проживающей в доме соседей. Это все очень таинственно и на следующий день, его завещание меняется и Картрайт отсутствует, как и дама из соседнего дома. Перри имеет завещание и предварительный гонорар и должен выяснить, есть ли у него клиент или выгодоприобретатель.
Jessica Wells
Красивая и талантливая актриса Джессика Уэллс возвращается на сцену после трехлетнего отсутствия. Триумфальное возвращение Джессики Уэллс кажется бесспорным. Но внезапно появляется Стэнли Вэнс, ее давно пропавший муж с преступным прошлым. Джессика сразу же подпадает под влияние Стэнли, слепо повинуясь его указам. Жадный Стэнли услышал, что его жена обладает половиной прав на спектакль, в котором она будет играть. Так как спектакль обещает стать хитом, Стэнли Вэнс понял, что сможет поживиться. Звезда сцены Дэймон Уэллс очень много ждёт от возвращения на сцену своей сестры, занимаясь с ней актёрским мастерством. Он и антрепренер Джессики понимают, что надо что-то делать с Вэнсом. Поэтому Дэймон начинает тщательно продуманную игру с целью избавиться от него.
Olga Morgan
"The Terror", a killer whose identity is unknown, occupies an English country house that has been converted into an inn.
Hettie Stream
A railroad tycoon, disillusioned with his marriage, starts seeing a showgirl. Things go agreeably until the woman's manager decides to blackmail the millionaire.
Carol feels, for whatever reason, that her husband, John, has grown indifferent to her, and is on a quest to find out why, suspecting another woman. She sees the family physician, Dr. Swope, first and then hires a private detective. Her own sleuthing is more effective and she devises a plan; having long been pursued by Eric, she apparently accedes and accompanies him to an apartment and, per her plan, enter the wrong one. There, they find Carol's best friend, Charlotte, and John hiding in a closet. The latter, showing more nerve than good sense, goes into a rage and berates Carol for her apparent philandering. The battle continues at home, where their daughter Janet informs them that because of them, she and Paul have given up on the idea of marriage, but are going away together, anyway. Carol and John trail them to a hotel and find them in twin beds, whereupon John, armed with a fire-ax, summons a justice of the peace and demands a fire-ax version of a shotgun wedding.
Arlene Dale
Extra-marital fun and games at a convention of the Honeywell Rubber Company in Atlantic City.
Virginia Claffin Nordholm
Generational saga tracing the events in the lives of the midwest pioneering Nordholm family, as seen through the eyes of businessman Orin Nordholm Jr., who ages from a youth to an elderly grandfather.
Hilda Lake
Philo Vance, accompanied by his prize-losing Scottish terrier, investigates the locked-room murder of a prominent and much-hated collector whose broken Chinese vase provides an important clue.
Letty Pace
This turn-of-the-century tragedy chronicles the sorrowful travails of a woman who endures a series of devastating losses.
Ruth Wayburn
Prohibition is ending so bootlegger Bugs Ahearn decides to crack California society. He leases a house from down-on-her-luck Ruth and hires her as social secretary. He rescues Polly Cass from a horsefall and goes home to meet her dad who sells him some phony stock certificates. When he learns about this he sends to Chicago for mob help.
Barbara Willis
Каучуковая плантация в Индокитае. Владелец плантации Дэннис Карсон (Кларк Гэйбл) намерен увеличить почти убыточный сбор каучука, для чего приглашает на работу специалиста по осушению болот. Последняя шхуна из Сайгона привозит на своем борту белокурую Вантину (Джин Харлоу) девицу легкого поведения, скрывающуюся от полиции. Карсон с первых минут разгневан таким соседством, но, тем не менее, обаяние блондинки берет свое. Вскоре ход событий и любовных интриг на маленькой плантации изменится с прибытием супружеской пары приглашенного специалиста Гэри Уиллиса (Джин Рэймонд), больного малярией, и его утонченной и чувственной жены Барбары (Мэри Эстор). Красавчик Дэннис решит приударить за молодой женой Гэри, пока муж прикован к постели, ведь он никогда не был однолюбом... Сезон пыльных бурь закончен, начинается время тропических ливней и потоки страсти людской подобны воде...
Emmy 'Sweetie' Wilton
Henry Wilton is an elderly millionaire saddled with his selfish young second wife Emmy 'Sweetie' Wilton and a pair of spoiled grown children, Peggy and Eddie. To test his family's mettle, Henry pretends to have gone broke. Just as he suspected they would, his children rally to their father's side and change their ways: Peggy forsakes the fortune hunter George Struthers for the nice young man she's really in love with, the polo coach Larry Rivers, while Eddie applies for a demanding job and performs admirably. Only Sweetie seems to desert Henry.
May Ballard
Director Robert Florey's 1932 melodrama about a woman who suspects her husband of infidelity stars Mary Astor, Kenneth MacKenna, Tommy Conlon, Lilyan Tashman, Hale Hamilton, Cecil Cunningham and Virginia Sale.
Follette Marsh
When World War I comes to an end, three pilots find themselves on hard times. They wind up in Hollywood, where they work as stunt fliers for a sadistic director.
A gambler falls for a fake countess.
Nancy Gibson
A society man's loving, devoted wife, upon learning that he has been unfaithful and is planning to leave her for the other woman, strategically pretends to be having an affair of her own. The woman's friends gladly assist in the deception.
Norma Selbee
In this drama, an impoverished young woman meets a millionaire who marries her on the spot and then begins pampering her with jewels and furs. When not attending to her every need, the business magnate works his mines so he can buy her some more. While he is gone, a gigolo makes advances upon her.
Frisco Kitty
A lecherous ship captain becomes spiritually changed by a female passenger, not realizing she and her "minister" husband are really bank robbers.
Mary Linden
Mary Linden is the secretary who is the unheralded power behind successful executive James Duneen. He takes her for granted until rival Wales tries to take her away from him.
Lily Kulper
The friendship of two working stiff railroad engineers is put to the test when one falls for the other’s wife.
Princess Anne
The hapless king of a small European nation must put up with a domineering queen, a daughter who wants to elope with her boyfriend, a peasant revolt and a scheming general.
Dona Rosita Garcia
A nobleman returns home to Southern California after the Mexican American War to find his people mistreated by unscrupulous Americans.
Julia Seton
A young man is torn between his free-thinking lifestyle and the tradition of his wealthy fiancée's family.
Mimi Howell
The movie stars George Bancroft, Mary Astor and Fredric March who are all excellent in their roles. The story begins as Joe Forziati (Bancroft), an Italian immigrant who has battled his way to success as a New York building contractor, decides to embark on a social career.
Mary Gray
Mary Gray elopes to Atlantic City, NJ, but begins having second thoughts about the marriage. Then she becomes inexplicably locked in her hotel room, and a series of cops, robbers and kidnappers passes through. Desperate, Mary trusts the shifty chambermaid Clara who whisks her away to the mansion of wealthy George Blaine. There, Mary must pretend to be a lowly cook, but that seems better than sticking with the guy she was engaged to.
Performer in 'The Pirate' Number (uncredited)
It's 1929. The studio gave the cinema its voice gave offered the audiences a chance to see their favorite actors and actresses from the silent screen era to see and for the first time can be heard in a gaudy, grandiose music comedy revue. But also appear actors and actresses from the first 'talkies', stars from Broadway and of course the German shepherd Rin-Tin-Tin. Frank Fay is the host of the more than 70 well-known stars who show various acts.
Dee Renaud
Dee Renaud is a girl playing the "Devil" in an amusement concession at a beach resort. Slick Glicks, the barker, promises the yokels that if they're able to catch the "Lady From Hell," she will reward them with a kiss. But when Glicks tries to go beyond kissing, Dee is rescued by Jim Coakley, son of a New England lighthouse keeper...
Marjorie Ware
Taking place over 24 hours, "New Year's Eve" is the story of Marjorie Ware, broke and unemployed, who despairs as her ailing younger brother languishes at home. She runs into rich gambler Larry Harmon and rejects his overtures. She later finds a wallet with 10 $100 bills belonging to Edward Warren.
Judith Andrews
When a gangster's speakeasy is raided by the police, one of the people picked up is the gangster's pretty young girlfriend. A kind-hearted cop takes pity on her and helps her get out of that life. While waitressing to earn money for college, she meets a wealthy and handsome young man and they fall in love--but he doesn't know about her somewhat shady past and her relationship with the gangster.
Elizabeth Quimby
Upon hearing that his daughter Elizabeth, is coming from America to visit him in Paris, wealthy Willoughby Quimby, decides to give up dry martinis and women. However, Elizabeth seeks a wild time and ends up leaving France with her father's drinking buddy, Freddie, and Willoughby goes back to his dry martinis.
Princess Delatorre / Ellen Guthrie
Princess Delatorre, young and beautiful widow of an Italian scion of royalty, returns with her fortune to the small American town where she grew up as Ellen Gutherie. Arriving by train a few days earlier than she planned, Ellen is mistaken for Mrs. Arden, a seamstress of doubtful repute from a neighboring town. She carries on the deception for fun when her nearsighted Aunt Katie and others believe she is Mrs. Arden. Phil, her old sweetheart, recognizes her, however, and shows her his new invention, a corkscrew that turns itself--a failure because of prohibition. Ellen leaves, having heard how much store is set on her coming; she returns on the proper train, elaborately made up as Princess Delatorre, and the big reception takes place as planned. Then she and Phil return to Italy, where they expect the corkscrew to be a success.
Anna runs away from her wealthy father's ranch and becomes a trick rider in a circus to be with her sweetheart, Cal Coney, a circus cowboy, when her father disapproves the match. There she achieves fame as "Anna Montana," but she remains unhappy because Cal refuses to admit that he loves her. Meanwhile, Rawl Souvane, manager of the circus, plans to woo and marry Anna when he preceives that she is wealthy.
A mob boss' gang gets suspicious about their boss' new girlfriend, a beautiful young girl who doesn't seem to be the type who'd hang out with gangsters. They're not quite certain if she's actually a police agent or just a "groupie".
Carol Trent
Informed by her doctor that she is going blind, Carol Trent tearfully breaks off her engagement with Don Manning, hoping to spare him the stigma of a sightless bride. When Hughes catches up with her and demands an explanation, Astor pretends to have fallen out of love with him and further convinces him that she has turned into a shameless hussy.
Sally Montgomery
Starry-eyed heiress Mary Astor yearns for a "cave man" who will treat her rough and make her like it.
The story of the military unit organized by future U.S. President Teddy Roosevelt and its adventures in Cuba during the Spanish-American War of 1898.
Juan is about to elope with the convent-bred Elena, when he is chosen to assassinate the governor who is about to hand California over to the Russians. Since the governor also happens to be Elena's father, this puts him in quite a fix.
Американский солдат и его сержант, который его ненавидит, захвачены немцами. В немецком лагере они забирают у арабских военнопленных белые одеяния, которые помогают им бежать. Их принимают за арабов и отправляют в Турцию на борту немецкого поезда заключенных, из которого они убегают. Случайно спасают аравийскую принцессу от потопления. Капитан любовного судна, который конкурировал с этими двумя американцами за привязанность женщины, требует плату за проезд…
Molly Gibson
After suffering a fall during a race, rider Jimmy Burke loses his nerve. But with the help of his girlfriend Molly Gibson, Jimmy regains his confidence just in time to achieve victory during the Big Race.
Amy Cortissos
Silent Film a lost film. Julian Ramos is a fisherman in the Canary Islands. As the guardian of his hotheaded younger brother Charles, Julian regards it as his duty to protect the boy from women -- and vice versa. When Charles begins pitching woo at aristocratic Amy, Julian runs interference by pretending to be in love with the girl himself. As time passes, of course, he stops pretending.
Jennie Clayton
A wounded captain recalls his youth, his time at college, and the woman he fell in love with.
Adriana della Varnese
If there was one thing that Don Juan de Marana learned from his father Don Jose, it was that women gave you three things - life, disillusionment and death. In his father's case it was his wife, Donna Isobel, and Donna Elvira who supplied the latter. Don Juan settled in Rome after attending the University of Pisa. Rome was run by the tyrannical Borgia family consisting of Caesar, Lucrezia and the Count Donati. Juan has his way with and was pursued by many women, but it is the one that he could not have that haunts him. It will be for her that he suffers the wrath of Borgia for ignoring Lucrezia and then killing Count Donati in a duel. For Adriana, they will both be condemned to death in the prison on the river Tigre.
A carnival huckster who decides to turn pennies into dollars by passing himself off as a hellfire-and-brimstone evangelist.
Audrey Nye
Perryam is going through a round of bad luck; he is thrown out of school and loses at love. In search of a change, he heads for London, where he meets Audrey Nye, a former jazz baby who has gotten a responsible job on a newspaper. She helps Perryam get hired as a reporter.
Fidele Tridon
Heroine Fidele Tridon has grown up with the knowledge that her father has promised her in marriage to Baron Kurt Badeau. When Fidele comes of age, the Baron shows up expecting to claim his young bride. In the interim, however, Fidele has fallen in love with wealthy horseman Philip Collett.
Paula, a chorus girl, marries into an aristocratic family. Unfortunately, her husband is a drunk. When he tries to give some liquor to their infant son, she brandishes a pair of scissors at him. He wrestles them away from her, then falls down the stairs and stabs himself. Due to the perjured testimony of the maid and butler, Paula is convicted of murder and sent to jail. Her son, Danny, grows up to be a movie star. There is a controversy surrounding him because he refuses to do his own stunts. The reason he won't take any chances is that he is using all his money to get his mother out of jail. Finally, to redeem himself, he agrees to participate in a charity auto race, but his mother's hearing is scheduled for the race day.
Dolores de Muro
Don Cesar De Vega crosses swords with a vicious member of the Queen's Guard, and steals the affection of a young heiress. When the officer frames the young upstart for murder, Don Cesar fakes his own death and retreats to the crumbling ruins of the family castle he plots his vengeance.
Amy and Matthew Dale separate and they place their young son, Matthew Jr., in a London boarding school. The boy grows up without knowing his parents, and is taunted by his schoolmates, who doubt the legitimacy of his childhood. By the time he is 20, Matt wants to find out about his parentage, so he travels to Paris, leaving behind his sweetheart, Margo.
Leonore Bewlay
Enticement (1925)
Dolores Hicks
Rufus Billings was born premature and after a lifetime of doctors doting on his frail health he is now a hypochondriac of the first order. Now an adult Rufus has learned his late father has left him $750,000 but he won't inherit the sum for three more years. Rufus is certain he is on death's door and will never last three years so his Doctor arranges for a loan of $100,000 to pay for a live in nurse. Rufus only has to sign over his inheritance to the greedy trio of Clinch, McIntosh and Peck who along with the doctor are confident he'll live long enough to pay his debt.
Fay Bartholdi
Inez Laranotta is an actress who is notorious for her vamp roles and for the wild parties she attends. But images are deceiving -- the parties (and police raids) are staged by Inez's press agent, and she is actually very devoted to her innocent younger sister, Fay Bartholdi.
Alice Barrows
An unscrupulous broker discovers his hated business rival has secured a valuable option in Brazil and determines to delay the latter in New York until it expires. He uses a cabaret dancer to use her wiles to keep him there.
Undetermined Secondary Role
Three clerks for the Kincaid Piano Company -- Leonard Beebe, Chester Mullin, and Tom Baker are in competition for a promotion to factory manager.
Helen Castle
Unguarded Women is a lost 1924 silent film drama. In a battle during the World War, Douglas Albright has a moment of cowardice which causes the death of his friend, Captain Banning. When Albright comes back from the war, his fiancée, Helen Castle and her father, George, can see that something is bothering him. So Castle sends him to take care of business in China -- and to pull himself together. While in China, Albright runs across Bannings' widow, Breta, who has buried her sorrows behind a mask of revelry and fast living. Because he feels responsible for what she has become, Albright attempts to regenerate her and proposes marriage.
Mary Brainard
On the wager that he will propose marriage to any girl selected by his fraternity brothers, Bill finds himself making love to Mary, an old-fashioned girl who is secretly in love with him…
Lady Margery Alvanley
Джордж Браммел, капитан гусарского полка, влюблен в Марджери, которая по принуждению семьи выходит замуж за лорда Альвэнли. По воле случая (и благодаря расчету, призванному этому случаю помочь), Браммелу удается заслужить расположение принца Уэльского. Он уходит из армии, становится близким другом принца и непререкаемым авторитетом в области моды и светских манер. Поссорившись с принцем, покинутый всеми, кроме верного слуги Мортимера, Браммел бежит от кредиторов в Кале…
Southerner Tom Rumford was sent up north to be raised by relatives who happen to be Quakers. As a result, he returns home a passive, peace-loving young man, completely out of place in an area where men kill over issues of honor.
Violet Lynwood
At sight of a woman, he got a ticket for speeding.
Vivian Hope-Clarke
A matchmaker sets out to have a rich woman marry the not-so-rich boy she loves, and tries to persuade a poverty-stricken nobleman to marry the commoner he loves.
Goody Rickby has a child out of wedlock, but it dies when the father, Gillead Wingate, refuses to acknowledge the child or help the mother get medical aid. Wingate becomes one of the foremost figures in the witch hunts, and Goody plots her revenge with Dr. Nicholas, who is really the Devil.
Mary Astor
Angela comes to Hollywood with only two things: Her dream to become a movie star, and Grandpa. She leaves an Aunt, a brother, Grandma, and her longtime boyfriend back in Centerville. Despite seeing major movie stars around every corner, and knocking on every casting office door in town, at the end of her first day she is still unemployed. To her horror, when she arrives back at their hotel, she finds that Grandpa has been cast in a movie by William DeMille and quickly becomes a star during the ensuing weeks. Her family, worried that Angela and Grandpa are getting into trouble, come to Hollywood to drag them back home. In short order Aunt, Grandma, brother, boyfriend and even the parrot become superstars, but Angela is still unemployed...
Narcissa Escobar
Charles Abbott is implicated in the death of his friend Escobar, brother to the woman he loves.
Rose Randolph
The often-told film story of a drunken actor hitting the skids, making a comeback, and helping his grown daughter in the bargain.
Polly Crawford
Jim Bradley has always played second fiddle in his family -- while his older brother, Herbert, goes off to college, Jim becomes a garage mechanic. When Herbert returns home, it's easy for him to steal Jim's girl, Polly Crawford. But trouble comes to the Bradley's town when Cragg murders his daughter and breaks into the family's home. Herbert goes for help, leaving Jim with an empty gun to protect their mother and Polly.
Elsie Worden
Robert Fisher Clarke is a promoter who comes to a small Canadian town. He harnesses the power of the rapids and builds a pulp mill. One of his employees, Jim Belding, has a fiancée, Elsie Worden, with whom Clarke falls in love.
Young Woman
En eminent pianist is made deaf by an anarchist's bomb during a command performance.
Joan - the Lighthouse Keeper's Daughter
Hope is a silent 1922 drama.
Irene Mason
Upon being released from prison, Lawrence Hilliard takes the name of John Smith and looks for work, and falls in love with Irene Mason, a social secretary, but is reluctant to tell her about his past.
Helen Seymour
A 1922 silent film.
Bit Part
The Angelus is a 1922 silent film
Wings of the Border is a 1921 drama.
Peasant Girl / Beggar Maid
The painter Burne-Jones and his famed painting "The Beggar Maid" are depicted in this speculative drama about the creation of the painting. Burne-Jones plays matchmaker for a young British nobleman who has fallen in love with a servant girl on his estate. The artist shows that love can thrive between members of different classes by depicting on canvas a picture from Tennyson's poem about the love of King Cophetua for a beggar maid. As he relates the story of the poem in words and through his painting, the young earl sees the application to his own situation.
Norah Collison
Norah Collison is a young woman who owns a huge timberland in Maine, full of white pines. As she arrives to take control of her company, the manager and agent are planning to log the woods and steal the pines.
Grizel is the daughter of the Painted Lady, who believes that her lover will one day return. Grizel is ostracized by the other children of the town. Tommy and his sister come to the town. Tommy is friendly, but Elspeth keeps her distance. When the Painted Lady dies, Dr. Gemmell makes Grizel his housekeeper. Time passes and after the doctor dies, Grizel, who is now twenty-one years old, loves Tommy, who is an author in London. Tommy visits the town but cannot decide whether he loves Grizel. Grizel knows that Tommy does not love her, and after he returns to London her unhappiness leads to insanity. Tommy returns and marries Grizel, although he believes that she will hate him when she gets better. After two years under Tommy's care, she regains her sanity. After Tommy lets her know that he cared for her out of his love for her; not for pity, Grizel is happy.
Marcia Harthorn
A bad-tempered lumber mill foreman is in love with the mill owner's daughter. But the owner would rather have his daughter marry a rich man. Gordon gets fired after he berates his workers and then starts a fight with his rival after papers are found that show he's been cheating the boss.
Bit Part
A 1921 silent film
(uncredited & cut)
Сельскохозяйственные рабочие Китон и Робертс живут в одном коттедже, полном разнообразных механических приспособлений, которые облегчают жизнь. Они сражаются за сердце дочери фермера. Китон переодевается чучелом и этим доставляет своему сопернику и фермеру массу проблем...