Crista Alfaiate

Crista Alfaiate

Рождение : , Lisboa, Portugal


Crista Alfaiate


Um Filme em Forma de Assim
Organized like a dream, structured like a musical and with texts, both spoken and sung, that lead us to unexpected, chaotic and exciting situations, which try to grasp part of what the unattainable Alexandre O'Neill left us.
Дневники Цугуа
В этом фильме все не то, чем кажется. Криста, Карлото и Жоао строят вольер для бабочек и попутно решают разные хозяйственные вопросы в небольшом поместье, отрезанном от внешнего мира. Героев зовут так же, как и актеров, которые их играют, хотя, возможно, это не игра, а они не актеры. Неуловимым образом в финале все становится на свои места и остается только оценить, как просто и тонко режиссеры пошутили или, наоборот, погрустили на тему самоизоляции.
Луиш - жизнерадостный мужчина предпенсионного возраста. Все чаще его можно встретить не в офисе, а за рулем автомобиля, поющего песни о том, что проносится перед глазами. Умеющий ловко избегать любых конфликтов, всегда с улыбкой наготове, Луиш за годы работы коммерческим директором фирмы по установке систем безопасности выработал уникальный навык счастливо избегать проблем и сложностей на работе. Даже смерть любимого кота, боль в колене или семейная ссора не может сбить его с позитивной волны: в мире нет ничего такого, что не могла бы исправить хорошая песня. Но при виде Люсинды его обычный репертуар вдруг приобретает новую тональность.
Avenida Almirante Reis em 3 Andamentos
A chronology of the Avenue Almirante Reis in Lisbon. Its past and present. A portrait of those that inhabit it.
The Nothing Factory
One night, a group of workers realises that the administration is stealing machines and raw materials from their own factory. As they organize to survey the equipment and block the relocation of production, they are forced to stand at their posts with no work to do, as a form of retaliation, while negotiations over general lay-offs take place. The pressure leads to a breakdown of the workers along with the world around them.
There's a film subtitler. There's a film she must urgently subtitle. There's the plot of that film, with which she relates on a level that will remain enigmatic to us. And in that film within the film there's a main character, whose dreams are being devoured, and other characters, interested in dreams as well, but far more practical. And there¹s music, and a promise of music. Timelessly wandering through the world.
The Room You Take
We stare at mirrors as if 'image' was a weapon of self-defense. At night, I hide in actors' dressing rooms for a working class experience. By day, I face an old theatre being razed to the ground, making way for a parking lot. Graffitis have curtains, the nose cap of an umbrella arises from a mount of sand. Oh, Happy Days! No need to stage anything! The bulldozer is a dinosaur whose teeth and gracious neck swings by a EU flag. In the boxes, we await the audience. Sometimes, nobody comes. Lost in a symbolic show of reality, I can only watch the world's end because all the endangered species perform and a reflecting labyrinth of life stories breaks through the glass of the Economic Eating Machine. Even when the sky is falling, theatre will always happen. So, choose the right place.
John From
Rita is fifteen and spends the summer between warm afternoons of teenage love and party nights with her friend Sara. From Portugal to the South Pacific, the pleasures of this routine will take a turn when the young girl visits the art show of a new neighbor in the local community.
Arabian Nights: Volume 3, The Enchanted One
Xerazade / Condessa Beatriz
In which Scheherazade doubts that she will still be able to tell stories to please the King, given that what she has to tell weighs three thousand tonnes. She therefore escapes from the palace and travels the Kingdom in search of pleasure and enchantment. Her father, the Grand-Vizier, arranges to meet her at the Ferris wheel, and Scheherazade resumes her narration: “Auspicious King, in old shanty towns of Lisbon there was a community of bewitched men who, in all rigour and passion, dedicated themselves to teaching birds to sing…”. And seeing the morning break, Scheherazade fell silent.
Arabian Nights: Volume 2, The Desolate One
Génio, Vaz da Vaca e Oliveira / Xerazade
In which Scheherazade tells of how desolation invaded men : “It hath reached me, O auspicious King, that a Judge will cry instead of giving out her sentence. A runaway murderer will wander through the land for over forty days and will teletransport himself to escape the Guard while dreaming of prostitutes and partridges. A wounded cow will reminisce about a thousand-year-old olive tree while saying what she must say, which will sound none less than sad ! The residents of a tower block in the suburbs will save parrots and piss inside lifts while surrounded by dead people and ghosts; including in fact a dog that…”. And seeing the morning break, Scheherazade fell silent.
Arabian Nights: Volume 1, The Restless One
Xerazade / Maria Punk
Every night, in danger of being beheaded, Scheherazade tells King Shahryar unfinished tales to continue them the following night, hence defying his promise of murdering his new wives after their wedding night. Scheherazade tells king Shahryar her stories but these are not those in the book. These are stories based on whatever will be happening in Portugal during the production time of the film. As in the book, these stories will be tragic and comical, with rich and poor, powerless and powerful people, filled with surprising and extraordinary events. This film will be about the reality of a disgraced country, Portugal, under the effects of a global economic crisis.
Arabian Nights
Some of the chapters from Arabian Nights are adapted to a modern Portugal in this epic.
Christmas Wrapping Paper
Dodu, a fearless little cardboard boy, Camilla, an enchanting 8-year-old girl and Santa, a Father Christmas for every day, rescue Camilla’s father from the claws of the Waste Monster. As part of their adventure they recycle the wrapping paper from the Christmas presents and are able to breathe in pure air with all Sky-Forests ad Earth-Forests.
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Elegant Woman
Молодые учащиеся теснятся на скамейке под ярким солнцем, держась за свои белые трости и прислушиваясь к знакам, которые должны помочь им сложить пазл своего существования. Все они — слепые дети и молодые люди, находящиеся в лиссабонской специализированной клинике с мировой известностью. Ян, их новый педагог по пространственной ориентации, хочет выйти за пределы традиционных рамок обучения и помочь им исследовать их окружение, не чувствуя себя уязвимыми или напуганными. Ян быстро завоевывает их доверие, что побуждает его попробовать поставить перед ними задачи с большим элементом риска. Используя нешаблонные методы, он хочет стимулировать их любопытство и воображение. Когда все заходит слишком далеко, возникает вопрос, насколько реален образ того мира, который Ян внушает своим ученикам? И насколько честен с ними сам Ян?
My Name Is Bernadette
Between February and July 1858, in the Massabielle cave, the Virgin appeared eighteen times to Bernadette Soubirous, a miserable little girl from Lourdes. A true revolution in the heart of the Second Empire that shakes the established order by his universal message of love and prayer.
The Sword and the Rose
Manuel bids farewell to his routine and boards a 15th century vessel under pirate law. Treason on board triggers a series of terrible events our protagonist overcomes while keeping his moral principles intact.
4 чашки
Диана живет с отцом Габриэлем и мачехой Мадалиной. В один прекрасный день она узнает, что Мадалина поддерживает отношения с другим мужчиной, и продолжает играть роль преданной супруги. Именно на этом этапе Диана решает вмешаться и поговорить с любовником Мадалины...