In Memory Of
Главный герой принимает приглашение поработать в течение года метеорологом на отдаленном острове посреди океана. Единственный обитатель острова, смотритель маяка, даже не выходит его поприветствовать. Но это окажется пустяком после ночи, проведенной в бревенчатом домике. С наступлением темноты странные существа из воды начинают осаду острова…
Production Design
Главный герой принимает приглашение поработать в течение года метеорологом на отдаленном острове посреди океана. Единственный обитатель острова, смотритель маяка, даже не выходит его поприветствовать. Но это окажется пустяком после ночи, проведенной в бревенчатом домике. С наступлением темноты странные существа из воды начинают осаду острова…
Himself - Art Director
Spain, 1961. Life in the small village of Torrelobatón, in the province of Valladolid, was turned upside down when the cinematic magic circus of a future Hollywood blockbuster, produced by Samuel Bronston, the rogue mogul of his own film empire, came to town: its inhabitants became participants and witnesses of the shooting of “El Cid,” a film directed by Anthony Mann, starring mythical actors Charlton Heston and Sophia Loren. Those days, legends came alive.
The Spanish author Enrique Jardiel Poncela (1901-1952) was one of the best comedy writers of all time, a novelist and newspaper columnist, misunderstood, even censored, both by the Second Republic government and Francoism, an outsider ahead of his time; also a filmmaker and screenwriter in Hollywood, architect of a revolutionary theatrical building and scenographer, cartoonist and illustrator. An implausible genius.
Set Decoration
Revolution in Spain, around the events of 2 May 1808, when the people of Madrid rise up in rebellion against French occupation.
Set Decoration
The small Asturian village of Cenciella, Spain, at the beginning of the twentieth century. The quiet life of Urbano and Estrella, a kind and naive couple in love, is seriously altered when they get involved in the fierce struggle between the local political factions.
Set Decoration
This movie has any coherent plot. It is more the portrait of the lives of different people in the hard years of post-war in Spain (the 40's), and how people manage to survive in a country desolated by the war. Like other films: la colmena or roma (fellini) it shows us lots of characters and some moments of their lives.
Production Design
В полдень в пятницу 20 июля 1714 года рухнул самый красивый мост в Перу. При падении мост увлек за собой в пропасть пятерых путников. Была ли смерть этих людей случайностью? Или, может быть, за страшной трагедией стояло провидение, промысел неких высших сил, воля Бога, судьба, рок? Один из свидетелей трагедии, монах-францисканец брат Юнипер берется расследовать события, приведшие к кровавой драме…
Production Design
Production Design
"Dama de Porto Pim" tells the story of a rich woman who arrives at a little Portuguese island while her husband is in the II World War; there, a humble fisherman, promised to marry a girl of the town, falls in love with her, and she will also fall in love with him, but his husband could come back.
Set Decoration
After his son dies, an elderly man comes back to Spain from the US and hopes to find out which of his granddaughters is true, and which one is bastard.
Set Decoration
Dr. Molinos, a prestigious cardiologist, and his wife Isabel are going through a serious marital crisis. They live in Oviedo, in the oppressive Spain of the 50s, in the company of two maids: Escolástica and Jovita. His only daughter, Maribel, entered a convent of nuns. The unexpected love felt by Dr. Molinos for Julia, a young doctor who is much younger than him, makes him feel alive again.
Production Design
Dr. Molinos, a prestigious cardiologist, and his wife Isabel are going through a serious marital crisis. They live in Oviedo, in the oppressive Spain of the 50s, in the company of two maids: Escolástica and Jovita. His only daughter, Maribel, entered a convent of nuns. The unexpected love felt by Dr. Molinos for Julia, a young doctor who is much younger than him, makes him feel alive again.
Production Design
A journalist starts an investigation into the disappearance of famed poet and political agitator, Garcia Lorca, who disappeared in the early days of the Spanish Civil War in the the 1930's.
Art Direction
A journalist starts an investigation into the disappearance of famed poet and political agitator, Garcia Lorca, who disappeared in the early days of the Spanish Civil War in the the 1930's.
Set Decoration
A group of nuns find an abandoned baby girl at the doorstep of their convent.
Production Design
Потратив несколько лет на подготовку беспрецедентного плавания, Христофор Колумб получает, наконец, аудиенцию у короля и королевы Испании. Преодолев финансовые препятствия, избежав хитроумной ловушки жестокого инквизитора, он во главе трех каравелл — «Санта-Мария», «Пинта», «Нинья» — отправляется в путешествие всей своей жизни. Его ждут необыкновенные приключения на море и коварные опасности на суше.
Set Decoration
In 1939, Ramón was a young man, caught up in his Barcelona family's involvement on the Republic side in the brutal Spanish Civil War. He and his family fled into exile ahead of Franco's troops. Now it is many years later, and he has come back to see how his old homestead fared in the intervening years. The only person he can find who is able to remember those years clearly is his family's old butler Claudio.
Production Design
В новой экранизации романа Дюма всем мушкетерам уже за сорок. Д`Артаньян прозябает в лейтенантах, Арамиса интересуют больше женщины, нежели религия, Портос богат, но несчастлив, Атос потихоньку спивается. И вот однажды всех четверых вновь вместе собирает приказ королевы. Теперь их главная соперница - дочь миледи, жаждущая отомстить за смерть матери.
Art Direction
A grotesquely disfigured harpooner called Iguana is severely mistreated by his fellow sailors on a whaling ship in the 19th century. One night he escapes and takes up residence on a remote island. He makes himself ruler of the island and declares war on mankind. Anyone unfortunate enough to wind up on the island with Iguana is subjected to his cruel tyranny.
Production Design
В основу фильма положены реальные исторические факты. Согласно некоторым источникам и полумифологическим преданиям, отразившимся даже в знаменитой легенде о Гаммельнском крысолове, в середине двенадцатого века, во времена войны за Святую землю короля Ричарда Львиное сердце, организовывались так называемые «детские крестовые походы». Когда сотни сирот с улиц отправлялись воевать за Грааль наравне со взрослыми, как божии воины, невинные души, которым в бою должен покровительствовать сам Всевышний. Однако чаще всего такие дети просто продавались в рабство, если оставались живы после всех тягот долгого пути.
Production Design
Добродушная и местами весьма забавная пародия на старые ковбойские вестерны, в которых хороший, главный герой, обычно поющий песни на фоне кактусов и заката, вступает в борьбу со злодеями, постепенно захватывающими всю землю под выпас овец.
Set Decoration
Mallorca, 1865. Mr Bearns' funerals, "better to dye thant to mix blood". Juan Mayol, orphan unknow his past and decides to rebuild his family history
Production Design
Ups and downs of a news agency led by Antonio Borja, a veteran journalist formed during the Franco regime, with the help of his godson and protegé Tomás. The threat of economic bankruptcy, the appearance of Julia, a young journalist from last university generations, the background of the world of tabloids (tricks used by celebrities to remain so, reports sold exclusively by interested parties, photos of Stolen nudes that have been previously agreed) and what is behind the covers of magazines that weekly buy people eager for gossip form the rest of the plot.
Production Design
A Nobel prize winner returns to his natal city looking for his home.
Set Decoration
Путешественник и исследователь Стенли, обнаружил у одного из племен в Южной Азии волшебный Оранжевый камень, способный обращать предметы в золото, делать их невидимыми, а затем материализовать и полностью их разрушить. Однако камнем овладевает злой барон Некруч, который с его помощью хочет обрести власть над всем миром. Но Стенли удается выкрасть камень вместе с бюстом бога Вишну. И вот теперь он приехал к профессору Осборну, чтобы вместе с ним противостоять Некручу желающему забрать у него камень.В замок профессора приезжают Энрике, учитель физкультуры и его сестра Анна. Вместе с ними музыкальная группа Коконут (Кокос). Борьба добра и зла в фильме сопровождается веселыми песнями в исполнении Энрике и Анны в сопровождении группы Коконут и завершается победой над бароном Некручем.
Art Direction
Путешествия в Долину Фараонов оборачивается для египтолога Эрики гораздо большим, чем она предполагала, — убийством, предательством, любовью и древним проклятием мумии.
Production Design
В фильме рассказывается о бывшем офицере английской армии, нанятом генералом Батистой для подавления партизанского движения в период, предшествовавший восстанию Кастро.
Production Design
В джунглях Южной Америки нацистский преступник врач Йозеф Менгеле собирается создать при помощи клонирования целую армию. А клонировать он собирается не кого-нибудь, а самого Гитлера. Но для начала ему необходимо убить некоего Эзра Либермана, который известен как охотник за военными преступниками.
Production Design
Подразделение Французского Иностранного легиона получает приказ охранять археологическую экспедицию, которая отправляется в Марокканскую пустыню продолжить поиски бесценной арабской гробницы. Первая экспедиция была уничтожена кочевниками. Вождь кочевников Эль Крим считает, что гробница должна принадлежать его племени, как символ свободы, и готов насмерть сражаться с легионерами за обладание древней святыней.
Set Decoration
Art Direction
Kingdom of Castile, 15th century. A group of nobles, who question the dynastic legitimacy of Princess Juana, daughter of King Enrique IV, conspire with the purpose of overthrowing him.
Set Decoration
Art Direction
Art Direction
После смерти короля Ричарда Львиное Сердце Робин Гуд и его неразлучный друг Маленький Джон возвращаются из крестовых походов в Англию, в Шервуд, где Робин встречает свою старую любовь Мэриан. Но старый шериф все еще на месте, и старая вражда разгорается вновь. Робин хочет только одного — он ведь уже совсем не молод — спокойно жить со своей любимой в родном лесу, но новый король отдает приказ уничтожить бунтовщиков. И тогда Робин выходит на свой последний поединок с заклятым врагом шерифом Ноттингемским.
Set Decoration
A shy girl named Ana is sent to an English boarding school. After a period of adjustment, she travels to London with two of her more world weary classmates and becomes the target for a trio of men who take illicit photographs of young girls to be published in 'Estimulation' Magazine.
Production Design
Начало 1900-х. Американка Эден и двое ее детей были похищены в Морокко лидером арабских мятежников Ахмедом Раисули. Конфликт мог привести к военному вмешательству, однако вскоре отношения Эден и Раисули сильно изменились. Спустя некоторое время, после освобождения Эден, мятежник сам стал пленником немецких захватчиков. С помощью Эден и благодаря содействию президента Теодора Рузвельта Раисули удалось бежать…
Art Direction
Three Vietnam vets have become so conditioned to violence that they have developed psychotic tendencies. They kidnap people, brutalize them, then turn them loose and hunt them like animals. However the father of one of their earlier victims is plotting a vicious revenge against them.
Production Design
Three Vietnam vets have become so conditioned to violence that they have developed psychotic tendencies. They kidnap people, brutalize them, then turn them loose and hunt them like animals. However the father of one of their earlier victims is plotting a vicious revenge against them.
Set Decoration
Harvey hires Mary to seduce his rival Larry and help him gain his revenge. But Maria and Larry fall in love and things become complicated.
Art Direction
A new vision of the Knight of the sad figure, which lives obsessed by the chivalry and its codes of honor. Accompanied by his unusual squire Sancho Panza, Don Quixote recalls some of the adventures they've shared.
Art Direction
На похоронах своей матери банковский клерк Генри Пуллинг знакомится со своей тетей Аугустой, немолодой эксцентричной женщиной, которая втягивает его в водоворот приключений…
Art Direction
Биографическая драма о трагической судьбе семьи последнего русского императора и о перевернувшей их мир революции.
Production Design
Биографическая драма о трагической судьбе семьи последнего русского императора и о перевернувшей их мир революции.
Art Direction
A blind sculptor works on his magnum opus unaware that the skeletons he has been using for armatures are the remains of the victims of his evil wife and that he is the next target.
Art Direction
По книгам «Паттон: испытания и триумф» и «История солдата» генерала Омара Н. Брэдли. Биография генерала Джорджа Паттона, чей темперамент часто оказывал влияние на ход военных действий во время второй мировой войны.
Art Direction
Разгар Второй мировой. Германия торопится закончить победный марш по Европе. Осталась непокоренной лишь Англия и для десантной операции Рейху необходимо полное господство над Королевским Воздушным Флотом. Завязывается величайшая воздушная битва в истории. Дни, недели и месяцы, по всему побережью «Спитфайры» и «Мессершмитты» крутят стремительную огненную карусель вокруг немецких бомбардировщиков, которые размеренными волнами день за днем накатываются на замершие города. Королевство превратилось в огромное бомбоубежище, над которым непрерывно идут жестокие схватки. Страна из последних сил строит и бросает в бой новые и новые самолеты, чтобы остановить эти смертельные стаи…
Art Direction
Art Direction
A turn of the century wild west show struggling to make a living in Mexico comes into the possession of a tiny prehistoric horse. This leads to an expedition to the Forbidden Valley where they discover living dinosaurs. They capture one and take it back to be put on display, leading to inevitable mayhem.
Art Direction
In this western, a Mexican desperado tries to flee his partner, a determined girl friend, and a US Marshal.
Set Costumer
Film based on the ballet 'Coppelia.' This version is completely silent, not containing the songs/narration, or animation of the later reworking, Mysterious House of Dr. C.
Art Direction
Film based on the ballet 'Coppelia.' This version is completely silent, not containing the songs/narration, or animation of the later reworking, Mysterious House of Dr. C.
Art Direction
When a group of isolated people in the Greek mountains set off a cave explosion, they are menaced by an invisible shrieking dinosaur that had been buried for eons
Production Design
When a group of isolated people in the Greek mountains set off a cave explosion, they are menaced by an invisible shrieking dinosaur that had been buried for eons
Art Direction
Свергают правительства, сражаются армии, но любовь переживает все. Нити знаменитого романа Бориса Пастернака вплетены в эпическое полотно в фильме Доктор Живаго, который Американский киноинститут занес в список из 100 лучших американских фильмов…
Art Direction
Tommy Tyler, a lazy Caribbean sailor, and his tom-boy daughter, Spring, are out to search for a buried treasure. Tommy brings aboard William Ashton, a young lawyer, to help with the search. Ashton turns out to be handy when they encounter dangerous rivals. Tommy also tries to play match maker between Ashton and Spring – a difficult task indeed.
Set Decoration
A playwright boasts he can commit a perfect crime in front of his friends, a police chief, a physician and a theater owner. Later, when the playwright's wife disappears, foul play is suspected. Did he murder her?
Set Decoration
A gang of Spanish pickpockets decide to send one of them to Chicago to learn how to be a gangster...
Set Decoration
Despite the advice that friends have given, Manuel wanders tentaderos and squares to see if they let him fight. After many calamities and thanks to Rafael, get a bullfight in Cordoba. From here, it rains contracts and get a series of victories, winning his first money.
Art Direction
Afther their wedding ceremony, Fernanda and Cosme Martínez go to a luxury hotel to consummate. They receive there some gifts and they find one fabulous diamant bracalet with a note for Fernanda thanking her for unfforgetable nights. Cosme feel jelause and Fernanda offended and during their wedding night they go from one place to another to find out the misunderstanding.
Set Decoration
The arrival of Francis, who owns a factory of surgical material in New York, caused a real stir in a family composed by her grandfather, Pepe, the son, Jose, and grandson, Pepito. Pepito falls in love with her even though Francis consider him a child. But Don Jose is also in love with the American. This situation creates a difficult situation between parent and child, that Francis seeks to remedy returning to the United States. But the grandfather, Pepe, has the solution ...
Set Decoration
Rafael, Miguel and Gabriel are three boys of different social status, who come to the call of the Flags of Hunters Parachute enroll in their ranks. Between them comes a great friendship and starring a host of incidents, until Rafael starts a relationship with Milagros, an attractive girl of Alcala.
Set Decoration
Art Direction
Синдбад, желая избавить свою невесту от колдовских чар злого колдуна Сакуры, отправляется к волшебному острову, где его и его друзей поджидает множество опасностей и испытаний. Синдбад должен победить мерзкого одноглазого циклопа и огромного дракона, сразиться с черным чародеем — и, в конце концов, одержав победу над силами зла и освободив от заклятья любимую, отправиться вперед, навстречу новым подвигам.
Set Decoration
Pedro, a street photographer who fought during the Spanish Civil War on the Republican side, becomes obsessed with a young model.
Set Decoration
Set Decoration
In a Eastern Germany harbor town, two siblings, Elsa (Sabine Bethmann) and Richard (Conrado San Martín) Wolff, help people to cladestinately cross the borders and escape from the communist regime to Western Germany, .
Production Design
An American police detective's investigation into a series of murders leads him to drug smugglers in North Africa.
Set Decoration
Estrella, a wild young woman, is lusted after by every man and therefore hated by the female community.
Set Decoration
Ivón, a chorus girl, and Hugo, a failed writer, arrive at a seaside hotel on a stormy night, along with Carlos, Hugo's 19-year-old son. When they decide to lean over the cliffs of the coast to observe the wild dance of the turbulent waves down below, an unexpected event tragically happens.
Set Decoration
A serene mind a person is in a coffee some of their experiences: the story of a poet who gives shelter, a nun who takes off to find a drug habits in the black market, and his own witness of a robbery and as a lover.
Set Decoration
Soledad enters a women reformatory led by modest nuns who look constantly for the welfare of their girls. These include the Sister Consolación, a humorous and cheerful nun who uses a little disconcerting methods to teach but very useful for the girls, to try to forget their past and prepare for a better future. Soledad takes confidence quickly and said she hopes a son of Fernando, a womanizing Andalusian young gentleman very attractive, which coincidentally, the Sister knows.
Set Decoration
During the April Fair in Seville neighborhood of Santa Cruz, Antonio, in love with Coral, will meet Esteban, her boyfriend. The end result is that Antonio is hurt and Esteban goes to prison. To avoid gossip, Coral asks his brother of moving. Cotufo agrees and the two move to a mansion in which, according to legend, lived a Christian and the daughter of a Moorish king, who died of grief of love.
Set Designer
Trini, a gipsy girl, and her uncle Regalito are tried for the theft of several hams. Some time later, she presents herself, disguised as a maid, at the house of her former prosecutor, who ends up falling in love with her.
Set Decoration
A marriage without great financial resources and bad luck wins a little lamb in a raffle. Once they have decided to have it for dinner on Christmas Eve, the couple warn that their children have grown too fond of the animal, now christened as Bolita.
Production Design
In the farmhouse Los Laureles, owned by Don Juan Manuel Almodovar, wealthy Andalusian landowner, everything is being prepared to receive José Luis, only child of Juan Manuel, who is being educated in a Jesuit school in England and is returning for a holiday with his father. Since the death of his wife, Juan Manuel has set all his love in his son. The father does everything his child says, even when he is asked to accompany him to the Venta del Remedio where a blind gypsy called "Colorín" lives. But at the after party a serious accident occurs
Set Decoration
A taxi driver participates in a singing contest of a radio station for non-professionals and enters the final round. Being among the finalists he meets at the radio station a famous singer and falls in love with her.
Set Decoration
Set Decoration
Tona, model of a fashion house goes to see her ex-boyfriend to claim for some letters and finds him dead. Under the fear that the crime is attributed to her and also because she will soon marry Ramon, a rich young man of good family, she says nothing and goes to work as usual to show models. Meanwhile, the police opens an investigation.
Set Decoration
Malvaloca, dancer and singer, go to Las Canteras when she finds out that Salvador, her exboyfriend has been hurt. Salvador's college, Leonardo, goes with her and falls in love. They start a relation.
Set Decoration
Set Decoration