Isabelle Weingarten

Isabelle Weingarten


Isabelle Weingarten


The Lion Sleeps Tonight
An aging movie actor who is preparing to shoot a death scene finds himself visited by the spirit of a dead, long-ago lover.
Still Photographer
Marat works as a personal driver in Almaty, capital of Kazakhstan. When he hits a Mercedes, the nightmare begins. The loan he accepts to pay for the damages puts him at the mercy of a Mafia boss.
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Set Photographer
Три профессиональных неудачника решили организовать свою политическую партию! Вот она — панацея от всех бед и проблем! Именно такая партия и нужна: партия озлобленных, обездоленных и неблагонадежных. Правда, три отца-основателя понятия не имеют о том, какими у партии будут программа, цели и название. Но это неважно! Главное дело сделано, все остальное — потом. В партию стали подтягиваться новые члены: только что вышедший из тюрьмы забулдыга; молодой предприниматель, которому очень понравилась одна из активисток, и даже араб из неблагополучного квартала с большим пистолетом..
Dry Cleaning
Set Photographer
A bored couple takes in a young man who turns their lives inside out.
I Can't Sleep
Still Photographer
In 1980s Paris, a series of murders captures public attention. Meanwhile, the gorgeous Daiga moves from Lithuania to Paris, immigrant musician Théo struggles to raise his young son, and Théo's brother, a gay transvestite named Camille, sings and dances in a cabaret for a living. All three grapple with isolation and the problems of modern living, but one of them could be so desperately alienated that they have a hand in the serial murders.
Caftan of Love
Directed by Moumen Smihi.
The Satin Slipper
L'ange gardien
During the century of the Spanish Gold, Doña Prouhèze, wife of a nobleman, deeply loves Don Rodrigo, who is forced to leave Spain and go to America. Meanwhile Prouhèze is sent to Africa to rule the city of Mogador. Ten years later Rodrigo leaves America and travels to Africa in search of Prouhèze to find out that she died and eventually meeting her daughter.
The consultation
A mother's visit to a psychoanalyst who does not belong to the human race. Issues of incest and racial intolerance.
Little Joseph
Joseph Galloudec seven years, lives in the eighteenth floor of a building in the Paris suburbs, between his mother Julia and her father Jean-Claude, a computer engineer and communist militant. His parents experiencing marital problems and his mother soon to give birth, he left for the summer holidays with his grandparents and three uncles, turbulent triplets. He discovers the castles of the Loire, Brittany and England. Upon his return, he met his sister Elisa, but her parents and tear her mother eventually left the home.
Положение вещей
Картина рассказывает о судьбе художника в мире коммерции.
The Territory
A small group of well-to-do vacationers go on a hiking trip into the woods. Foolishly unprepared to deal with Mother Nature and their situation, they wander around lost for days and weeks, becoming more and more fatigued, hungry, and desperate. A brief encounter with a pair of epicureans on a bridge fails to garner them any of the gluttons' feast due to a language barrier. Eventually their party begins to die, and the survivors ration their meat among them, attaching a religious-type ritual to its dispensation.
In the apartment of Benjamin Baltimore, cinema poster designer, we discover the universe of the early 80's in Paris.
Closet Children
A young man who seems lost, Nicolas, has an appointment with her sister Juliette. They are bound by a heavy childhood secret: their mother committed suicide when their father had instructed Nicolas to keep it. Since the father chased him and forbade Juliette to see him.
The Truth About the Imaginary Passion of an Unknown
A very personal interpretation, to say the least, of the passion of the Christ According to St. John.
Мамочка и шлюха
Бесконечный монолог главного героя, Александра, обо всем на свете, но прежде всего — о женщинах. О женщинах, которые его окружают, которые ему нравятся, которые не обращают на него внимания…
Четыре ночи мечтателя
Молодой художник бесцельно бродит по ночному городу и встречает Марту — печальную красивую девушку. Марта в отчаянии — её возлюбленный после года, проведённого в Йельском университете, видимо, забыл её и не пришёл на назначенную встречу. Художника трогает её горе, он пытается помочь Марте и она проникается к нему доверием.