Camila Mora-Scheihing


Генеалогия преступления
Адвокат Соланж берется за дело об убийстве. Главный подозреваемый — юноша по имени Рене. Для разгадки причин произошедшего она поселяется в его дом, где находит дневник его приемной матери Жанны. Далее реальность начинает переплетаться с событиями дневника.
À la belle étoile
The first emotions in love with a young man of seventeen: Thomas who understands that his life belongs to him at last. Four young women contribute to his sentimental education.
The Blind Owl
H., 35, an Arabian immigrant, works as projectionist in an old cinema. One day, drawn by the music, he looks through the window of the booth and is fascinated: the dancer he sees on the screen seems to be looking straight into his eyes. He falls in love with her, but the vision last only a moment. Shortly afterwards, an elderly man storms into the projection booth and claims he is his uncle.
 H. wants to prepare a meal for him and reaches for the oil bottle: he sees the same dancer on the label…. H begins to find echoes of his own life in the images he projects. Everything changes when fiction and reality merge...
Voyage of a Hand
In Voyage of a Hand, Ruiz constructs another of his concentric labyrinths that hits us right in the multifaceted center of our confusion. We might decide that what we receive was a story full of intentions; or we might decide that it was a spineless joke empty of sense or direction. In any case, it will be difficult to deny the acid sense of humor that animates the film.
Положение вещей
Картина рассказывает о судьбе художника в мире коммерции.
The Territory
A small group of well-to-do vacationers go on a hiking trip into the woods. Foolishly unprepared to deal with Mother Nature and their situation, they wander around lost for days and weeks, becoming more and more fatigued, hungry, and desperate. A brief encounter with a pair of epicureans on a bridge fails to garner them any of the gluttons' feast due to a language barrier. Eventually their party begins to die, and the survivors ration their meat among them, attaching a religious-type ritual to its dispensation.