Sara Sampaio

Sara Sampaio

Рождение : 1991-07-21, Porto, Portugal


Sara Sampaio (born 21 July 1991) is a Portuguese model best known for being a Victoria's Secret Angel and working for Calzedonia, as well as her appearance in the 2014 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Issue, a first for a Portuguese supermodel, for which she won Rookie of the Year. She has appeared in magazines such as GQ, Elle, Vogue, Glamour and Sports Illustrated. She won Portuguese Golden Globes in 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015 and 2016 for Best Female Model. Wikipedia


Sara Sampaio
Sara Sampaio
Sara Sampaio
Sara Sampaio
Sara Sampaio
Sara Sampaio
Sara Sampaio
Sara Sampaio


Eve Teschmacher
Superman, a cub reporter in Metropolis, embarks on a journey to reconcile his Kryptonian heritage with his human upbringing as Clark Kent.
Как жена
Ближайшее будущее. Недавно овдовевший детектив полиции Уильям живет с андроидом по имени Мередит. Пока он пытается раскрыть преступную схему торговли андроидами на черном рынке, Мередит начинает вести себя как его покойная жена. Ее преследуют ложные воспоминания о прошлой жизни, которые заставляют андроида сомневаться в собственной реальности.
Years after her son's disappearance, a mother keeps trying to find him after an abduction that justice cannot solve while she is moving in a universe that wants to force her to mourn a child that she believes is still alive.
Наркоторговец организует операцию по контрабанде фентанила между Канадой и США, архитектор, выздоравливающий от оксиконтиновой зависимости, ищет правду о причастности своего сына к наркомиру, а университетский профессор сражается с неожиданными откровениями о своем работодателе — влиятельной фармацевтической компании, выводящей на рынок новое «не вызывающее привыкания» обезболивающее.
A lorry, a road and an unpredictable destiny, all intersecting in a human trafficking network. Caught up in this web, Viktoriya has only one chance: fight to survive.
Sara Sampaio
15 минут славы рушат жизнь мужчины, работающего подставным зрителем на телевизионных шоу.
Sports Illustrated: The Making of SI's Swimsuit 2014: From Sand to Space
Billy Knight
The plot follows grad school students, Alex and Emily, as they navigate their careers as aspiring filmmakers. Alex is simultaneously grappling with the grief of losing his father, a failed screenwriter, who left him a box of unfinished scripts and a handkerchief with the name “Billy Knight” embroidered on it. Consumed with the desire to discover his identity, Alex embarks on a Hollywood adventure to track down this mysterious and reclusive Billy Knight.