Music Editor
The inimitable VW Beetle is losing all his races and destined for the scrap heap until mechanic Hank takes him over and gives him a new lease of life. Soon, Herbie is winning again, to the fury of his previous owner, who builds a menacing black bug to challenge Herbie to the ultimate race.
Music Editor
Доктор Макки, директор обсерватории в Колорадо, обнаруживает, что комета Флетчера отклонила от орбиты два огромных астероида, которые несутся к Земле. Ужаснейшая катастрофа в истории человечества приближается… со скоростью пятьдесят тысяч километров в час. Астероид Гелиос должен упасть на западе Америки и взорваться с мощностью тысячи атомных бомб, вызвав сильные пожары и землетрясения. А вскоре за ним последует его более крупный собрат — Эрос. Макки сообщает о приближающейся катастрофе директору Федерального агентства по чрезвычайным ситуациям Уоллаху. За 48 часов НАТО, Национальная гвардия, Военно — воздушные силы, Красный крест, полиция и пожарная охрана должны успеть подготовиться и дать отпор общему врагу — Астероиду.
Nathaniel Pickman Wingate has opened a gateway to another dimension using equations and equipment in his basement laboratory. His wife, Nancy, wants him to get ready for his own birthday party. He wants his son Sam to help him. Sam is up in his room looking at pictures of Jasmine on his computer, and a poster of her arrives which he puts in his closet. Although it is Nathan's birthday, the family is enthralled by a visit from Cousin Desmon, who is now a count in Liechtenstein. While Sam is away getting equipment for his father with his friend Alex, his father gets sucked into the other dimension, and a creature from the parallel universe escapes, pursued by another. The first temporarily traps the second with its spit, attacks Desmon, and becomes a duplicate, absorning his thoughts from the unconscious body. The other manages to get free, and unable to find a human to mimic, finds the poster of Jasmine...