Sometimes you get more than you pay for, but life advice from a self service check out, is probably the strangest deal you'll get in the supermarket today.
FRIEND REQUEST PENDING is a short comedy drama about the mature generation dating in our modern social networking world. It's a tale of love but more importantly life long friendship. The twelve-minute tale tells the story of Mary (Judi Dench) and Linda (Penny Ryder) who spend an afternoon discussing the pleasures, pitfalls and problems with using social networking to try and woo the local choirmaster Trevor (Philip Jackson).
FRIEND REQUEST PENDING is a short comedy drama about the mature generation dating in our modern social networking world. It's a tale of love but more importantly life long friendship. The twelve-minute tale tells the story of Mary (Judi Dench) and Linda (Penny Ryder) who spend an afternoon discussing the pleasures, pitfalls and problems with using social networking to try and woo the local choirmaster Trevor (Philip Jackson).
A Blitz mother confronts a home truth.
A Blitz mother confronts a home truth.
Crowd Assistant Director
В один прекрасный день над Землей нависли огромные звездолеты инопланетян, и людям объявили, что их родная планета подлежит сносу, а на ее месте будет проложено шикарное межзвездное шоссе. Н-да, не повезло человечеству. Кроме самого заурядного парня по имени Артур Дент, старый друг и собутыльник которого Форд Перфект оказался… инопланетянином!