Armando Orive Alba


Poor, hungry peasant Macario longs for just one good meal on the Day of the Dead. After his wife cooks a turkey for him, he meets three apparitions, the Devil, God, and Death. Each asks him to share his turkey, but he refuses all except Death. In return, Death gives him a bottle of water which will heal any illness. Soon, Macario is more wealthy than the village doctor, which draws the attention of the feared Inquisition.
Born to Love
Vanilla, Bronze and to Die
A beautiful woman, fatally ill of the heart, is torn between the love of a poor sculptor and a forced marriage with the sadistic son of a millionaire.
Фильм поставлен по мотивам сказки Шарля Перро и рассказывает о приключениях восьми братьев — сыновей бедного дровосека и самого маленького из них — Мальчика-с-пальчика. Неоднократно выручал мальчик-с-пальчик своих братьев из беды, перехитрил страшного свирепого людоеда, отыскал волшебную палочку и превратил людоеда в доброго великана, а его жену в прекрасную фею.
La vida tiene tres días
Big-city songwriter and small-town music student conduct a romance by mail, then finally meet.
The River and Death
A useless and bloody vendetta has been going on for ages between two families in this Mexican village. Men, sons, have killed each other for generations, for a so-called conception of honor in a revenge that never ends since it is also triggered by people of the village. Now, today, there are only two sons left, one in each family. One has become a doctor in the big city and his culture is modern. The other last one - of the other family - hasn't left the village and is waiting for the doctor to come "home" as he plans to kill him, to settle this war on this matter of honor once and for all. And the people of the village want blood.
Illusion Travels by Streetcar
Confronted with the unfortunate news that their favorite Streetcar, no. 133, is going to be decommissioned, two Municipal Transit workers get drunk and decide to "take 'er for one last spin," as it were. Unfortunately, the "one last spin" ends up being an all-night and all-day scramble to stay out of trouble, as they are confronted with situation after sometimes bizarre situation that prevents them from returning the "borrowed" Streetcar!
Las cinco advertencias de Satanás
Satan plays a trick on two roues, telling them five things that are predestined to happen to them, but leaving out some crucial details. Then he sits back and laughs as they struggle against their preordained situations.