John Caesar


Doctor Who: Invasion of the Dinosaurs
R/T Soldier
The Third Doctor and Sarah arrive in 1970s London to find it has been evacuated because dinosaurs have appeared mysteriously. It turns out the dinosaurs are being brought to London via a time machine to further a plan to revert London to a pre-technological level.
Ticket Clerk (Uncredited)
Главный герой, гангстер Чес, случайно убивает своего мафиозного босса и теперь ищет убежища в доме друга, бывшего рок-певца, который практикует свободную любовь, экспериментирует с наркотиками всех видов и любит носить женскую одежду. Постепенно в образ жизни приятеля втягивается и Чес. «Представление» — очень яркий продукт эпохи хиппи, демонстрирующий шокированному зрителю несимулированный секс и употребление наркотиков, но все это наполнено такой долей интеллекта и остроумия, что не проникнуться разудалой атмосферой просто невозможно.
Doctor Who: The Macra Terror
When the Second Doctor, Polly, Ben and Jamie visit a human colony that appears to be one big holiday camp, they think they have come across a truly happy place. Yet a shadowy presence soon makes them realise that the surface contentment is carefully controlled.
Doctor Who: The Ark
The Doctor and his companions Steven Taylor and Dodo Chaplet arrive some ten million years into the future, on board a generation starship which is carrying the last of humanity away from an Earth that is about to fall into the Sun. However, the cold that Dodo has could prove devastating to these future humans and their servants, the Monoids.
Doctor Who: The Romans
Man in Market
The TARDIS crew take up residence near Rome in 64AD, where Ian and Barbara are kidnapped by slave traders, and the Doctor's imitation of Maximus Pettulian sees him taken to the court of Emperor Nero where he inadvertently plays a part in deciding the course of history...