1965 год. Трем спец агентам "Массада" было поручено найти и доставь живым бывшего фашистского хирурга. Этот псих до сих пор пытает людей. И его жертвами стлали более 1000 человек. Команда разрабатывает план и захватывает маньяка. Операция пошла не так. Но все же спец агенты выполнили задания. а через 30 лет их выполненная миссия встает под вопросом. И теперь одному из члена отреда предстоит расследовать это дело. Вспоминая весь ужас, что они пережили той ночью.
The year is 1964. Rachel Brener is one of 3 young Mossad agents teem who caught "THE SURGEON OF BIRKENAU" - a Nazi monster who was never brought to trial in Israel. The official reason was that he was shot to death while trying to escape from Israeli captivity in a safe house somewhere in Europe. 30 years after, the well communicated death story of the monster could be questionable, a small article appears in a local unimportant paper in a small town in Ukraine. Surprisingly the Surgeon is ALIVE and is willing to admit his crimes against the human race and especially the Jews. The 3 older x Mossad agents who are in their late 60th became aware to this unfortunate threatening knowledge. The fact was that the "Surgeon" managed to escape from his guards 30 years ago.
The year is 1964. Rachel Brener is one of 3 young Mossad agents teem who caught "THE SURGEON OF BIRKENAU" - a Nazi monster who was never brought to trial in Israel. The official reason was that he was shot to death while trying to escape from Israeli captivity in a safe house somewhere in Europe. 30 years after, the well communicated death story of the monster could be questionable, a small article appears in a local unimportant paper in a small town in Ukraine. Surprisingly the Surgeon is ALIVE and is willing to admit his crimes against the human race and especially the Jews. The 3 older x Mossad agents who are in their late 60th became aware to this unfortunate threatening knowledge. The fact was that the "Surgeon" managed to escape from his guards 30 years ago.