Amy Lockwood


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Assistant Set Decoration
Лондон, 1950-е. Отчаявшийся голливудский кинопродюсер решает поставить фильм по популярной пьесе. Вскоре всех участников постановки убивают, и расследовать это берутся уставший инспектор Стоппард и усердный новичок, констебль Сталкер.
You, Me and Him
Set Decoration
Despite their age difference, Lesbian couple Olivia and Alex are very much in love. But as the question of pregnancy rears its head and their neighbour John befriends them, they both start making some truly disastrous decisions.
The Banksy Job
Art Direction
Documentary about a man who steals a Banksy piece.
Writers Retreat
Art Direction
At a writers' retreat on an isolated island, novelist Zandra joins a group of strangers confronting their darkest secrets. But when a member of the party mysteriously disappears, they realize there's something else on the island.