Paul Weigel

Paul Weigel

Рождение : 1867-02-18, Halle an der Saale, Province of Saxony, Prussia [now Saxony-Anhalt, Germany]

Смерть : 1951-05-25


German born Paul Weigel was an actor in American movies. He is perhaps best remembered for his performances in For Heaven's Sake (1926), The Invisible Ray (1936), and The Great Dictator (1940).


Paul Weigel


The Governor's Butler (uncredited)
A girl enlists a psychic to get rid of her murderous alternate personality.
Дерево растет в Бруклине
Candy Store Proprietor (uncredited)
Фильм повествует о взрослении девочки, которая старается сохранить идеализм, несмотря на окружающие ее жестокие реалии, в том числе нищету и алкоголизм отца.
Happy Land
Pop Schmidt
An Iowa drugstore owner becomes embittered when his son is killed in World War II. The druggist believes that the boy's life was cut short before he had an opportunity to truly appreciate his existence.
Above Suspicion
Elderly Man (Uncredited)
Two newlyweds spy on the Nazis for the British Secret Service during their honeymoon in Europe.
Reunion in France
Old Man (uncredited)
Frenchwoman Michele de la Becque, an opponent of the Nazis in German-occupied Paris, hides a downed American flyer, Pat Talbot, and attempts to get him safely out of the country.
Miss V from Moscow
Henri Devalier
Set in the shadows of wartime Paris, this 1940s drama directed by Albert Herman stars Lola Lane, Noel Madison and Howard Banks. When a Soviet secret agent discovers her uncanny resemblance to a dead Nazi spy, she infiltrates the enemy and works to save U.S. ships from German submarines. Assisting her on her mission are French underground agents, along with an American serving in the British armed forces.
Жанна Парижская
Janitor at Mlle Rosay's
Нацистские войска вторгаются во Францию. Пять бомбардировщиков английской эскадрильи оказываются на земле и лётчики вынуждены скрываться. Они должны добраться до британской разведки в Париже. Гестапо уже разыскивает их, и пилоты нуждаются в гражданской одежде. В поисках они находят бар на окраине Парижа. По случайности, там работает барменшей девушка, чьей святой покровительницей является Жанна д’Арк…
Ночной кошмар
Gus- Deleicatesson Proprietor (uncredited)
Промоутер Фрэнки Кристофер обвинен в убийстве модели Викки Линн, для которой он был покровителем некоторое время назад. В полицейском участке происходит допрос обвиняемого, во время которого он рассказывает двум инспекторам Эдду Корнеллу и Джерри МакДоналду как несколько месяцев назад он, поспорив со своими приятелями, согласился сделать из простой официантки королеву эстрады. Для этого они выбрали Вики — общую знакомую официантку, девушку красивую и амбициозную. Эксперимент резко пошел в гору, девушка буквально захватила сердца зрителей и даже умудрилась заключить контракт с Голливудом, но внезапная смерть от руки неизвестного убийцы прервала ее жизнь. Полиция сразу заподозрила в этом преступлении Фрэнки, которого девушка не пожелала видеть рядом собой в Голливуде, и теперь парню предстоит доказать что он не совершал убийства, хотя все обстоятельства указывают на него…
Почта от Рейтера
Professor Gauss (uncredited)
Фильм о Поле Джулиусе Рейтере, который создал первое агентство новостей «Рейтер».
Великий диктатор
Mr. Agar
Первый полностью звуковой фильм Чарльза Чаплина. Он играет сразу две роли: фашистского диктатора Аденоида Хинкеля (недвусмысленно загримированной под Гитлера) и еврея — парикмахера, который как две капли воды похож на него.
Vladimir, with Letter from Leon (uncredited)
В Париж прибывают посланцы Страны Советов, чтобы выгодно продать национализированные драгоценности, и на вырученные деньги купить оружие и продукты. Неожиданно выясняется, что часть бриллиантов принадлежала до революции великой княгине Сване, которая посылает своего юриста и любовника Леона уладить дела с "красными". Вкусившие сладкую парижскую жизнь, они заранее готовы на все, лишь бы подольше пробыть здесь. Но поскольку от посланцев ни слуху, ни духу, в Париж с чрезвычайной миссией выезжает несгибаемая революционерка Ниночка… Узнав об этом, Леон решает соблазнить "комиссаршу"…
Никогда не отчаивайся
Миллионер ипохондрик Джон Кидли приезжает лечиться в небольшое альпийское местечко. Но и тут его находит охотница за миллионами миссис Марко и вынуждает дать обещание жениться на ней. Доктор, по ошибке, выносит ему смертельный диагноз – Джону осталось жить всего месяц, вообщем хуже некуда. Все меняется, когда он встречает очаровательную Микки Хоукинс...
The Gold Racket
Daniel Forbes
At the request of the Mexican government, a federal agent and a lady reporter team up to catch a gang that has been smuggling gold from Mexico to the U.S. and then selling it to the U.S. government.
French Telegrapher
Two reporters pose as man and wife in order to get the goods on a munitions supplier and the rumours of war in Europe.
Дочь Дракулы
Transylvania Innkeeper
В Трансильвании живет красавица, которая ненавидит зеркала. Вместо обычного отражения графиня Залеска видит в зеркале пустоту, потому что она дочь могущественного вампира Дракулы, унаследовавшая страсть к человеческой крови. Ее красота - страшная сила, прекрасная аристократка завлекает в свои смертельные объятия молодых и красивых мужчин из высшего общества, которые или погибают от ее поцелуя, или превращаются в упырей. Профессор Ван Хельсинг, избавивший мир от графа Дракулы, начинает охоту за его дочерью. Он знает, что вампиры наиболее уязвимы во время дневного сна в гробу. Охотник за вампирами должен найти гроб, в котором почивает графиня Залеска.
Sutter's Gold
Story of the gold strike on an immigrant's property that started the 1849 California Gold Rush.
Невидимый луч
Monsieur Noyer
Доктор Янош Рух обнаруживает источник нового излучения, которое обладает почти волшебными целебными свойствами. Но вещество таит в себе и опасность, и оно начинает влиять на разум Руха. Охваченный паранойей, он подозревает, что его открытие украли другие ученые. Одержимый жаждой мести, Рух собирается использовать собственное отравленное тело в качестве орудия убийства.
Just My Luck
Homer Crow, fired from his laboratory job at the Dunn-Wright Rubber Company, is sure that his formula for an indestructible rubber, called Durex, will be a success. Others are also, and Honer endures many obstacles, prat-falls and staged accidents while striving to protect his inventions.
One More Spring
Three people live together in the maintenance shed at Central Park as an alternative to living on the streets.
I'll Tell the World
Telegraph Operator
Lee Tracy once again plays a Winchellesque newspaper reporter in Universal's I'll Tell the World. More interested in his sex life than his career, news hawk Brown nonetheless agrees to cover the activities of a European archduke on behalf of his wire service.
Soul of the Slums
Brother Jacob
A young man, framed and sent to prison for a crime he didn't commit, is released after serving his stretch and vows to find those responsible for framing him. Meanwhile he sets up a mission in the slums he came from, and falls in love with a girl he meets there.
Чудесная девушка
Florence's Father (uncredited)
Флоренс Фэллон, дочь проповедника, после смерти отца остается в бедственном положении. Ее втягивает в аферу мошенник Хорнсби. Они открывают храм, и пока Флоренс проповедует и творит мнимые чудеса, Хорнсби обирает ее прихожан. Однажды Флоренс нечаянно спасает слепого юношу, и между молодыми людьми вспыхивает любовь. Флоренс хочет вернуться к честной жизни, но Хорнсби препятствует этому…
The Vanishing Legion
Oil Co. Director Larribee
A mysterious master criminal known as The Voice plots with his gang to sabotage the Milesburg Oil Company, but the rightful heir has a secret army of her own to protect her rights.
The Boudoir Diplomat
Dr. Munaterra
The ambassador of the Kingdom of Luvaria orders Baron Belmar, his attaché, to win the interest of Mona, wife of the war minister, who opposes a treaty the ambassador very much wants signed. However, his mission is complicated by the fact that Helene, the ambassador's wife, is extremely jealous of every woman he meets, for she was responsible for getting him his appointment as attaché. Belmar, nevertheless, is in love with Greta, who will not marry him until he is proven worthy of her trust. After many narrow escapes from exposure of the personal intrigue, he manages to sway the attentions of Mona, who persuades the war minister to sign the treaty, thus gaining Belmar an appointment as ambassador to Peru and Greta as his wife.
The Costume Falls
This is the German-language version of 1930's "The Way of All Men", shot by Warner Bros. in Hollywood with a German-speaking cast.
Isle of Lost Men
Preacher Jason
The Isle of Lost Men is one of those lawless tropical island colonies so beloved of adventure-story writers.
Code of the Air
Redhead's father
Blondy and Swede are gruff best friends who build skyscrapers. Blondy gets sweet on a girl he saves from a falling beam, Sally, but when he is injured in an accident and temporarily crippled, he rejects her. Swede tries every desperate measure to get Blondy to fight back, to try to walk, even masquerading as stealing Sally away from him.
Hidden Aces
Serge Demidoff
Larry 'Hutch' Hutchdale, gentleman thief, is keeping an eye on the newly-arrived Princess Orloff of Russia...and not just because of her curvaceous figure. The woman's jewel necklace is worth a fortune. But her secretary, Natalie Kingston, is secretly a famed cat burglar, and wants the necklace for herself. The two thieves outwit each other at every turn, all the while realizing they're a perfect match. But the star-crossed lovers have a surprise on their hands when they realize the jewels are a fake, and the princess an imposter! Hidden Aces was Charles Hutchison's seventh and final appearance as 'Hutch' Hutchdale, the character he originated in 1921's Hurricane Hutch.
Blonde or Brunette
Adolphe Menjou stars in a Roaring Twenties comedy of remarriage.
По воле небес
Brother Paul, the Optimist
Молодой миллионер-бездельник Гарольд Мэннерс, живёт беспечно и совсем не знает жизни без денег. Но всё меняется, когда он, случайно оказавшись в бедной части города, влюбляется в красавицу-простушку.
A Lover's Oath
Sheik Rustum
"The plot introduces Omar as a leader of his people but deals rather with the love of his nephew, Ben Ali, for the fairest daughter of the tribe" (Variety, 7 Oct 1925, p44).
The last of the impetuous Varicks, Lady Helen Haden is married to Sir Bruce Haden, a brute who treats her shamefully. She falls in love with Ned Thayer, a young American, but refuses to divorce her husband because of the attendant scandal and disgrace. Sir Bruce gains possession of a love letter written to Ned by Lady Helen and divorces her. Ned goes to Africa, and Lady Helen comes to the United States, where she encounters Rudolph Solomon, an art collector who wants her to become his mistress. The noblewoman at first refuses, but when her money runs out, she agrees to the proposal and attends a party at his home. Ned, who has learned of the divorce, comes looking for Helen and meets her at Solomon's party. Lady Helen is so humiliated and ashamed that she rushes from the house and throws herself in front of an automobile.
Excuse Me
Rev. Job Wales
A sailor and his would-be bride search their train for a clergyman to marry them.
Soft Shoes
Dummy O'Day
Sheriff Pat Halahan comes into an inheritance and travels to San Francisco to collect. Faith O’Day, a cat burglar armed with pistol and flashlight breaks into his hotel room and demands that Halahan cough up his dough. Halahan sees her threat and raises her a one-dollar bet that he can return a brooch she stole earlier the same evening before its loss is discovered. Pulling off his boots to slip on his own “soft shoes,” Halahan sets off to do a little second-story work, not realizing the trouble he’s in for.
Folly of Vanity
Old Roué (fantasy sequence)
This drama had two directors: Maurice Elvey handled most of the film, but the fantasy sequence was directed by Henry Otto. Newlyweds Alice and Robert are already having differences over money. He gets angry at her extravagances, especially when she spends more than they can afford on an imitation pearl necklace. Ridgeway, a client of Robert's, invites the couple to a party. Robert wants to decline, but Alice insists that they go. Ridgeway loans Alice a real pearl necklace, to "restore their lustre," and everyone heads for his yacht. Ridgeway pays Alice a lot of attention, while a young widow tries to vamp Robert.
Mademoiselle Midnight
Napoleon III (Prologue)
Renée (Mae Murray) is the heiress of a Mexican ranch, granddaughter of a woman known for her recklessness and frivolity at night. This first "Mademoiselle Midnight" is banished in the opening scene by Napoleon III at Empress Eugenie's insistence to Mexico. Renee is kept locked at the hacienda at night by her father to prevent her following in her grandmother's wayward footsteps. She falls in love with a visiting American (Monte Blue) but is also pursued by the craven outlaw Manuel Corrales. Miss Murray gets to do some of her trademark dancing, but this one isn't a comedy, despite comic relief provided by Johnny Arthur.
Bag and Baggage
Bluebeard's 8th Wife
Marquis DeBriac
John Brandon, an American millionaire, has been married seven times but never found love. Then, when he is in Paris, Mona de Briac comes into his life. Mona comes from an noble family who is facing ruin.
Up and Going
Father Le Claire
In Up and Going, based on Mix's own story, Arctic Trails, the star played a titled, polo playing Northwest Mounted Police officer. From an elderly woman, Tom learns that childhood girlfriend Jackie McNabb is being kept prisoner by evil Basil Du Bois.
Hajj, a rascally beggar on the periphery of the court of Baghdad, schemes to marry his daughter to royalty and to win the heart of the queen of the castle himself.
The Breath of the Gods
Count Ronsard
While attending college in Washington, D.C., Yuki Onda, the daughter of a Japanese samurai, meets and falls in love with Pierre Le Beau, a diplomatic attaché. At the outbreak of the Russo-Japanese War, Pierre is sent to Japan as attaché to the Australian ambassador. When Yuki's father discovers his daughter's romance with a foreigner, he becomes enraged and betroths her to Prince Hagane for political reasons.
The Red Lane
Father Leclair
After returning home from years spent in a convent, Marie Beaulieu, is shocked to discover that her father, the leader of a band of smugglers, desires she marry Dave Roi, one of the members of the band.
Under Crimson Skies
Plum Duff Hargis
The captain of a sailing ship has an affair with the wife of one of his passengers, and gets mixed up in a mutiny at sea and a revolution.
Luck in Pawn
William Rainier
Country girl Annabel Lee has big dreams of being a famous artist. Her widowed mother encourages her to go to the city so she can study. Annabel works hard, but she sells only one painting. She discovers that a renowned artist is spending the summer at a nearby resort, so she sends him her best work for a critique. A friend recommends that she see him in person, so Annabel pawns a piece of jewelry and heads for the resort. The artist informs her that she doesn't have enough talent to achieve much.
Father Felician
In the Canadian province of Acadia, young Evangeline is betrothed to Gabriel. But before their wedding can take place, the British imprison the men and send them into exile with their lands forfeit to the Crown Evangeline follows the exiled men in hopes of finding her beloved, but even after he and the other Acadians are released in Louisiana, she cannot find him, always arriving at some locale just after he has departed. But she dedicates her life to searching the continent for the man she loves.
Happiness À La Mode
Attorn Logan
Easygoing Barbara Townsend is never jealous and allows her husband, Richard (Harrison Ford), to come and go as he pleases. Townsend, however, takes her considerate nature as neglect and he believes that Barbara has ceased to love him. Vampy Dorothy Mitchell convinces Townsend that he should seek a divorce, which he does, and Barbara is too proud to object.
Her Body in Bond
Emmett Gibson
The cabaret act of husband-and-wife dancing team Peggy and Joe Blondin is broken up when Joe becomes consumptive and is ordered West to recuperate. Peggy remains in New York to maintain the couple's income but gradually becomes desperate when letters sent her by her husband request more and more money. Joe's letters actually are being intercepted and rewritten by millionaire Harlan Quinn, who has designs on Peggy and wishes to portray Joe's situation as hopeless. After receiving a particularly alarming letter, Peggy consents to sell her honor to Harlan.
The Only Road
Manuel Lopez
Tomboy Nita, a vegetable seller in a small Californian town, believes herself to be the daughter of poor ranch workers, but she is actually the daughter of Clara Hawkins, a wealthy neighbour who was stolen at birth and presumed dead. (NFA Catalogue)
Forbidden Paths
Luis Valdez
Sato (Sessue Hayakawa) faithfully works for importer James Thornton (James Neill). When the old man dies, he leaves his daughter Mildred (Vivian Martin) in Sato's care. Sato loves the girl, but as he is Japanese he cannot hope to ever marry her (at least not in the racially prejudiced era of the early 1900s). Besides, Mildred loves Harry Maxwell (Tom Forman), who was raised alongside her.
The Inner Shrine
Undetermined Role
Bad woman turns good, but as a recent widow finds her past a roadblock in terms of accepting remarriage.
The Bond Between
Carl Riminoss
Pierre Duval is a night watchman at a museum of art who dotes on his art student son, Jacques. One evening at the museum, Pierre finds a highly valuable painting missing, and since Jacques had just left, he believes his son stole it.
The Black Wolf
Old Luis
In the Spanish Mountains, the Black Wolf, a bandit, reigns at the head of his band, known as "The Charcoal Burners."
The Intrigue
Attaché to the Baron
A sci-fi/espionage film in which world powers vie for control of a death ray during World War I as an undercover countess infiltrates enemy ranks to prevent them from getting their hands on the weapon.
Joy Tonic
"Big Boy" goes on a fun rampage in this Jack White production