Director of Photography
A troop of monks from the Shaolin Temple embark on a mission to get the Golden Sutra to Tibet after the Shaolin Abbot is killed by their traitorous teacher. They are joined on their quest by a beautiful, female warrior – with aims to avenge her father's death. They traverse forests and mountains on their mission, all the while fighting off deadly ninja assassins, vicious gangsters and even the undead.
Director of Photography
Leung Cheng-Yee is a successful architect who is mistakenly involved in a complex and vicious murder plot. After his wife is murdered and his life turned completely upside down, Leung decides to seek a bloody vengeance himself.
Director of Photography
Провинившуюся служанку Небесной госпожи вместе с ее возлюбленным пытаются казнить, но парочке удается сбежать в мир смертных – благодаря вовремя вставшему на их защиту стражнику. Последнего также изгоняют и он реинкарнируется в виде обычного таксиста, который впоследствии погибнет, пытаясь защитить от бандитов еще одну парочку влюбленных. Так он попадает в ад…
Director of Photography
В центре событий бесценный нефритовый амулет, за которым охотятся самые разные воины — у каждого свои планы на сокровище, и каждый не остановится ни перед чем, чтобы его заполучить.
Director of Photography
Умирающий учитель кунг-фу просит своего студента найти пятерых своих бывших учеников, разбредшихся по свету. Каждый из них обучался одному определенному стилю: Сороконожка, Змея, Скорпион, Ящерица и Жаба — и эти пятеро в данный момент ищут сокровища, которые завещал Клану Ядовитых какой-то богатый старик. Герой Сун Чьена должен найти их, узнать, во зло или во благо они собираются использовать эти деньги, и если во зло, убить всех ослушавшихся. Дело осложняется тем, что не все из этих пятерых знают друг друга, а также они не знают, что это за старик, владеющий такими деньгами, что вынуждает героев разбиться на два лагеря, члены каждого из которых не знают оставшихся в лицо.
Director of Photography
Первая часть закончилась на том, что Куо женился на дочери великого мастера Хуанга. Однако попытка уехать с острова Хуанга не увенчалась успехом — враги Куо ранили его учителя. Раненный, тот завещает Куо и его жене принять на время его пост вождя клана нищих…
Director of Photography
н Тунг — обычный деревенский парнишка, впервые попадающий в Гонконг, где его устраивает у себя дедушка. Тунг отлично владеет кунгфу, но это ему не помогает, а лишь провоцирует неприятности — парень переходит дорогу местным бандитам и вынужден бежать в США. Но и на новом месте Тунг не может избавиться от старых проблем.
Director of Photography
После нападения правительственных войск сыновей двух повстанцев забирают к себе разные люди с условием, что через 18 лет парни встретятся и померятся силами. Одного начинает обучать могущественный монах, а второго семеро странствующих бандитов. Проходит 18 лет, второй из ребят приезжает в город, где должна состояться дуэль, но его кунгфу все еще оставляет желать лучшего…
Director of Photography
Millionaire Chu Te-Sa invests his considerable wealth into the rebel movement who are intent on usurping the ruling Mongol powers. His goals are impeded by a lack of support though and the supposed allies he has made in the town are merely eager to get their hands on his money. During an attack where these craven 'comrades' flee, Chu befriends three con-artists who relish the chance to show off their fighting skills. The trio subsequently agree to help Chu in his quest to end Mongol rule and hatch a plan to destroy a major munitions dump
Director of Photography
Отряд китайских диверсантов совершает рискованную миссию по уничтожению японского флагманского корабля! Действие происходит в 1937 году.
Director of Photography
Действие происходит в Шаолине — этом монастыре-легенде, где с древних времен молодые люди учились всевозможным боевым искусствам. Двое юношей по окончании курса Шаолиня решают оставить свой монастырь, чтобы найти тех, кто много лет назад убил их отцов. Когда, выполнив свою миссию, они вернулись, то узнали, что Шаолинь — их второй дом — осажден неприятельскими войсками и вот-вот будет взят.
Director of Photography
An honourable carriage driver finds love and death when he battles particularly homicidal street punks
Director of Photography
Heroism and romance combine in an action-packed martial arts story. When the Shaolin are betrayed by White-Browed Hermit, hotheaded warrior-hero Fong Sai Yuk vows revenge.
Director of Photography
Разгар Второй Мировой войны, японские войска продвигаются вглубь Китая. После очередной битвы от китайских войск остается лишь несколько человек, которые окапываются в полуразрушенном форте, в котором не осталось никаких средств связи, и решают держать оборону, во что бы то ни стало.
Director of Photography
Three young martial arts brothers, played by Chi Kuan-chun, Alexander Fu Sheng and Leung Kar-yan, go in search of fellow patriots dissatisfied with Imperialist foreigners and wind up joining a rising sect of the Boxers, led by an opportunistic conman. Named as such for their use of martial arts, these boxers are revolutionaries who believe that spirits protect their bodies from foreign guns. They even dupe the Empress Dowager, who gives them her royal blessing to fight the foreigners.
Director of Photography
Set at the time of Italian explorer Marco Polo's historic expedition to China ,during the reign of Monogol ruler Kublai Khan, it stars American actor Richard Harrison as Polo. Taking considerable liberties with the historic record, the film has Polo turning up as an Imperial Inspector assigned to root out Chinese rebles in the south, but eventually being won over to their cause.
Director of Photography
In The Fantastic Magic Baby, director Chang Cheh weaves a wild and woolly yarn about how the legendary Monkey King and Goddess of Mercy battle and defeat the child god Hung Hai-erh then point him down the road to righteousness.
Director of Photography
A penniless bumpkin from the country who fights his way to quick riches in the city as an enforcer for a textile factory that's threatened by a competitor.
Director of Photography
После сожжения храма Шаолинь пятеро выживших старших послушников сбегают от маньчжуров и, разойдясь в разные стороны, договариваются пройти по стране в поисках патриотов, готовых сражаться с режимом. Однако старые враги шаолиньцев и предавший их Ма Фу Йи начали разыскивать их с удвоенной силой…
Director of Photography
Na Cha stars Fu Sheng as the prodigal son of a wealthy local official. When obnoxious sea dragons take on human form and cause trouble on the land, he realizes that the common people need help and takes up his mantle as their protector, fighting the dragons and their flunkies with the aid of supernatural powers.
Director of Photography
After the destruction of the Shaolin Temple, the Chings are in control and send their best students to wipe out all of the remaining Shaolin practioners. They almost succeed, but two students escape. They learn various Kung Fu styles from different teachers to combat the Ching's two kung fu fighters.
Director of Photography
Hua Heng is a poverty-stricken aspiring painter whose day job involves painting the ads that go up on the sides of buildings. He and his buddies hang out in a makeshift gym set up in an abandoned building where they train and practice kung fu. His girlfriend is Gao Xin, a bar maid who is in debt to loan sharks. Into their lives comes Jiaji, who happens upon Hua Heng in a street fight with local thugs who'd made fun of the painting he's carrying and decides to help him out.
Director of Photography
The majestic Ming dynasty is invaded by the Manchu troops, its upto the Shaolin monastery to fight them and save the fate of the nation.
Director of Photography
A pacifist village is beset by bandits in this martial arts thriller. "Savage Five" hands-down rivals the ornateness of "Kid With The Golden Arm" and the twist-heavy "Five Deadly Venoms". The always great David Chiang plays a lesser version of his Rover character from "Duel Of The Iron Fist", and Ti Lung, looking incredible here, is at his physical best. Accolades to Chen Kuan Tai and Wang Chung in great sympathetic roles, too. A kung fu classic where the actual martial arts display takes a back seat to the mesmerizing story.
Director of Photography
A band of fighting Ming Dynasty loyalists branded as enemies of the state are driven underground following the burning of the Shaolin Temple by Qing Dynasty officials. Due to a misunderstanding, Shaolin kung fu prodigy Fong Sai-yuk is duped into helping Qing agents to capture leading Shaolin rebel Hung Hei-gun. Upon discovering his mistake, Sai-yuk teams up with the remaining rebels to free Hei-gun before his planned execution. Plotting to stop them is General Che Kang, a formidable Tibetan kung fu master who commands an army of fighters including four deadly Tibetan llamas.
Director of Photography
Ling Xi (David Chiang) is a rebellious youth whose liaison with underage girlfriend Cindy (Agnes Chan) is the spark which lights the eventual flame of his rebellion. Against the wishes of her parents, Ling Xi and Cindy move in together, and the two find a measure of bliss in their shared life. However, rumors circulate that Ling Xi is using Cindy as a means of financial support. After his brother Ling Zhao (Di Lung) returns Cindy to her parents, Ling Xi is branded an outcast. His anger only leads to spiraling bitterness, and finally employ in a triad gang which gives him the ability to release his frustration - which he does until the bitter end.
Director of Photography
Set in the waning years of the Ching Dyansty, this dramatic, tragic, romantic, blood-soaked martial arts tale of betrayal and revenge explores one of the most sensational scandals in Chinese history and marked the true ascension of its director and actors to superstar status. In fact, Ti Lung won Taiwan's Golden Horse Award for Outstanding Performance as the challenging role of a jealous provincial governor who kills his friend in order to steal the man's wife.
Director of Photography
Four Korean War veterans pool their talents to take on a venal drug smuggling gang.
Director of Photography
Three martial arts directors united for this unique anthology film. Yueh Feng writes and directs a clever love-and-kung-fu triangle, Cheng Kang both writes and directs kung-fu courtesans battling brigands, and the "godfather of the kung-fu film," Chang Cheh, creates a cliff-hanging, swashbuckling mini-movie with maxi-action.
Director of Photography
The longstanding rivalry between a music club and a sports club is compounded by their leaders' mutual interest in a girl.
Director of Photography
The corruption in the Sung Dynasty of 11th century China is so rampant that it inspires a band of Oriental Robin Hoods - the Honorable 108. Mountain bandits who nevertheless live by a scrupulous code of conduct, the Honorable 108 pledge to end the repression of the brutal overlords.
Director of Photography
The Angry Guest is a direct sequel to Duel of Fists which had two long-separated brothers, Ti Lung and David Chiang, reuniting in Bangkok and running afoul of the local mob after Ti Lung, a boxer, beats the local favorite in the ring. In this film, the action shifts from Bangkok to Hong Kong to Japan and then back to HK as the brothers contend with a Japanese mob led by crime boss Yamaguchi, who is played by the film's director, Chang Cheh, in a rare screen appearance.
Director of Photography
Начало века, в Шанхай приезжает деревенский бедняк Ма Йонгжен. Ма уверен, что с его уникальными бойцовскими качествами он найдет, как заработать, и знакомство с местным мафиози, мастером Таном, только укрепляет его уверенность в этом. А вскоре представляется и шанс «подняться» — он встает на пути головорезов из банды Четырех Чемпионов и, победив их в неравном бою, получает под свой контроль первую «территорию».
Director of Photography
The plot involves patriots during the Sung Dynasty and their attempts to rescue a kidnapped prince from Ching troops who have invaded the north of China. The patriots are led by Ti Lung who recruits a mysterious but seemingly superhuman fighter played by David Chiang to find a way to cross a perilous bridge to enter an impregnable fortress to locate and rescue the imprisoned prince.
Director of Photography
Two men, one a businessman skilled in Kung Fu, the other a kickboxer discover they are brothers, and together, both in and out of the ring, they must face a crime syndicate. One of the first films to use the martial art of Muay Thai.
Director of Photography
A perennial Chang Cheh favorite, Anonymous Heroes focuses on two vagabond brothers, Meng Kang and Tieh who, in the search for fame and fortune, join in a rebellion against a provincial general. Used to shaking down local vendors for food and gambling away their limited funds, they are recruited by a local rebel leader who promises them a glorious adventure. The rebels plan is to steal a huge cache of new rifles set to be delivered to the barracks of the local army. With the help of an officer's daughter, their plan starts out well, but inevitably slips toward a heroic but tragic finale.
Director of Photography
Tan Jen-chieh's life spins out of control when he’s forced into exile to clear his name following the murder of his adopted father. He's hunted in the streets. His lover, Butterfly, turns to prostitution. And his father's likely killer – a smooth operator known as the Rambler – is always lingering nearby. But before Tan and the Rambler can slit each other's throats, they learn they've been double-crossed and go two against everyone in a rage of double-edged vengeance.
Director of Photography
Lei Li lost his right-arm in a sword duel with the master of a martial arts school, long ago. Now, he is able to defend himself well with just his left arm, and kung fu techniques. That he proves with just the help of his friend Chung-Chieng, when he crosses his path with a beautiful girl in need, Pao Chiao. Even against impossible odds, he will prove a great warrior.
Director of Photography
Reclusive hero Jin Fei, (Ti Lung) known as the King Eagle, inadvertently gets involved in the internal conflicts of the Tien Yi Tong sociaty, after he falls in love their 7th chief, Yuk Lin (Li Ching)
Director of Photography
David Chiang stars as a nightclub vocalist whose former criminal friends blackmail him into working with them again.
Director of Photography
A Mogul king decides to take stealthy action to help overpower his greatest rivals. He chooses nine out thirteen of his loyal generals to embark on the mission. However, jealously amongst them sparks a treacherous family feud that could lead to catastrophic consequences for all involved.
Director of Photography
A violent martial artist is bent on avenging his older brother, who was killed by a cabal of four wicked businessmen and a cheating wife.
Director of Photography
Ying Ke-Feng, head of Peerless Manor, is an expert swordsman whose escort business transports 200,000 taels of silver to the capital each year. This year, however, he is afflicted with an infirmity that renders him unable to use his sword.
Director of Photography
In the mid-sixties Chang Cheh changed the face of female dominated films with his male dominated, violent kung-fu films. Dead End was the start of a new force that lasted 6 years, the first film to star David Chiang and Ti Lung under director Chang's discerning eye. The trouble all begins when Chen Hung-lieh's character disapproves of Ti Lung's character courting his sister.
Director of Photography
Here Lo Lieh plays a dedicated chief constable for Tsang Chou village, who falls in love with the blind daughter of a bandit who is wreaking havoc.
Director of Photography
Eight demon swordsmen and their gang have spread menace across many sword teaching schools. The students seek the help of Fang who alone can combat them. Will Fang take up the challenge.
Director of Photography
A jewel thief decides to turn over a new leaf. He starts anew as a professional singer; but before long, the he becomes suspect again for a series of robberies. He sets up a trap to snare the copycat thief, but will it snare him instead?
Director of Photography
Zhang Shijie is an international spy, like James Bond, and has to seduce Julie Tan, the daughter of an organization’s leader in order to find their headquarters.