Marcel Melrac


Золотая каска
Un cocher
Красавица Мари и плотник Жорж влюбляются в друг друга. Проблема в том, что Мари — женщина босса локальной банды. Теперь Жоржу предстоит вернуться к своему темному прошлому, от которого он хотел навсегда избавиться…
Paris Still Sings!
A famous comedian decrees that his fortune will go to whoever collects as many pop star autographs as quickly as possible. When he dies, two cousins ​​embark on the race for signatures.
Hotbed of Sin
The chauffeur
A couple of dancers performs in a night club. The man is jealous of Gina, his partner,and keeps making scenes to her, going as far as bullying her on the stage during their act. A man gets killed. The dancer is suspected for being jealous of all the other men. Another potential culprit could the father of Gina since he overprotected his daughter. The real culprit will be unmasked after the police detective finds the murder has something to with the Occupation period.
The Real Guilty
Inspector Dumont and his deputy Inspector Queneau investigate the murder of a young woman. They learn that the victim was pregnant before her death and that she was the mistress of Mario, a shady playboy who had dumped her while she was with child. A doctor is first suspected but is he the real culprit?
Serenade to the Executioner
Schomberg, an enigmatic psychiatrist runs a nursing home. He is forced to close his clinic and disappear to escape the police. But he wants revenge on his wife's lover, Didier Laurent, a former RAF fighter pilot. Didier meets a young trapeze artist, Paula, with whom he falls in love. The happiness of the two young people is disturbed by the assassination of Irene, strangled by Schomberg who casts suspicion on Didier. Fortunately for them Commissioner Ulysses knows the truth and forces Schomberg to commit suicide.
Cherished by her concierge
Eugène, who works for Radio-Europe, is a bit dim-witted. He lives in a block of flats whose caretaker is Madame Motte, and the lady is in love with the young man. Just for laughs, Eugène's friends circulate on the air the rumor that Eugène has inherited millions of francs. It does not take long before a swarm of 'friends' start mixing with him. After a while, considering that the joke has lasted long enough, the jokers reveal the truth. Eugène immediately loses all his 'friends' but not he girl he loves. Even better, Eugène actually inherits a big sum of money. He who laughs last laughs best!
The Two Girls
A famous singer disappears in a plane crash. Her two little girls are given a new home by their grandfather. Unfortunately the good man has an old housekeeper who goes out of her way to make their lives impossible. In desperation the two brats run away to Paris. Meanwhile, the girl's father manages to steal important documents. In the end, Gaby and Ginette track down their mother who had not got killed at all. All is well that ends well.
Rue des Saussaies
The brother of Jeanne Masson, a young nightclub singer, has been murdered by Brasier, a criminal who pretends to be a respectable man. Jeanne has resolved to avenge her brother but she just cannot take action herself. The way she finds is to ask police detective Pierre Leblanc to help her do it. Pierre gives his agreement and starts following the trail. He soon finds out that Brasier belongs to a gang whose boss, Cortedani, has ordered the murder.
My Seal and Them
L'employé à la gare
A diplomat and fast liver, François lives the good life until, one day, he is unfortunate enough to win...a seal in a raffle. From this day on his everyday life becomes complicated, to say nothing of his sentimental life. Gabrielle, his all too serious girlfriend, can't stand the heat and calls it quits. But English girls like charming Diana don't mind seals...!
Соломенный любовник
Monsieur Henri
Жизель, жена производителя оружия Гастона Сарразена де Фонтеноя, имеет любовника Джимми, работающего на фабрике её мужа. Чтобы скрыть эту связь, она заводит «соломенного любовника» Станисласа, друга Джимми. Гастон уверен в их любовной связи и, чтобы нейтрализовать соперника, берёт его к себе на работу…
Юные чемпионы
Во время испытания безмоторного любительского автомобиля под названием «Ферблантин», юный Пьеро таранит повозку зеленщика. Отцу Пьеро приходится заплатить хозяину раздавленных томатов и наказать сына – мальчику теперь запрещено выходить из дому. Но в воскресенье важные соревнования, а модель Пьеро пострадала, хоть и меньше, чем овощи соседа. Мать отпускает Пьеро к его крестному, который работает автомехаником на заводе «Рено» и помогает мальчику готовиться к соревнованиям. Нелегально проникнув на территорию завода, Пьеро, преследуемый охранником, переживает ряд приключений. Его путешествие по цехам позволяет зрителю увидеть, как создается один из самых популярных во Франции автомобилей. Третья часть фильма - день соревнований, в которых Пьеро, само собой, становится победителем, к радости родителей и крёстного. Чемпиона ждет награда – и какая!
Миссия в Танжере
Передача секретных документов из Танжера в Лондон в 1942 году — очень опасное задание. Один за другим устраняются агенты разведывательной сети, которой руководит Александр Сегард и которая работает под прикрытием импортно-экспортной фирмы. Только журналисту Жоржу Массу удаётся справиться с поставленной задачей.
1948. Madeleine is the headmistress of a kindergarten in Ménilmontant. Dr Libois, the school doctor, is very close to her heart. When Rose, a new helper comes to the school, Libois is impressed at once by her understanding of the little ones and her dedication to them. Little by little, Libois grows fond of Rose while becoming estranged from Madeleine. He eventually marries Rose.
Jo la Romance
For love, the singer Georges Hyverlin gives up his profession to work with his father-in-law in his car factory. When the passion for song takes him back, he manages to resume his career thanks to the support of his wife Martine.
Летающий шкаф
Альфред Пюк - добросовестный налоговый инспектор живёт в одной квартире со своей пожилой тётей. Когда в одно зимнее утро мадам Лоближуа отправляется на грузовике в Клермон-Ферран, чтобы забрать оставшуюся мебель из проданного дома, её племянник убежден, что никогда не увидит её снова. И это подтверждается. На обратном пути тётя внезапно умирает, и водители грузовика, чтобы избежать проблем с полицией, помещают её тело в платяной шкаф. По приезду в Париж, пока водители объясняли всё происшедшее Альфреду, их грузовик был украден, вместе с грузом, который включает мёртвую мадам Лоближуа. Нотариус объясняет Альфреду, что его тётя не может быть объявлена мертвой, пока не будет найдено тело, и Альфред начинает поиски украденного платяного шкафа...
Eternal Conflict
A track boy
Janvier, an embittered teacher, is fed up with his colorless, monotonous life. One day he breaks away and ends up becoming a circus clown. In his new world, he meets a beautiful acrobat nicknamed Lili and grows fonder and fonder of her every day of his life. The trouble is that the lady bestows her favors to two different lovers : wealthy married man Chardeuil and good-looking but listless young Antonio. He now considers his duty to make Lili recover her dignity.
Коррумпированный менеджер берёт молодого боксера Люка Фонтана под своё крыло и делает его чемпионом. Но однажды Фонтана узнаёт, что тренер организовывал его бои с самого начала их сотрудничества, а победы были инсценированными. Когда молодой человек узнаёт правду, он признаётся прессе в произошедшем и возвращается к безвестной жизни, какой он жил прежде.
After Love
The owner
Betrayed by his wife, a teacher proceeds to have an affair with a young and pretty student. The two women both find themselves expecting a child. The girl dies during childbirth. In a spirit of revenge and to keep his real son, the scorned husband exchanges the babies.
Danger of Death
Loiseau the pharmacist mistakenly mixes potassium cyanide into a batch of cough syrup and sells five bottles. With horror he discovers his mistake and sets out to find the buyers. He finds only four. The fifth, not a regular customer, comes back to the pharmacy...
The Woman in Red
Two paintings are stolen. Amateur private detective Roland Gautier investigates.
Le Bateau à soupe
Hervé is a tough sea captain in command of the "Duchesse Anne", a rum-trading ship. But the sea dog hides a tender heart and he allows Marie-Douce, a poor slum girl who dreams of seeing the wide world,on board. To have her accepted by the crew, he passes her off as his niece. A seasoned master like him, wise enough to ban alcohol use on his ship, should have known better : a beautiful girl on the deck cannot but unleash the savage instincts of all those men without women.
Faut ce qu'il faut
In 1939, in a maternity ward, a young man visits his mistress who has just given birth to a little girl. He tells her that he is married and that for him the outcome of this adventure was not really planned. The mobilization separates them but the young man will end up divorcing and with the relentless help of a friend, will find his mistress and his child and will be able to marry her in spite of the chaos of the war.
Подвалы Мажестика
Un inspecteur (uncredited)
День у Артура Донжа, скромного буфетчика отеля «Мажестик», не задался с самого утра: по дороге на работу у велосипеда спустило колесо, Донж опоздал на службу, а в своем шкафчике в раздевалке обнаружил труп задушенной постоялицы отеля... Состояние и респектабельность не уберегли мадам Петерсен от тревог, не зря в ее кармане был найден заряженный револьвер. И хотя в светском окружении богатой шведской дамы хватало недоброжелателей, комиссар Мегрэ в ходе своего расследования приходит к однозначному выводу: опасалась она именно Донжа.
Дети райка
Un gendarme (uncredited)
Действие картины разворачивается в Париже 20-30-х 19-го века. Это обширный рассказ о безответной любви, тайных романах, ревностии страсти в мире театра, преступности и аристократии. «Дети райка»- это бедняки, занимающие галерку театров в «Бульвар Дю Темпль». Они становятся свидетелями истории любви театрального мима Баптиста и его обожаемой Гаранс.
Vingt-quatre heures de perm'
Two friends, mobilized together and idle, send their photos to two young workers. The photos are inverted, resulting in a real sentimental imbroglio which finds its best conclusion in the context of the Théâtre aux Armées.
Сесиль мертва!
Le chauffeur de taxi (uncredited)
Полгода без толку обивает пороги Сыскной полиции молодая парижанка Сесиль Пардон, встревоженная тем, что в квартире, где она обитает вдвоём с тетей-инвалидом, по ночам бывает кто-то посторонний. Не слишком доверяет словам Сесили и комиссар Мегрэ, хотя он не видит оснований считать девушку сумасшедшей. Однако убийство тёти и необъяснимое исчезновение самой Сесили заставляют комиссара вспомнить все подробности её рассказов и ближе познакомиться с историей семейства Пардонов.
The Inevitable Mr. Dubois
Garage owner
With a hand of steel, Hélène efficiently runs a big luxury perfume factory in Grasse. There is no room for fun in her dull businesswoman's life. Then, a car accident drops Claude Dubois, a painter, into her lap. But the artist will have to deploy all his subtle wiles and clever tricks to rouse Hélène's feelings and get her to enjoy the cozy life of a cherished wife.
A Star to the Sun
Martine, who has become a major star of the song in Paris, wants to return to visit her hometown. Confronted with Merlerault, a very haughty and noble character who wants to teach her how to live, she succumbs after a time of anger, to the charms of the gentleman. They get married but she forgot to tell her husband that her father is in fact the most famous poacher in the area.
The Benefactor
A kind and generous village noble, specializing in good works, actually leads a double existence and carries out dishonest activities.
Господин Мышь
Господин Мышь, доброжелательный старый клошар, бывший преподаватель сольфеджио, разорённый женщиной, побирается у входа в кабаре. Он находит труп в машине. Пока он соображает, кому бы сообщить о находке, машина уезжает. Мышь подбирает бумажник, содержание которого - крупную сумму денег - сдаёт в полицию, надеясь получить деньги обратно через год и один день. Дальше его ждут необыкновенные приключения...
Ce n'est pas moi
Cambo, a banker, has been in trouble since a certain Parizot has tried to extort stocks from him. Following the advice of his friend Quincampoix, Cambo decides to trade places with Bardac, a painter, who happens to be his lookalike. Bardac slips into Cambo's shoes with delight although he does not really live up to his task. But Cambo, who manages to ruin Parizot, makes a 100% profit on the situation. There are of course some misunderstandings when one man is mistaken for the other, notably as concerns Lulu and Geneviève, respectively Bardac's and Cambo's sweethearts, but things finally return to their initial state.
Stormy Waters
A married tugboat captain falls for a woman he rescues from a sinking ship.
Sins of Youth
The driver (uncredited)
A rich businessman living alone is deprived of the nephew he was to have brought up decides on his doctor's advice to search for the four illegitimate children he once fathered, which leads him to accept responsibility for his actions.
Un soldat
Volpone, an elderly Venetian, connives with his money-crazed servant to convince his greedy friends that he is dying, knowing that each will try to curry favor with him in order to be named his heir. He is inundated with valuable gifts, and soon finds himself entangled deeper and deeper in a web of lies.
To inherit from his late uncle, Narcisse Pigeon is obliged to pass his pilot's license.
Un soldat (uncredited)
"Menaces" deals with the months before WW2 in a hotel :t he fear of the impending war never leaves the guests of an hotel in Paris.
Cavalcade of Love
Gas Worker (uncredited)
Cavalcade D'Amour is divided into three sections, each depicting a romance occurring within the walls of the Chateau de Champs. Legend has it that whoever marries in the Chateau is doomed to an unhappy life. This proves to be the case in 1639 and 1839, but the heroine of the 1939 segment, Corinne Luchaire, is determined to break the jinx. She is convinced that she will prove an unsuitable bride for Claude Dauphin, and he is likewise convinced that he will turn out to be an inadequate groom. But the couple's respective families will not be dissuaded, and the marriage takes place as scheduled? with unexpectedly happy results!
Правила игры
Франция накануне Второй мировой войны. Авиатора Андре Жюрье, совершившего рекордный перелет, встречают на земле его друг Октав и толпа взбудораженных репортеров, он сообщает радиослушателям, что предпринял эту авантюру из-за любви к женщине, которая, однако, даже не пришла поприветствовать его в аэропорт. Это Кристин. В это время она готовится выйти в свет со своим мужем, который знает о романе жены, но не хочет ее потерять. Сам он пытается порвать с обожающей его любовницей. Октав признается Андре, что ему также не безразлична Кристин, и заявляет, что тот никогда не получит ее, так как пренебрегает правилами игры в обществе… Чуть позже оба попадают на уик-энд и охоту в загородное поместье де ла Шеснея. Здесь и разыгрывается безжалостная игра, ограниченная жесткими правилами «высшего света». Все, включая слуг, имеют свои маленькие драмы…
День начинается
Франсуа, потертый жизнью, романтический одиночка, забаррикадировался в своей квартире после совершения преступления на почве страсти — он убил развратного Валентина. Пока полиция окружает его дом в Нормандии, Франсуа вспоминает двух женщин, которых он любил — Франсуазу и Клару — и Валентина, мужчину, который причинил горе им обеим.
Crew member
Barnes, the mate of the 'Portland', is the object of the hate of the whole ship's crew. His mistress is murdered shortly before the departure and suspicion naturally falls on him. Some time later, Jeff Cooper, the skipper, falls to his death in the middle of the night. Once again Barnes is suspected and the mate has to resort to force to maintain his authority on board. During the stopover, Barnes is interrogated and finally cleared. He is even appointed captain of the 'Portland' in replacement of Jeff and can marry his best friend's daughter.
Hôtel du Nord
Un agent de police
A young couple, Renée and Pierre, take one night a room at the Hôtel du Nord, in Paris, near the canal Saint-Martin. They want to die together, but having shot at Renée, Pierre lacked the courage to finish the job and fled. Another customer, Monsieur Edmond, a procurer, rescues her. When Renée goes out of the hospital, she is hired as a waitress at the hotel. Monsieur Edmond falls in love with her, but Renée is still thinking of Pierre...
Beautiful Star
Meg decides to commit suicide to escape the marriage to which her father intends her. She is saved by Jean-Pierre, another candidate for suicide, and Léon, a tramp who was just trying to reason with him. The trio then becomes inseparable and organizes a new life based on friendship and freedom.
The Southern Trail
As Hélène is conveying her husband's body across the Sahara, her convoy is attacked by looters. The young widow survives only to be taken to a remote desert village called Tirzit amidst a band of lonely, ailing men. She meets her husband's partner who tries to kill her. Hélène does not report him to the police but is curious to learn the reasons for his action. Before dying of a terrible fever, the man confesses that he murdered her husband.
Сети шпионажа
(as Melrac)
Один за другим взрываются и тонут британские суда. Англичане предполагают, что это диверсия, и что немецкое шпионское гнездо находится на британской военно-морской базе в Гибралтаре. Загадкой для англичан является и то, как врагу удается взрывать тщательно охраняемые суда.
Hercule, a young peasant, inherits a Parisian newspaper with a large circulation. The editor-in-chief, Vasco, takes advantage of his ignorance to make corruption prevail. But Hercules gradually realizes the role that we make him play.
Homme d'équipage
Captain Justin Mollenard works for a company that sells armaments to the Far East. After an eventful stay in Shanghai, where he and his cargo are the victim of a malicious attack, he returns to his hometown of Dunkirk. Mollenard receives a frosty welcome from his wife Mathilde, who resents the way in which he has neglected his family for so many years. Mollenard’s only wish is to get back to sea as soon as he can, but a sudden heart-attack leaves him paralysed and entirely in his wife’s power...
Un gendarme
A wealthy industrialist, Roger de Vetheuil, married, feels assured of aging in peace. Then appears a blackmailer who accuses him of being a usurper, actually called Jean Pelletier, a mobster well known to police. Vetheuil, judging himself slandered, refuses to listen to his tormentor and goes to the police. The man speaks. The scandal is public soon ...
Un scandale aux galeries
No overview found
Une gueule en or
The Marquis de Barfleur, an unattractive man, decides to resort to plastic surgery to ensure the fidelity of Colette, his young mistress. Now endowed with a face to die for, he is about to achieve his goal. But the Marchioness de Barfleur, the Marquis' loving wife, does not hear it that way. She has her revenge claiming everywhere that her husband is... dead! An assertion people believe since they do not recognize the Marquis! When her vengeance has lasted long enough, she forgives the Marquis and husband and wife fall into each other's arms.
Flight Into Darkness
Le planton
During the First World War, before joining a squadron at the front in 1918, Herbillon (Jean-Pierre Aumont) has a liaison with Helene (Annabella), a married woman. The young man discovers that his mistress is none other than the wife of Maury (Charles Vanel), an aviator friend.