Karen Suen


Супер леди-полицейский
Shui's superior officer
В Гонконг прибывают трое опасных преступников, которые на самом деле являются суперлюдьми, модернизированными с помощью секретов китайской акупунктуры (даже не спрашивайте, это не я придумал). По их следу идет Линг (Синтия Хан) – девушка-полицейский, «проапгрейженная» по этой же технологии, но еще более совершенная. Помочь ей берутся гонконгский полицейский (Алекс Ман) и случайная свидетельница (Афена Чу), вот только пользы от них не меньше, чем вреда.
92 Legendary La Rose Noire
A poet named Butterfly and her friend Kuen visit a stranger's mansion to return some possessions that were unintentionally taken. At the house, they stumbled upon an illegal weapons trade that ultimately went bad. To evade the police from interrogations, the two innocent witnesses wiped away their fingerprints and left a note that stated that the crimes were committed by "The Black Rose," who is known to be a fictional hero in a 1965 movie. However, a recovered fingerprint caused Kuen to be the prime suspect, and the apprentices of the Black Rose, apparently a real hero whose legacy was portrayed in the 1965 movie, attempt to seek the truth in the matter by confronting Butterfly.
To Liv(e)
In late 1989, angered by comments made by Liv Ullmann about Hong Kong's treatment of Vietnamese refugees, Rubie composes a letter to the actress. Passages from the letter are revealed throughout the movie as Rubie, her friends, and family come to terms with the impending handover to China, and decide whether to remain in Hong Kong or emigrate abroad