Прототип главного героя – люксембургского аббата Анри Кремера – реальный человек, выживший в концлагере Дахау и опубликовавший свои воспоминания в 1945 году. Заключенного (небывалый случай!) отпускают на 9 дней домой. Как выяснится позже, все имеет свою цену. Кремер освобожден не просто так: он должен уговорить епископа Люксембурга сотрудничать с нацистами. За эти 9 дней герой проходит 9 кругов ада: от него ждут предательства и отречения от веры, шантажируют благополучием близких и соотечественников. Он сам разрывается между велениями совести и страхом смерти, страшнее которого – только возвращение в лагерь...
As the name suggests, the movie is about football. It is not about big league soccer, making huge money. It is about football, which lives just from village fans enthusiasm, from the enthusiasm of fathers and their sons and club officials. And yet on this battlefield, where the pub and silent household alternates, it is often about everything: friends, family, the meaning of life. It is about playing fair, but also about fighting below the belt. It is about winning, but also about falling into the abyss of the league wilderness.
vedoucí prodejny
A car accident occurs and Dusan's teenage daughter Milena gets very seriously injured. To add insult to injury, Dusan is unable to donate a kidney when he finds out he is not Milena's biological father. Dusan is left to cope with his wife's infidelity, as well as the life of his ailing daughter.
A movie directed by Zbynek Brynych.
2nd Man
nadstrážmistr VB Malvazínek
A West German businessman Friedrich Schmidt is arriving to Czechoslovakia with private mission and mission for Intelligence service. He wants to settle the old event from the time of the Second World War when he as a student of the Czech grammar school in the town of Kostelec took part at the denunciation of his schoolmate Pavel Richter. Pavel was during the period of Nazi terror following the assassination of Acting Reich Protector of Bohemia and Moravia Heydrich executed. Schmidt has also to enter into relations with persons suitable for cooperation with the West Intelligence service. Schmidt - earlier, before the German occupation Smíd - meets the schoolmates and endeavors to avert suspicion that arose already at the time of the tragic event.
It is the summer of 1968 and also in South Moravian Pálavice appear political clashes. The so far peacefully farming Unified farmers' cooperative starts splitting. Some of the farmers have found the cooperative called Vidrupa and want to deal with wine in private trade. Michal Janák, chairman of the farmers' cooperative is a deliberate man and refuses the latent return to the capitalism. As an excellent farmer he continues preparing planting out new vineyards. His adversaries do not agree - the returns will come many years later. Jozka Hrdlicka, an émigré, notices on the Austrian TV the interview with the representatives of Vidrupa and decides to visit his native village. The new suit and the hired car transform the bankrupt and criminal to the successful businessman with wine.
Set in the early 1930s, a young man finds a job as a dishwasher in a hotel and quickly works his way up the ladder. Loosely based on the novel by Henryk Worcell.
В 1942 году в городе Бузулуке на территории СССР был сформирован чехословацкий батальон под командованием Людвика Свободы. В районе Соколово под Харьковом чехословацкий батальон в составе Третьей танковой армии генерала Рыбалко принял боевое крещение.
Давно минули времена, когда на чешских реках было великое множество «водяных». Водичковы и Вассермановы представляют последние династии «водяных» в Чехии. Около спасательной станции у вышеградского тоннеля, где упал в Влтаву автобус с иностранными учёными, за проявленное мужество право быть первым получает водолаз Алоиз Водичка. Дом Водички к тому же был снесён при посредничестве Доктора Мрачека. Следовательно, решено доктора Мрачека утопить.
Film by Toman and Gajer.
Kriminalista Bláha
Lieutenant VB, disguised as a laborer, is looking for a young woman killer among the staff of a wheel loader. But which of the possible motives found is the right one?
Jan Mareš
The life of the famous French writer Alexander Dumas the Elder. Screenwriter Jaroslav Dietl did not hide his admiration for this literary giant, and in addition to the screenplay he also wrote a three-part TV play about Dumas (starring Vladimír Menšík). In Kachyn's film, Dumas played the father and son of the Štěpánková brothers, and it was a very difficult and difficult task for these young actors.
Sherlock Holmes likes to play violin and expects a great career in music. He gets a place in a spa orchestra, but he is again and again distracted by criminal cases. Therefore he is the only one who does not see that his violin has no future. He solves the criminal mysteries in passing but the final test shows that the famous detective is tone-deaf.
Jan Zika is the legendary hero of the communist resistance movement during World War II and leading functionary of the second underground Central Committee of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia.
This three-part Austrian/Czech comedy stretches the boundaries of what is considered to be humorous. Part one finds a silent film actor upset because of a rival actor's attention to the former's wife. When he kills his rival, it is only when he is strapped to the electric chair that he realizes that this is his last live scene. The second episode has the wife of an elderly British nobleman having an affair with the young gamekeeper of their estate. Part three finds a peasant woman taking a lover when her husband goes off to fight the war.
(segment "Wandering")