Philip Keung

Philip Keung

Рождение : 1966-10-27, Hong Kong, China


Philip Keung
Philip Keung


The Goldfinger
In 1970s Hong Kong, the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) was formed to bring down the corruption syndicate led by British government officials. One of its top investigators is Senior Investigator Lau Kai-Yuen, who brought down countless corrupted officials. Just as he thought stability and prosperity are within reach, a new era of greed and riches takes him into a new battlefield of corruption.
I Did It My Way
In the new century, the fight against drugs faces an unprecedented and difficult challenge! Under the deep and complex dark network, an invisible war is being waged in Hong Kong...... Typhoon signal was hoisted in Hong Kong. Under the cover of the fierce wind, four tons of methamphetamine were entering Hong Kong, pending to be sold on the dark network. A cyber revelry of druggies was about to be unveiled, and a storm was brewing in the quiet Victoria Harbour. Police had to arrest the “boss” behind the scenes and nip the “drug network” in the bud in no time, that pushed their undercover intelligence to the narrow road. In the center of the storm, undercover agents, police officers, drug lords, black, white, and gray entangled.
Bursting Point
Echoes of the Thunder
Nam and Fire are racing champions of Asia’s track and street. However, when the owner of a racing team recruits Nam to mentor her son Calvin to become a future champion, Nam does not realize his choice will destroy everything he has. With Fire and Calvin suffering the fatal accidents caused by Kenji, a ruthless Japanese racer, it rekindles Nam’s courage to take on his darkest challenge on the road again.
Death Notice
In Hong Kong, a vigilante serial killer leaves death notices, stating when and how he will murder a victim. Even if the victim reports it to the police and receives protection, the killer can easily break through and execute them. In response, the police set up a special task force and reveals a major conspiracy hidden behind.
With the mystical power to delve into people’s subconscious, Ching, a psychiatrist, discovers that a social worker is compelled by an inner voice to kill his family and commit suicide. Suspecting his former psychiatrist, Ching collaborates with a cop to investigate, which leads to a revelation from her own traumatized past, and casts a doubt over her motivation. In his first bigscreen adventure, Glenn Chan delivers an exceptional psychological crime thriller that explores the dichotomy of good and evil lurking in our shadows.
Воины будущего
Lieutenant Taron Yau Tai-long / Skunk
2055 год. Планета задыхается от загрязнений и глобального потепления, и, видимо, чтобы окончательно избавиться от человечества, высшие силы посылают на Землю метеорит с некой формой жизни. Этот замечательный организм начинает очищать планету от всего живого, включая людей. Но человечество сдаваться не собирается — хорошо вооруженные гонконгские военные дадут бой инопланетному захватчику.
Remember What I Forgot
Anyone who has anything to do with the film industry in Hong Kong, must have heard of a film buff called Lil’ Kim. He knows everything there is to know about filmmaking. Whether it’s on the set, at the movie premiere or at a press conference, he always shows up uninvited. Nobody knows where he came from and why he showed up… Ginger Keung is the producer of a reality show who suspects Lil’ Kim is in fact a film critic who pans movies to extort advertising dollars from film companies. She zeroes in on Lil’ Kim as her next target and decides to dig into his elusive past…
Xin zhi xu
Look Up
Jointly presented by Hong Kong’s four renowned film companies - Sil-Metropole Organization, Emperor Motion Pictures, Media Asia Film and One Cool Film Production - Look Up is a Sil-Metropole Organization production produced by John Chong and co-directed by young filmmakers Daniel Chan, Tim Poon, Elvis Hau and Sunny Yip. The film runs through four Hong Kong Stories from 1997 to the present, to detail the days we have passed through these years.
Fireflies in the Sun
Long Dan
A story of Lin Rilang, a father and husband whose son is diagnosed with an enlarged heart, gives all his efforts to collect money for his son's operation.
Once Upon a Time in Hong Kong
The story tells the story of a collusion between Hong Kong police and criminals in 1973, under the instigation of the British, they embezzled huge profits and poisoned the citizens. The Governor of Hong Kong established the Independent Commission Against Corruption
Воины династии
Zhang Jiao
Дун Джо - генерал, который не переставал идти к своей цели. Воспользовавшись чужой помощью, он остановил восстание Желтых Повязок, после чего сместил с престола законного наследника, который оказался слабым противником. Такая наглость оставила много недовольных людей, которые начали собирать свою армию, чтобы противостоять тирану. Их главная задача - убить Дун Джо, вот только сделать это будет крайне непросто. Новоиспеченного правителя защищает воин по прозвищу Летающий Генерал. Люй Бу является самым сильным бойцом в империи, которому неведом страх. Он всегда решительно идет в бой, оставляя после себя целые горы из тел павших противников...
All U Need Is Love
Initiated by the Hong Kong Performing Artists Association and the Hong Kong Film Workers Association, ten film companies in Hong Kong (China Star, Anle Film, Emperor Films, Oriental Films, Media Asia Films, Meiya Films, World Films, Shaw Brothers, Sun Entertainment Culture , Huanyu Film) and the Hong Kong Film Development Council’s "Film Production Financing Project". It tells about a quiet afternoon when the Gurney Hotel suddenly detected a suspected case. The epidemic prevention center ordered a total blockade. All guests staying in the hotel must accept Mandatory quarantine for 14 days. Everyone is isolated in the hotel, and the relationship between people is getting closer unconsciously. Everyone has lived through difficult times together, and learned to cherish what may be the last time to get along with each other.
The Case: Death Drugs
Ударная волна: Битва за Гонконг
Lee Yiu-sing
Главный сапер особого подразделения SWAT в Гонконге при очередном разминировании бомбы допускает роковую ошибку, вследствие чего по всему городу происходит серия крупных взрывов. Выйдя из комы, он должен во всем разобраться и узнать правду в этой запутанной ситуации...
The Calling of A Bus Driver
Just when a middle-aged aspiring bus driver thinks she and her 7-year boyfriend are headed to the altar, she learns that he is involved with another woman. A year later, she receives invitation to their wedding banquet, where she accidentally foils the plan of that woman’s ex-boyfriend to reveal her as a cheater and a swindler. These two jilted lovers decide to join forces and come up with a plan to take revenge on the alleged con woman.
Knock Out
Zhou Si, who was so desperate in boxing, was sentenced to five years in prison for an accident. After his release, his wife died, leaving only his daughter Zhou Zi waiting for him. The young daughter was found to have leukemia, and Zhou Shi returned to the ring at the age of 36 to fulfill her daughter's wish. Even if the physical energy is exhausted, the head is bleeding, the vision is blurred, and the flesh and blood is splashed, it will continue to fight until the victory or defeat.
Sheep Without a Shepherd
Du Peng
Li and his wife A Yu run a small business in Thailand and enjoy a happy home life with their two daughters. When their eldest daughter is violently assaulted, blackmailed and left traumatised by another student, her parents intervene, leading to a dead body which needs to be hidden, and every trace of the boy buried to cover up the accident.
Qian Zhuoqun
Based on real life events, the film is set in January 1949 and focuses around a group of soldiers involved in the final stages of the Battle of Pingjin
Неожиданный свидетель
Yip Sau-ching
Операция по обезвреживанию грабителей ювелирного магазина закончилась кровавой бойней, а главарь банды смог скрыться. Однако это станет только началом череды криминальных и запутанных событий, в которых не все так очевидно, как казалось полицейским на первый взгляд.
Girl Dorm
Li Xinxin, a freshman who wanted to become a speech therapist, came to the university and found that her classmates were very unfriendly to her. She hears strange sounds in the dormitory and one day man in black attacks her
Мастер Z: Наследие Ип Мана
Inspector Fai
После поражения от Ип Мана Чун Тинь-Чи решает исправиться и вести тихую мирную жизнь, но зло само нарывается на неприятности.
Tung Tai-hung / Tracey
Семьянин и отец двух взрослых детей Тай-Хун всю сознательную жизнь хотел сменить пол, но не мог признаться в этом ни семье, ни знакомым. Пока мужчина украдкой носит женское бельё и страдает. Но после смерти друга детства и знакомства с его мужем Тай-Хун чувствует, что скоро в его жизни наступят перемены.
A Beautiful Moment
An ageing bachelor playboy finally meets the girl of his dreams and proposes marriage, only to discover her psychologist stepmom was his first love long ago. The future in-laws initially pretend not to know each other but as the wedding date gets nearer, the rekindling of long-dormant feelings develops into a cross-generational love triangle.
Concerto of the Bully
Internet songwriter Chow (Cherry Ngan) is gifted with an extraordinary retentive memory. She never forgets anything she has heard. One day, she was kidnapped by Yung (Ronald Cheng), a street punk, to a remote fish raft so desolate that an escape plan seems to be a mission impossible. In the hope to flee with the only ability she has, Chow offers to give a spiritual music therapy to the rather maniacal kidnapper. What happens next is beyond anyone’s imagination – the two who have nothing in common begin to form an intimate bond and connection through music. More than that, Chow finds immense inspirations on this “floating stage”, while discovering the incredible singing voice and vocal range in Yung – a seemingly hopeless criminal can also possess a voice as captivating as the sound of nature…
В погоне за драконами
1963 год. Один колхозник решает бежать из коммунистического Китая в коррумпированный и продажный Гонконг, чтобы навсегда променять работу в поле на профессию ещё одного уличного головореза. Ради светлого будущего и куска хлеба упорный нелегал соглашается вступить в войну между преступными кланами.
Ударная волна
Kong Y.W.
Семь лет назад полицейский сапёр Чун Чойсан был внедрён под прикрытием в банду торговца взрывчаткой Хуна. В тот день банда была полностью обезврежена, но главарю удалось сбежать, оставив в руках полиции подельщиков и младшего брата. Теперь Хун возвращается в Гонконг, чтобы отомстить. Разместив бомбы в крупных общественных местах, преступник вступает в опасную игру с офицером Чуном, возглавившим за это время городской Отдел по утилизации взрывчатых веществ.
Sky on Fire
The chief security officer at a top-secret medical facility finds himself caught in an explosive battle when a young thief and his accomplices steal a groundbreaking curative medicine. After discovering the true origins of the medicine, the officer must decide who he can trust to protect the cure from falling into the wrong hands, and prevent an all-out war from bringing the city to its knees.
Heartfall Arises
Chak No Long
Two chess masters are entangled in several murder cases related to organ transplants. A cop and criminal psychologist Calvin Che have to work together to find the missing link, whilst facing various dangers.
Шторм: Операция Антикоррупция
Bill Tang
Инспектор Уильям Лук из независимой комиссии по борьбе с коррупцией расследует дело трейдера Гонконгского Жокей-клуба Тан Сиу Хуна, подозреваемого в получении взятки и фиксации коэффициентов в ставках на спорт. Однако подозреваемый умирает от рук киллера на глазах у инспектора Лука. Детектив Лау назначен ответственным по делу об убийстве, но НКБК и полиция не имеют привычки сотрудничать, поэтому у Лау не получается вытянуть информацию из инспектора Лука. Оба ведомства вникают в связь потерпевшего с незаконными букмекерскими операциями и выясняют, что за ниточки дергает могущественный и безжалостный "большой босс".
Зов героев
Li Tieniu
В начале XX века после крушения династии Цинь Китай погружается в хаос гражданских войн. Множество группировок в различных регионах страны берут власть в свои руки, параллельно враждуя друг с другом. Группа селян из отдалённой деревни объединяется, чтобы дать отпор лидеру жестокой вооружённой банды.
An anarcho-absurdist blood-soaked grand guignol indie flick with attitude to burn, this is the pitch perfect youth movie from Hong Kong. A twenty-something punk fancies himself a total player, but the best job he can find is overnight clerk at a convenience store. The other clerk is a cute chick and you’re thinking “rom com,” but then there’s a robbery, a gangster, a shoot-out, and by the time a neighbor is pulling out a homemade bomb, you realize that this violent farce is all about the current situation in Hong Kong where nothing makes sense, the heartless wipe their feet on the hopeless, and you might as well burn it all down because there are no more better tomorrows.
Три ловца ветра
1997 год, Гонконг готовится к передаче Китаю. Три самых известных вора в Гонконге никогда не встречались, и вообще мало кто их знает в лицо. Один из них решает, что всё-таки стоит наконец познакомиться.
The Mobfathers
The godfather of the triad Jing Hing and his senior bosses need to select a new boss to run the daily operations of the five gangs under their control. Chuck, a lifelong member of the triad, dreams of being the elected one, but his wife wants him to leave the criminal life and spend time with their child. Wulf, a former cop, also wants take over the seat. Both will try to achieve their goal by any means necessary.
Keeper of Darkness
Street-smart exorcist Fatt has an unique method of dealing with vengeful spirits: He negotiates with them and persuades them to let go of their grudges. After recordings of his exorcisms go viral, Fatt attracts the attentions of a murderous spirit who’s targeting mediums, as well as a troublesome reporter who takes great interest in Fatt and his close relationship with a female spirit.
Two assistants, Lee Xiang and Kat, start new jobs at the financial firm Jones & Sunn. Lee Xiang is an earnest young man who naively enters the world of high finance with noble intentions. Kat on the other hand has a secret.
Дикий город
Отставной полицейский, содержащий бар, помогает пьяной девушке и привозит ее домой. Когда его брат отправляется проводить проснувшуюся после бурной ночи девушку, на них нападают бандиты и увозят незнакомку в неизвестном направлении. Герой бросается ее спасать, понимая, что все больше погружается в пучину лжи и преступлений, которые он, верный зову полицейского долга, должен будет распутать.
S.P.L. Звёзды судьбы 2
Fan Ging-Hung
Крутой гонконгский полицейский Кит загоняет в угол крупного гангстера, но тот поворачивает все в свою сторону — главный свидетель Кита исчез. Более того, Кита отправляют в тайскую тюрьму, снабдив фальшивым списком преступлений. Тюремный охранник Чай следит за тем, чтобы Кит не сбежал — дочь Чая страдает от лейкемии, и только Кит может стать для неё донором.
Imprisoned: Survival Guide for Rich and Prodigal
This is a story in jail. A story about learning a "new life”…
Два больших пальца вверх
Chief of Robbers
Большой Ф, который только что вышел из тюряги, начинает искать своих старых товарищей. Как выясняется, он хочет ограбить грузовик, перевозящий за границу деньги. Вот только грузовик этот на самом деле — катафалк, а деньги упакованы в трупы, да ещё и другая банда оказалась заинтересованной в этом деле.
Little Big Master
Lo Keung
The story of a hopeful headmaster who perseveres in running a kindergarten for underprivileged children in Yuen Long, despite many challenges and little reward. Based on true events.
Full Strike
Brother Crazy Dog
Ng Kau Sau was once Queen in badminton, she gave up herself after being expelled from the sport. One day she met a brunch of terrible weirdoes: the Drunken Master who was lying on the ground, one-armed Lam Chiu, visually-impaired Ma Kun, and the scar-faced boss Lau Dan who suffered from loss of hearing. They were the most notorious robbers 10 years ago, but they decided to be good men after they got out from jail and formed the "Lau Dan Badminton Club". Sau was impressed by them and decided to join Dan and practice seriously and go to the competition together.
Из Вегаса в Макао 2
Ma Tai-Fat
Продолжение истории о заядлых и азартных мастерах карточных игр.
12 Golden Ducks
Devastated by a love affair, former in-demand gigolo Future Chang (played by Sandra Ng) retreats to Thailand, leading the life a dissolute. Thanks to the intervention of his high school teacher, Mr. Lo, Future summons the courage to return to Hong Kong. With the help of his friend Ricky, a gym trainer, he works hard to get back into shape, determined to make a comeback in the “duck” (male escort) trade. To Future’s surprise, Hong Kong has undergone a dramatic transformation since he left the city. Even the rules of the duck trade have completely changed! In order to ply his trade, Future is reduced seeking clients at an old age nursery home for women. Meanwhile, the places where women can buy happiness have become much more accessible, operating in neighborhood establishments such as a Thai restaurant…Determined to adapt to their new environment, Future and his desperate cohorts Dick Wide, Nebula and Broker Chan decide to dedicate themselves to satisfying the needs of their new client.
S for Sex, S for Secrets
Hung and Bobo struggle with their newly marriage and sex life, and things get complicated when a mystery girl steps in their marriage. On the other hand, Sze, a business woman, has a husband who suffers from sex addiction…
The Seventh Lie
Officer Liu
Lying is a universal language, spoken and understood by 7 billion people. none of us can evade the jinx of The Seventh Lie - Self Deception. Chauffeur Song claims to be a part-time killer. Or is he a womanizer, tries to get in the heart of his chum's wife Julianne? Julianne checks into a hotel with Song to discover his frightful plan. A sneaky Hotel Bellhop bumps into them. Could he come to Julianne's rescue? Or is he a brilliant con-artist who attempts to rip off moneyed guests of the hotel? In this hotel, he uncovers his darkest secret and comes across a Runaway Bride Gwen. The lives of these seemingly unassociated souls are interlaced together to face the appalling truth beneath their lies.
Sifu vs. Vampire
Chiang Senior
It is said that a corpse should be exhumed and moved every 30 years to ensure continued fortune and prosperity for its descendants. As the time limit is nearing for his grandfather's corpse, TV station boss Kelvin Chow (Kelvin Kwan, Tales from the Dark 2) looks to Charlie Jiang (Yuen Biao), whose ancestors performed the ritual for the Chow family, to complete the task. When Jiang refuses, citing his belief that the ritual is unethical, Chow enlists Nicky and Boo to coerce him into it. However, a series of accidents causes the corpse to be delivered to and left at Chow's TV station, unleashing a bloodbath.
День расплаты гангстера
Стареющий гангстер хочеть отойти отдел и решает инвестировать чайную. Однако чайная стоит на пути проекта, который собралась развивать конкурирующая банда и гангстер вынужден призвать старых друзей, чтобы спасти не только чайную, но и девушку своей мечты.
Сражайся за славу
Китай, Эра милитаристов (1916 - 1928). Военачальники угнетают народ. Многие школы боевых искусств пытаются бороться с тиранами, но только герой-одиночка Чжань Гуй Дадао преуспевает в этом нелегком деле. Его очередной целью становится генерал Лэй Хун, вступивший в сговор с японцами.
Шторм Z
Ho Tak-Wing
История о самой крупной финансовой махинации, произошедшей в Гонконге, соучастниками которой стали все 7 миллионов его жителей.
Delete My Love
So Boring, a nobody who has no love from everyone except from childhood sweetheart Bobo, receives a weird text message one day, saying: Ever thought of deleting those you dislike?
Этот демон внутри
By a strange twist of fate, dutiful Hong Kong policeman Dan saves the life of the leader of a violent gang of armed robbers. When they commit another crime, Dan is determined to put an end to their activities. He works with the leader, whom the gang had betrayed, to engineer a plan to wreak havoc within the gang and let the gangsters kill one another. But it becomes increasingly obvious to Dan and to his colleagues that Dan is suffering from a severe mental disorder, and Dan finds that instead of upholding the law as a righteous police officer, he has now become a fugitive wanted for murder.
Just Another Margin
Just Another Margin is a 2014 Chinese comedy film directed by Jeffrey Lau and starring Betty Sun, Ronald Cheng, Ekin Cheng and Alex Fong. The story centers on celestial beings who come down to earth affecting the people in unexpected ways.
Из Вегаса в Макао
Ma Sheung-Fat
Кул, Карл и отец Кула Бенц являют собой бесстрашное трио воров-мошенников, которые зарабатывают, грабя мелких бандитов. И вот однажды дядя Бенц знакомит сына и Карла со своим старым другом Кеном. Кен - легенда азартных игр, вернувшийся из США в родной Макао после окончания карьеры в качестве эксперта по безопасности. Кул просит Кена стать своим наставником. В это же время к Кену обращаются представители закона - им нужна помощь, что бы поймать главу китайской мафиозной группировки, который хитроумно отмывает деньги.
Огненная буря
Tony Keung
Бронированный инкассаторский автомобиль средь бела дня подвергается атаке со стороны банды преступников. Расследованием преступления занимается инспектор Луи Мин Чит, который руководит спецотрядом. Однако не так то просто схватить вооруженных до зубов головорезов, поэтому Луи решает пойти на сделку с Синг Понгом, обещая освободить его из тюрьмы, если он поможет схватить своих бывших подельников. Помимо этих событий к городу приближается шторм катастрофической силы.
The Twins' Code
To protect his fortune, billionaire Zhixiong Lin gives his daughter Lindan a crystal necklace with a hidden USB drive with all of his overseas banking info. After a criminal syndicate manufactures a car crash that kills Lindan and sees the USB go missing, the investigation is further complicated by the emergence of a woman identical to Lindan.
Фай, ставший когда-то чемпионом мира по боксу, сбегает от ростовщиков в Макао и неожиданно сталкивается с Ци, молодым парнем, настроенным на победу в боксёрском матче. Фай становится наставником Ци, и в нём вновь просыпается желание сражаться, сражаться не только на ринге, но и ради собственной жизни и ради спасения тех, кто ему дорог.
Слепой детектив
Chan Kwong
Он — талантливый детектив, вынужденный уйти в отставку после того, как во время выполнения задания потерял зрение. С тех пор он зарабатывает на жизнь тем, что распутывает дела, с которыми не может справиться полиция. Она — многообещающий полицейский агент, терзаемая чувством вины из-за пропажи подруги детства. Потрясенная тем, с каким блеском он раскрывает дело, она просит его помочь разыскать ее подругу. Он соглашается… по только ему известным причинам.
Капитан полиции Чжан Кто из отдела по борьбе с незаконным оборотом наркотиков, начинает допрос наркобарона по имени Тимми Чой после того как он был арестован. Чтобы избежать смертной казни, Чой обязуется раскрыть информацию о своих партнерах. Удастся ли ему запутать следствие и выйти сухим из воды или же ниточка оборвётся на середине…
Natural Born Lovers
Popular pastry chef (Chi-lam) meets a nurse (Annie) and falls in love with her. Soon he realizes that she is an overly sensitive girlfriend who is also suspicious, jealous, controlling and slightly violent. She checks up on him 24-7 and screens his computer, phone, blogs and Facebook contents and messages. Desperate to get rid of his crazy love, he decides to start an investigation into her past to find out the secret behind her crazy behavior...
Вирусный фактор
Учёный Кеннер похищает один из образцов вируса оспы для создания нового биологического оружия. Американским военным удалось схватить Кеннера, но он готов отдать образец только после того, как его вместе с семьёй доставят в Норвегию. Полицейскому Джону во время перестрелки пуля попала в голову и не существует безопасного способа её извлечь. Джон медленно умирает, у него осталось только две недели, чтобы решить кучу проблем: найти старшего брата, о существовании которого он и не подозревал, остановить спятившего спецназовца и спасти мир.
Жизнь без принципов
Современный финансовый мир рушится, фондовый рынок резко обвалился… И все пытаются: спасти свои деньги, продать, купить или сбежать с чужими деньгами. Так, менеджер банка Тереза, в страхе потерять работу, навязывает акции трастового фонда с высоким риском пожилой клиентке. Инспектор полиции Чун ищет пенсионера-убийцу и расследует смерть ростовщика, забитого в подземном гараже. А у триады свои заботы — один из них, брат Барс, простодушный неумеха, старается помочь вернуть деньги своему другу, финансовому брокеру…
Mysterious Island
Jordan Chan Jiadong
In the 1970s on the Binlusai islands, a young mother is killed when she was running with her son run from an evil presence in an abandoned Roman Catholic leper colony. In the present day, a group of four young men and women are travelling to the island to take part in a survival game run by TV channel Search Planet headed by Chen Jiadong (Philip Keung). Also on the boat is the television presenter Stanley (Jessica Xu) and cameraman Ken (Shaun Tam). The eight people have been split into four pairs where they are given a map which leads to a flag; their aim is to survive without any supplies, and the winning duo gets a grand prize of one-million dollars. As they approach the island, their ship is attacked by something unknown under the water and most of their luggage is lost. Shen Yilin (Mini Yang) has preserved her map which she gives to her partner Peng Fei (Jordan Chan).
Tai Ping
Полицейский Дон Ли привык работать со стукачами, но слишком уж часто он бывает на грани провала, слишком часто операции срываются, вот почему мир теперь кажется ему лишь чередой предательств. Но знакомство с Гаем дает ему еще один шанс изменить свои взгляды на жизнь.
The Haunting Lover
Dr. Tony Lam
A young man who is down on his luck is overjoyed when he is given a job working in the factory of a major medical company. He soon finds he was hired because he resembles the factory owners missing son.
Cheung Yat-Tung
Когда дело касалось работы, полицейский Тонг от своих подчиненных не терпел промахов и безответственности, до тех пор пока сам не совершил непоправимую ошибку. Во время погони за беглым преступником, разыскивающимся за ограбление, он случайно убивает маленькую девочку. Не в силах простить себя, он ищет утешение в дружбе с сестрой-близняшкой убитой девочки, Линг, наблюдая за ней в школе или на прогулках. По нелепому совпадению, прокурор, ведущая дело задержанного Тонгом грабителя — мать обоих девочек. Чтобы заставить прокурора проиграть дело, преступники нанимают безжалостного наемника похитить Линг. Тонг, ставший свидетелем похищения, отправляется по следу наемника, чтобы не дать случиться очередной трагедии.
Kung Fu Mahjong 2
Fanny is a skilled mahjong player and young housewife, who's usually forbidden from her tile-clicking addiction by husband Johnny. However, when Johnny falls in with gambler Demon, Fanny gets sent packing. Johnny takes up with Demon's sister Curvy, and Fanny is left alone and seems to lose her mahjong-playing skills. Luckily, she receives additional training from her mahjong mentor Three Tiles, who also schooled Auntie Fei, as well as sexy player-in-training First Love. With the aid of her mahjong sisters, brother, plus Auntie Fei's husband Chi Mo Sai, Fanny regroups in time to take on Curvy, Demon, and Johnny at a climactic mahjong tournament.
The Impotent King
Wah On An(as Ho-Man Keung)
During the Tianbao period of the Tang Dynasty, during the An Shi Rebellion, the emperor Li Longji and his consort Yang Yuhuan were forced to flee with only veteran generals Guo Ziyi and Cao Guojie. Guo Ziyi did not drink alcohol, but after drinking, he used a knife to destroy everything. Cao Guojie lost his composure on stormy nights and became a flower destroying assassin. The people also raped women everywhere, resulting in extravagance and extravagance. As the Emperor of the 95, I also lose confidence because my penis is too short. Several people eventually fled to Anchang Village and learned that there were descendants of Huatuo in the village who could revive their genitals
Blood Of The Shaman
Two friends escape from Thailand and move to Hong Kong to get away from a magician.
Dragon in Fury
When Chen Jun (Dragon Shek) returns home to Shanghai to find his former kung fu master (Gordon Liu) dead, he can't shake the hunch that a rival martial arts school is to blame. Readying himself for a full-fledged rampage of revenge, Chen first launches an investigation and then takes on the entire school, putting his years of martial arts training to the test.
The Professional
Due to economic recession, you have to find new way to make money.
To Seduce an Enemy
Private Detective Wu
Yuki is a celebrity photographer who stumbles upon some unsettling information in this erotic suspense mystery. Two people wind up dead, and Yuki is convinced that a hypnotist is to blame. Now, it's up to Yuki to make the police believe that the improbable suspect really is the murderer before the ruthless killing continues.
The Undercover Madams
Sophie Ngan is the police chief, and she sends three of her female officers under cover. All three of them fall in love with their targets.
Tortured Sex Goddess of Ming Dynasty
Young Ngai planned to castrate himself to enter the palace for richness and fame. On his way, Ngai was attracted by Han, a showgirl from a sex torture show. They then ran away from Sun the eunuch, Ngai’s introducer, who meant to buy Han for sexual torture until death. Same night, Han showed Ngai the greatest sex torturing skills; but in return, after learning so, Ngai killed her in the middle of the torturing and handed her head to Sun for forgiveness…
Raped by an Angel 5: Advertising Temptations
Aaron is in his twenties, thin and silent. No-one notices that he is psychologically deviant. He is obsessed with three female advertisement models: Judy, from a wedding ad, Pauline, presenting shower gel, and Yen, an advertising girl for soda. He imagines that the women will surrender to him one day, but in reality he is just an average person.
The Conman 2002
Big Brother 9
Ka-shing has lived his entire life as a luckless guy, until one day he is offered a job by Spring, a gang brother. Spring is a gambler, and turns Ka-shing's bad luck into a Philosopher's Stone. Kau, Spring's enemy, suffers a huge loss at his casino, and vows to get rid of both of them. Kau orders his men to twist Ka-shing's luck by destroying his Feng Shui. But is it all just a gimmick to win the gambling competition, or will Ka-shing surely lose his gambling abilities?
Snake Charmer
Ah Di
The story in "Snake Charmer" is about some mystery murders that take place in Hong Kong where the victims are found poisoned by a very rare and deadly toxin. A single woman (played by Marsha Yuen), who works as a night club called Club Medusa, is tied to the murders, as she is the last to be seen with the victims in every single case. Inspector Chi-Wai Man (played by Jackie Lui Chung-yin) is assigned to the case and is working on a tight deadline to crack the case.
Devil Face, Angel Heart
Lon is an assassin who is deformed. The only man he can trust is his brother, Kwan. When Lon kills a police officer, the officer's partner tries to go after him, but lets him go after seeing his face. Meanwhile, Lon falls for Wendy, the girlfriend of Lon's sadistic boss, Dragon. When Lon agrees to kill Dragon for Wendy, it's a setup. After the kill, Lon is hit by a car and plunges into the river. A year passes by. A new man named Michael arrives, working for Wendy. Meanwhile, the partner of the cop Lon killed is still on the case. He notices a resemblance of the new man to Lon. Is Michael the same person as Lon? If so, what is the motive?
The Peeping
Law Sau-Nam
Private detective Calvin is hired to tape the sex life of a female politician Kwai Fung Ming, but falls for her instead. He decides to help her counter-attack Law Sau Nam, who is the mastermind to discredit Kwai. Unexpectedly, Law is only one of the tools in this war.
The Wicked Ghost III: The Possession
Wong Chou Shui
Horror - May is a film assistant who removes a tombstone from its original location so that it won't interfere with shooting. With her friends dying around her, May realizes it is because she moved the stone, and that she herself is poised for death. - Tat-Ming Cheung, Patrick Keung, Gigi Lai
Fox Ghost
Falun the Monk
A handsome, outstanding student and always wins women's hearts, soon married to tycoon's daughter. To prepare for the upcoming exam, he moves in an abandoned house. During his stay, he meets two sexy, beautiful, and troublesome ghosts.
A Gambler's Story
Brother Face
Suki is a very devoted gambler. Whenever he goes to Macau, he buys a return ticket in advance, just in case he loses all his money. After breaking up with his girlfriend Cher, who couldn't bear his gambling anymore, Suki meets a girl called Princess Fragrance at a karaoke bar. They later meet again in Macau, both in the hands of a loan shark Brother Face, who threatens to kill them if they don't pay off their debts…
City of Desire
Brother Jiang
Sandra (Sandra Ng) is in for a serious dose of culture shock when she returns from her studies abroad to her home in Macau, where her father is the head of a major network of underground gambling, prostitution, and other assorted super-vices. Sandra's father is putting on the pressure for her to inherit his morally-corrupt throne, but her morals dictate that she have nothing to do with it. However, Sandra's childhood friend Josie (Josie Ho) has gotten herself into serious debt and desperately needs any help Sandra can offer. Will Sandra help her friend at the cost of her own morals? It's now up to her to decide between upholding her own beliefs and making serious ethical sacrifices for the sake of her friend.
An Eye for an Eye
Carmen's Ex-Husband
A rapist in a fishermans hat and childs Halloween mask is stalking the pretty young girls of Hong Kong. In a scene lifted from John Schlesingers 1990 American Film of the same name, a mother (Angie Cheung) hears her daughter being victimized over her cell phone. This traumatic experience causes Cheungs daughter to take her own life. Shaken and stirred by her loss, mama vows vengeance. She begins some Travis Bickle-esque training and transforms herself into a super sexy, lean, mean, pervert killing machine.
The Blood Rules
Mike, Jean, Shoot and Q are a professional robbery gang working for Uncle Lam. Q loves his girlfriend Bo who loves decisive men and luxury life. Shoot loves exotic fishes and Jean. Jean loves Mike, but he is married to another woman and has a young son. Uncle Lam loves good meals and big money. After finishing successfully the most recent job for Uncle Lam, Mike and his team want to take a break. Uncle Lam insists that they take one more job, which is to rob a triad boss Chicken Sam who loves diamonds in the very literal sense of the word. The robbery doesn’t go too smooth; moreover, Tom Wai, a police officer who loves his job, is getting closer and closer…
Guys and a Cop
Michael Wong stars in this comedy about a cop who falls in love and the low brow hijinks that follow
The Temptation of Office Ladies
Michael Wong
Three young girls - Mon, Jo Jo, and Ida - with widely differing personalities, live together in the same house and come face to face with the faults of the men in their life. Mon, who works as a broker in the stock market, would like a change both professionally and romantically and has her eyes on married Michael; meanwhile he harbours fantasies of raping her. Ida works hard to pay off the mortgage with her boyfriend Andy; but he is too lazy to find a job after a year on the dole. The only man Yo Yo loves is Jack Daniels, spending every night in a bar getting drunk even though she is has a son and a daughter to take care of.
Battle of Love
Wei Yangsheng went around looking for the whereabouts of his offspring's roots. When he came to the vicinity of Maoxi County, there was a loud voice outside the temple. It turned out that the nearby "Yunyu Villa" was pursuing a flower picker. Wei Yangsheng was misunderstood as a thief, so he fisted first. The owner, Nangong Yi, sees Weiyangsheng's talents at first glance, and he can't help but tolerate him not to kill, and instead he is imprisoned in secret. Wei Yangsheng was shocked for fear that the owner would have "special hobbies".
Miracle Hashish
After a murder in a brothel, Chu Liu Xiang and Hu Tiehua become acquainted with each other.
Mythical Peach Blossoms
The story is that the girl has a relationship with Chu Liu Xiang, and in the course of his investigation, he discovers that the girl is connected to a mysterious organization.
Mayflower Sweetheart
Hong Kong movie
Unemployed Emperor
When a very successful CEO is fired for refusing to take bribes from his recently appointed corrupt boss, he finds himself homeless, as well as jobless, and finds himself reduced to begging on the streets in order to survive. But upon meeting a beautiful, young woman, his lust for life returns, inspiring him to go out and regain all that was once his, with revenge on his former employer at the top of his list
A Hero Never Dies
Chasing Man
Jack and Martin are gunmen who work for two rival kingpins. Jack and Martin have been fighting on their bosses behalf for close to a year. When a truce is made both Jack and Martin are cut loose. The two men then decide to join forces and take on the gangsters who used them.
Beauty of the Haunted House
Erotic horror film about a man who fights eviction against both bad guys and demons.
Muto Bontie
Killer with smiling face
A remake of the American film Ruthless People. Sean Lau plays a rich, fast-food chain owner named Lam Chak-chi. Mr. Lam hates his wife but married her so that he could inherit the fast-food chain from her father. He decides he will kill his wife, but before he gets his chance she is kidnapped. Shortly after, the kidnappers demand ransom money or else they will kill his wife. By telling the police one thing and the kidnappers another, he hopes to get rid of his wife, keep the cash and come out of it all without being suspected of any wrongdoings. However, things don't go the way Mr. Lam expects. Lau Ching Wan also plays his twin brother, who is one of the kidnappers.
Король ограблений
Чан Синг, психопат-грабитель со стажем, сбегает из психушки, где отбывал полученный срок. Собрав новую банду и найдя себе девушку, полностью разделяющую его «увлечения», он начинает серию жестоких ограблений ювелирных магазинов, на каждом из которых гибнет несколько людей. Но Чану нравится такая жизнь, и поэтому даже когда полиция назначает за его голову награду в $ 1.000.000 гонконгских долларов, он продолжает свое черное дело.
The Day that Doesn't Exist
A woman loses her fiancee in a car crash, but he returns to her stitched together. Meanwhile, a man dies and is reborn into another's body. He wants to rejoin his family, but things change once he learns the truth about his new life.
Всего раз в жизни
Через много лет Кей-Он (Лау Чинг-Ван) встречает свою школьную любовь, Цзин-И (Вивиан Чан) – правда, та не знает, что Кей-Он когда-то был в нее влюблен. Теперь у Цзин-И есть жених (Кеннет Чан), но его не оказывается рядом, когда мать девушки (Лили Ли) попадает в больницу, поэтому Цзин-И приходится выдать за него Кей-Она. И когда мать говорит, что больше всего хочет побывать на их свадьбе, в запале эту самую свадьбу обещает. Кей-Ону нечего делать, кроме как подыгрывать, но вскоре умирает его мать, и ее похороны назначают на тот же день, что и свадьбу…
Malevolent Mate
Detective Blackie
A woman commits several grisly murders. A few days later, she's arrested by the police and tells in flashbacks which events lead her to commit those crimes.
A female murderer gets involved with a man and becomes intensely jealous.
Two of a Kind
Two of a Kind is a Hong Kong Romance-Comedy starring Tony Leung Chiu-Wai
My Pale Lover
Gum Sing
A crazy sex comedy that takes place in a Hong Kong topless bar called Club Venus. Kind of like a love triangle, but more of a love square.
China Girls
Four beautiful girls from Northern China make their mark in Hong Kong with the help of a sleazy pimp nicknamed ""Whore Worm""
The Heroic Trio
Baby Killer
While one tough woman with an invisible robe has stolen 18 babies for her powerful master, two other tough women and the cops try to stop her.
Лучший отряд 4
Judy's husband
Руководящая курсом мадам Ли панически боится сделать что-нибудь не так. Поэтому неудивительно, что начальство планирует заменить этот отряд на более «продвинутый» – с этой целью в команду Ли поступает суперкрутая мадам Янг, оснащенная по последнему слову техники. Для Ли теперь единственный способ сохранить свой отряд – вернуть в него хотя бы кого-то из тех, кто принес ему славу в предыдущих частях.
Мафиози Кен Тсанг сбежал из Гонконга в Таиланд, когда полицейские прижали его к ногтю, и вернулся только через семь лет — под видом легального бизнесмена Савады. Однако он не оставил свой прошлый бизнес и по-прежнему торгует наркотиками. А попутно решает старые дела — пытается вернуть себе девушку, с которой жил семь лет назад (несмотря на то, что та замужем за полицейским). Правда, по его следам уже идет инспекторша Айда, вознамерившаяся закончить то, что не смогла завершить семь лет назад.
Sunshine Friends
The war of ratings is over when Mars TV, with its two popular shows bears down Earth TV. Mak, the boss of Mars TV, plan to takeover Earth TV while Lee, the boss of Earth TV wants to jump from a skyscraper to make publicity for his station.
Killer and Undercover
Lung and his daughter Ying are each other's only dependence. Due to the gambling debt of Lung's ex-wife, they are living a dreadful life, but Lung never complains and optimistically believes in good karma for good people. After rain comes a rainbow, Lung pays off all his debt and decides to make Ying's dream come true by taking her on a Thailand trip. Unfortunately, Ying is taken by the kidnap gang during the trip. Losing his girl, Lung abandons all his faiths; he even married a Thai Chinese, Lan, in order to stay in Thailand. Lung keeps gathering information of the kidnap gang for two years, he eventually turns into a bloody revenger. Can he retrieve his virtue at the end or will he become a sinner suffering from endless hatred?