Yutaka Shimizu


Small, Slow But Steady
A hearing-impaired woman with dreams of becoming a professional boxer due to the pandemic is threatened closure of her boxing club and the illness of its ageing president, who has been her biggest supporter, push her to the limit.
A Distant Cry from Spring
Satoru Ōsawa
A Distant Cry from Spring (TV Movies)
The Workhorse and The Bigmouth
34-year-old Michiyo Mabuchi (Kumiko Aso) and 26-year-old Yoshimi Tendo (Shota Yasuda) meet at a screenwriting class. Michiyo Mabuchi, who is called "Basyauma", works hard to become a writer, but can't see a future for herself as a screenwriter. Meanwhile, Yoshimi Tendo is a bigmouth who never tries hard at anything. These two people fall in love.
Земля надежды
Mitsuru Suzuki
Пожилая пара, их единственный сын, жена сына, молодой человек и его любовница мирно живут в небольшом районе. Но вскоре удары землетрясения становятся причиной взрыва на атомной станции неподалеку. Жители узнают, что они должны эвакуироваться, но пожилая пара владеет фермой и не желает уходить. Сын уговаривает их покинуть эти места. Между тем, жена сына Изуми узнает, что она беременна.
Tokyo Island
Men and one woman have drifted to an uninhabited island. The only woman will try to survive by taking advantage of her own sexual attractiveness.
8000 Miles 2: Girls Rapper
With Saitama no rappa 2 (AKA 8000 Miles 2 – Girls Rapper), Yu Irie tells the story of amateur girl rappers who dream of a small big-time. The film opens with Saitama 1 B-boys, Ikku and Tom coming to town. They run into young Ayoma (Maho Yamada), inspiring her to gather her girlfriends and work up their rap routine.
Making of Love Exposure
Making of documentary for Sion Sono's magnum opus "Love Exposure".
Летние войны
Shota Jinnouchi (voice)
Одарённый старшеклассник Кэндзи Коисо принимает приглашение от девушки поехать к её семье. Если бы он только знал чем всё закончится. Сначала ему неожиданно приходится играть роль парня этой девушки перед её родственниками. Потом у него крадут аккаунт к стране Оз - виртуальной реальности, в которой не только играют и развлекаются, но и ведут вполне серьёзные дела, вроде покупки товаров и ведения бизнеса.
On board at the boat Kanikosen, where fish and crabs preserves, forced workers to work under miserable conditions, with minimum wages. Some can not cope with conditions and even death from malnutrition, and is also the supervisor of the more vicious variety. Shinjo, one of the employees, trying to convince the others that they will get good luck and fortune in his next life, and persuades them because they commit suicide to get there faster. It ends, however, in a single major failure. Rather than flee Shinjo being picked up by a Russian ship. Once there, he is overwhelmed by the social conditions that are completely different from those he has just left and decided therefore to return to Kanikosen to save their employees.
Romantic Prelude
An aspiring floral designer and the photographer next door become drawn to each other through the everyday sounds they hear through their shared walls.
Откровение любви
О чём мечтает подросток в самом расцвете сил? Конечно же о любви! О чём думает подросток у которого папа после смерти мамы стал священником, и теперь бедному парню нужно признаваться в своих грехах, которых он не совершал?
Make the Last Wish
Koike Minami returns from USA to Japan to accomplish her deceased twin sister's wish to win a competition and sing with Avril Lavigne on the stage in a concert in Tokyo.