Lisa Haas

Lisa Haas


Lisa Haas


The Ultimate (By Lou Fescano)
Ms. Louisi
After the death of her childhood friend Lou, filmmaker Nicole Friedman returns home to find he’s left behind a mediocre script that his family wants her to make in his honor.
Сумасбродные вечера с Эмили
Инсценировка малоизвестной стороны жизни писателя Эмили Дикинсон, в частности ее отношений с другой женщиной.
Fits and Starts
A struggling writer can't seem to escape his wife's literary success. When a road trip to a publisher's salon takes an unexpected turn, he has to face his own creative shortcomings and find a way to regain control of his life and work.
The rivalry between two former college friends comes to a head when they both attend the same glamorous event.
The Foxy Merkins
Two lesbian hookers wind their way through a world of bargain-hunting housewives and double-dealing conservative women in this buddy comedy, an homage to and riff on iconic male hustler films. Margaret is a down-on-her-luck hooker in training, who meets up with Jo, a beautiful and self-assured grifter from a wealthy family and an expert on servicing women, even as she considers herself proudly heterosexual. The film follows their adventures together on the street, through encounters with husky-voiced seductresses, mumbling erotic accessory salesmen and shopaholic swingers. Navigating the bizarre fetishes and sexual needs of their 'dates' brings into focus the hilarious and pathetic disparity between the two hookers, fellow travelers who will share the road together but only for a while.
Codependent Lesbian Space Alien Seeks Same
Приключения космических пришельцев-лесбиянок на Земле и любовная история между застенчивой девушкой из маленького магазинчика Джейн и Зоинкс, женщиной, о происхождении которой она даже не догадывается. Тем временем, два правительственных агента близки к тому, чтобы отследить Джейн и пришельцев, тогда как они пытаются скрыться.
Dyke Dollar
In the 1990s, Gay and Lesbian activists began stamping their dollars to prove they contributed to the American economy. This is the story of one of those dollars. A routine visit to the local convenience store turns out to be an adventure for Pete, a shy teenager who finds himself the unlikely "best bud" of a giant lesbian dollar bill named Evelyn. When Pete's best friend Ben takes a liking to Evelyn, Pete must figure out a way to spend her in this irreverent teenage bromantic comedy.