Dallas Cavell

Рождение : 1925-09-19,

Смерть : 1993-02-15


Doctor Who: Castrovalva
Head of Security
The Doctor needs somewhere peaceful to recover from his traumatic regeneration. But the sanctuary of Castrovalva is not all it seems, as the Master will stop at nothing to gain his revenge over the Doctor...
Doctor Who: The Highlanders
Captain Trask
The time travellers arrive in Scotland just after the Battle of Culloden. The Second Doctor gains the trust of a small band of fleeing Jacobites by offering to tend to their wounded Laird, Colin McLaren. While Polly and the Laird's daughter, Kirsty, are away fetching water, he and the others are all captured by Redcoat troops commanded by Lieutenant Algernon Ffinch.
Doctor Who: The Daleks' Master Plan
In the year 4000, the Daleks conspire to conquer the Solar System. Their scheme involves treachery at the highest levels and a weapon capable of destroying the very fabric of time. Only the Doctor and his friends can prevent catastrophe — and there is no guarantee they will escape with their lives...
Doctor Who: The Reign of Terror
Road Work Overseer
The TARDIS materialises not far from Paris in 1794 — one of the bloodiest years following the French Revolution of 1789. The travellers become involved with an escape chain rescuing prisoners from the guillotine and get caught up in the machinations of an English undercover spy, James Stirling — alias Lemaitre, governor of the Conciergerie prison.
Одиночество бегуна на длинные дистанции
Lord Jaspers
Британский художественный фильм режиссёра Тони Ричардсона, снятый в 1962 по одноимённому рассказу Алана Силлитоу. Картина рассказывает о Колине Смите, юноше, приговоренном после ограбления булочной к пребыванию в исправительной школе. Фильм содержит резкую критику общественного устройства Великобритании.