Shintaro Akiyama


JAM –The Recital–
A recording of the live performance of JAM –The Recital– on November 11, 2021.
У исполнителя фольклорных баллад Хироси множество пожилых поклонниц. Такэру верит, что если будет делать добрые дела, то свершится чудо и его девушка выйдет из комы. Тэцуо отомстил якудза, которые упекли его за решётку, а оставшиеся теперь устроили на него охоту. Пути всех троих пересекаются и ведут к неизбежной развязке.
HiGH&LOW The Movie 2: End of Sky
Members of SWORD win against Wangan Rengogun, which is led by Kohaku (Akira). The city becomes peaceful again. Nevertheless, the most brutal gangs, Doubt and Prison Gang, appear. They try to dominate the area controlled by SWORD.
High & Low The Movie
S.W.O.R.D. Chiku is a devastated and dangerous town with 5 gangs - Sannoh Rengokai, White Rascals, Oya Kohkoh, Rude Boys and Daruma Ikka - fighting fiercely. The name S.W.O.R.D. comprises of the first letter in each of these gangs. Before these 5 gangs, the legendary Mugen gang dominated the town. Mugen and the Amamiya Brothers (who did not submit to Mugen) clashed and Mugen disbanded, but ...
Dokumushi: Toxic Insects
7 strangers are locked up in building. There is nothing to eat in the building. They see a big stock pot, a butcher‘s knife and a watch to count 7 days. The 7 strangers are locked in the building for 7 days and they have to kill each other until there is only 1 person left. The 7 people go insane due to hunger and stress.
Nonmetal Night