Political satire closely mirroring real-life British politics of the time - a self-serving Conservative minister "crosses the floor" to join the opposition Labour Party, at a time when the Conservative Party has a majority in Parliament of just one seat. Sequel to A Very Open Prison.
Молодой парень, работающий в детской секции супермаркета демонстратором игрушек, собрался жениться. По традиции друзья устроили мальчишник. Один из приятелей подсыпал чего-то в кружку пива. И жених отрубился… В лондонском кабаке… А проснулся в неизвестном месте, на берегу океана, в холодных волнах прибоя, совершенно голым, в абсолютно безлюдной местности. Впрочем, одну фигурку на горизонте наш герой все-таки заприметил: старушка стояла на холме… Она и объяснила жениху, что он — на окраине какого-то шотландского островка… Долог же будет путь парня на собственную свадьбу! Как бы ему не опоздать!..
A kilo of cocaine. Hardly what two small-time crooks were expecting to find when they broke into TV director Harold Roy's shabby mansion. But nor was Harold's frustrated wife expecting to fall in love with one of the intruders. Now she's going to make a deal with him - for both her husband and the drugs. But the precious powder belongs to someone else. And he wants it back. So if he feels he's been double-crossed, there's no telling what might happen. Detective Inspector Resnick has a hunch that there's more to this story than meets the eye. And as his investigations lead him down the mean streets of the TV industry and an inner-city drugs ring, it's obvious that more than one person is dancing on thin ice
A pair of teenagers are determined to achieve their ambition and become professional ice skaters, alternately helped and hindered by their families and friends.
Three alternative comedians get involved in a pyramid-selling organization, Pathway, in order to finance their act. They gain great success by deploying their skills as entertainers, only to eventually discover the sinister purpose behind the Pathway organization.
Англия, XVII век. Барбара крадёт у своей лучшей подруги титулованного жениха накануне их свадьбы. Вскоре ей надоедает жизнь хозяйки поместья, и она начинает заниматься грабежом на большой дороге. Затем предает своего любовника, сотоварища по ночному разбою, и совершает множество других пакостей...
Every man needs just one night out, off the leash. Willie's attempt to prove himself provides a painfully funny and painfully sad comment on the battle of the sexes.
A quick drink in the buffet before going home. Freddie's nerves are taking a hammering lately; the economy is in dire trouble and who can blame a businessman for the occasional drink? His wife and mistress for a start.