Jon Croft

Рождение : 1935-07-30, Maidenhead, Berkshire, England, UK

Смерть : 2016-09-27


Стиснув зубы
Station Master
Эмили созрела для замужества. Ее тетушка Агнес, хоть и была старой девой, понимала неотвратимость этого события. И тут - очень кстати - приезжает брат Эмили со своим другом Седриком, который может стать достойным мужем Эмили. Но Седрик проявляет чрезмерную нерешительность, тогда как Джордж не упускает своего. Тетушка Агнес вынуждена принимать срочные меры, однако ее затея оборачивается совершенно неожиданной стороной и пробуждает дремлющие чувства не только в окружающих, но и в ней самой…
The Merrihill Millionaires
Arthur Beckham
They were a top team - five miners who together had mined a million tons of coal but now they must face up to redundancy.
The Black Velvet Gown
Thomas Froggett
In the 1830's in northern England, Riah Millican, a widow with three children, takes a job as housekeeper to a reclusive former teacher, Percival Miller. Miller makes Riah the gift of a black velvet gown, and even educates her children. But when Riah discovers the reason behind Miller's gifts, she vows to leave his house, but Miller has a hold on her, even after his death, when he leaves his house to her on the condition that she never marry. Riah's daughter, Biddy, grows up and becomes a laundress in a large house where her education keeps her from fitting in and makes her a target. But it also catches the eye of a son of the house, and with Miller's legacies, Biddy may yet find her way to happiness.
A Wreath of Roses
Station Master
Period drama based on a novel. While waiting for a train, a lonely woman is witness to a suicide on the tracks. A sympathetic man strikes up a friendship with her. At first reluctant, she is drawn in by his self-assured good looks, despite an uneasy feeling that he is not what he seems. She eventually discovers that he is hiding a deadly secret.
Blood Hunt
Police Inspector
The Highlands of Scotland. A fight outside the village hall. Robert Menzies lies dead and Allan Innes flees to the hills, pursued by Robert's brother. An old friend, Sandy Ross, tries to prevent the inevitable blood hunt.
В 1869 году, когда Ганди родился, его страна ещё была украшением Британской империи и одной из драгоценностей королевы Виктории. 30 января 1948 года, в день его убийства, Индия была свободной. Это стало плодом его трудов, трудов долгой титанической жизни.
A group of Devonport-based Royal Navy ratings, due to sail to America for a six-month NATO exercise, go out on the town on their last night in port, hitting Plymouth's notorious Union Street district, with violent results.
Bread or Blood
Between April and May 1816, "Bread or Blood" riots erupted across East Anglia as the price of bread surpassed the wages of agricultural and industrial laborers. While food riots had a long history in Britain, industrialization, enclosure, and globalization increasingly safeguarded the nation's food supply by the early nineteenth century
Begging the Ring
George Bryant
An investigation of a family's dilemma when the 18 year old son, trained by his ambitious father for the local wrestling championships, receives his call up papers for WWI.
Doctor Who: The Dæmons
Tom Girton
On the eve of May Day, dark elemental forces begin to disturb the village of Devil's End as the Master summons the demon Azal: unexplained murders, a stone gargoyle come to life, and a nigh-impenetrable infernal energy dome. With the Master fully prepared to destroy the Earth, the Doctor and UNIT - aided by a benevolent practitioner of witchcraft - battle the wicked rites of a secret science wielded by an alien from another world.
Когда пробьет 8 склянок
Исчез корабль, на котором находился особо ценный груз: немалое количество слитков золота. Очевидно, что в этом районе моря бандитствуют пираты. Кто они? Где их логово? Как найти на них управу? Для того, чтобы попытаться ответить на целую кучу вопросов, в опасный регион отправляется спецагент.
The Breaking of Bumbo
Guardsman James
The hilarious adventures of young Bumbo Bailey, who enlists in the Brigade of Guards and is based in the prestigious Wellington Barracks in London in the Swinging Sixties. He regards his social life as important as his military.
Мозг мистера Сомса
A 30-year-old man, who has been in a coma since birth, is finally restored to consciousness by a breakthrough brain operation. Although physically an adult, the man is "reborn" in the eye of an infant; the doctors caring for him must teach him to walk, talk and prepare for life in the outside world. Tension builds as he escapes from the hospital, wanders among people who do not realize his identity, and is hunted by the police.