Nadia Vasil
Nadia Vasil is a French actress and model.
Mme Urodel
While unemployed, Gobert must repay 40 bank loans he had taken out. In the housing project where he lives in, bailiffs swarm. Gobert will organize resistance and develop an original and popular loan system which will soon arouse the interest of the French government.
Madame Millau
A pedophile network, to which belong notables of a French provincial town is about to be discovered by a young woman who herself lost her son, a child survivor of one of these horror festivals, and an anarchist gunsmith.
Jacotte Radius
Joséphine Durand
In the lead up to the presidential elections five candidates turn up from out of nowhere. Then, as the days go by, they are eliminated one by one, each meeting with a violent death, until one is left to become president.
La Mère
Cour interdite is about drugs, naïve dreams, and the demise of values. A young Arab from the Paris suburbs, where poverty, unemployment and drugs are very much the reality, Djamel Ouahab saw many people around him dying, which led him to this project that took seven years to complete. The director plays a drug dealer who takes care of his family, protects his mother, and tries to shield his little brother from the drugs around him. He also has to help an addicted friend to quit his habit. Just when we think that he might be successful, reality hits him in the face. The message is that you can't escape drugs with drug money. Cour interdite chronicles the drug dealer's descent into hell. It is a realistic film with poetic dimensions. Ouahab tries to show the world of drug addicts but also the human side of the dealer.
Mireille Bertillet, a provincial judge, is transferred to Paris. She inherits a heavy file compromising high personalities.
Madame Dupas
In La Roche-sur-Mer, the factory where the father of Mathieu's boyfriend, a 12-year-old boy, works will close. Desperate, the man tries to commit suicide and is saved by his son.
Mlle Delamare
Geneviève Lechat is the director of a marriage agency. At 50, she is still very desirable and very fulfilled, especially emotionally. She offers her son, André, to open an agency branch on the Internet.
Albertine Lecoq
In this disturbing drama, based on a novel by "San Antonio" (Frédéric Dard), Léon (Serge Riaboukine) has a wife who is as near to being dead as she can be and still be among the living, and she has been in this state for some time. He is also the worshipful secretary for an overbearing actor/director, Boris (Jean-Pierre Mocky), a man for whom he will do just about anything. However, his need to care for his wife interferes with performing unlimited services for his adored boss, and it is for that reason that he kills her. For a while, his blissful servitude knows no bounds, but his wife's sister smells a rat, and soon his cozy, masochistic relationship with Boris is endangered. Boris, meanwhile, has a quite lovely wife whom he ignores in favor of humiliating her by openly seducing other women.
Франция 1122 год. Граф Годфруа де Монмирай став жертвой проклятия злой колдуньи, убивает отца своей невесты. Годфруа обращается за помощью к великому волшебнику Эвсебиусу, который предлагает графу отправитться по коридорам времени в прошлое и исправить свою ошибку. Де Монмирай соглашается на это предложение, но из-за ошибки волшебника он и его слуга попадают в 90-е годы нашего времени. В ХХ веке их ждет много приключений и встреча со своими потомками...
Механик Альфредо – романтичный молодой человек мечтает о хорошей жизни. Он влюбляется в избалованную топ-модель Изабеллу. Для того, чтобы покорить её сердце он решает пробиться в верхние слои общества. Ему помогает старый граф Макс. Он дает Альфредо необходимые рекомендации и свою одежду, чтобы все его приняли...
Olivier Rohan, a young doctor, has just opened a general practice. However, having only a small clientele, he continues to work in the hospital's emergency room. One night, he will witness the unnatural death of a young man.
В семье итальянца Альберто Капуано существует традиция: прежде чем у сына рождается ребенок, тот должен вернуть отцу все деньги, затраченные на его воспитание. За день до того, как его ребенок должен появиться на свет, Альберто, спохватившись в последний момент, садится на поезд Париж-Рим. За одну ночь в этом поезде он должен раздобыть 30 миллионов лир и расчитаться с сыновьими долгами… а иначе….
Постановка истории Французской революции. Первая серия «Годы света» охватывает события 1789-1792 годов (когда король Людовик XVI находился на престоле). Вторая серия «Годы ужаса» завершается событиями 1794 года. В ней отображены перепетии истории, связанные со смертью на гильотине Людовика XVI, Марии-Антуанетты, Дантона и других революционеров.
Бежавший из тюрьмы молодой бандит Микки находит убежище на ферме, которая принадлежит семейной паре. Хозяин дома Ноэль когда-то был таким же, как Микки. Но он слишком много пережил и слишком дорого заплатил за то, чтобы расстаться с прошлым. Он счастлив со своей красавицей-женой Николь, он не хочет никаких потрясений. Но Микки делает жизнь Ноэля невыносимой. И тогда старый «солдат» выходит на тропу войны.
Three friends — Paul, a conservative intellectual: Selena, a dancer who specialises in African dance: and Gabriel, an artist who manages to move with ease between the centres of their different worlds Paul maintains an ambiguous friendship with Gabriel, who goes through a series of homosexual affairs. For Selena, emotions become difficult to handle when she finds herself involved with both men. in the contradictory position of being in the centre and on the outside.
В поезде мужчина случайно знакомится с красивой женщиной и решает проводить ее домой. Это решение оказалось для героя роковым: он стал заложником в Городе Женщин. Здесь эмансипированные представительницы прекрасной половины человечества отстаивают свое право на главенствующее положение в этом мире.
When her old resistance buddies come to her looking for someone to helm a financially troubled liberal newspaper, Judith (Simone Signoret) is at first reluctant, but for this old hero of the French anti-Nazi resistance, challenges are hard to ignore. She takes on the job, mortgaging her house to keep the paper solvent. When things take a turn for the worse, because of concerted opposition by conservative forces, she is forced to sell the paper, and she regards this as a personal failure.
"Porn Dreams" - A young woman reads through a dictionary. Each time a certain word - orgy, caress, peeping-tom, lesbos, trio, suicide - catches her eye, she fantasize of what would have happened if this word materialized and came to 'life'.
The Female Director
Серве и Надин познакомились на съёмочной площадке. Он — фотограф, зарабатывающий на хлеб порноснимками. Она — актриса-неудачница. Желая помочь женщине, в которую влюбился с первого взгляда, Серве покупает для неё роль в новом спектакле.
Надин оказывается между двумя мужчинами. Её муж был рядом много лет, но потерял вкус к жизни. Серве готов действовать ради любви, но не может выбраться из ничтожного мира, который его окружает. Судьба сама сделает выбор. Один из мужчин Надин должен уйти из жизни.
A young couple discover an ancient book in the attic and start reading the story of the Malemort family: a sombre household set in the nineteenth century in rural France. The old man Deroze plays his violin and tries to seduce the maid. His elder daughter Maxime "qui tue les mouches et deguste en cachette des fruits juteux". Underneath her bourgeois facade her senses are not yet put to rest. There is the rest of this upstairs/downstairs family who is visited by a sea captain who learns of a hidden treasure The storyline of this adult fairy tale is less important than the cinematography and the lyric fairy tale atmosphere that surrounds this movie. A little masterpiece still to be rediscovered.
Oliver has a wife and a mistress--quell surprise!! Maude, his wife, decides to let him have his fun as long as she can control them. She brings Florence, a very attractive 18 year old, to live with them and to seduce Oliver. The plan works, and Oliver soon gives up his mistress for the younger Florence. As the plot develops, Florence not only captivates and controls Oliver, but Maude as well.
"Sexus" - A young man, son of a wealthy industrialist from Lille, comes to Paris with the definite intention of becoming a director. Bursting with illusions it does not take long to become disillusioned with selfishness, business, cynicism and hypocrisy. However, thanks to the will and love of a young student, he will eventually be successful.
Varen and Bob are a couple of buddies who get mixed up with a white-slave trader. Pursued by a pair of mob-connected brothers, Bob is killed. Varen retaliates by killing one of the brothers, then enlists the aid of his friend Agnès in tracking down the remaining sibling.