Ángel Muñoz Alonso


Suéltate el pelo
Original Music Composer
A quinceañera pretends to fall in love with David, the singer of the popular group Men G, and chases him to Acapulco. One night, she undresses and pounces on him, while a friend of her makes a few compromising photographs. The publication of these photos in a magazine leads David to pay a large sum and one year in prison, but the rest of the group discovers that Sonia and her friend are going to defraud actor Toni Canto and decide to prepare a trap for them
El juego más divertido
Two popular television actors, Ada and Bruno, are filming " Hotel de Fez ", a popular and popular television series that upsets the lives of its two protagonists. Together they will initiate a romance behind the small screen very particular since there will be no time or way to consummate it, which will cause a tremendous tangle sown with nonsense.
Tu novia está loca
Amaya is a modern girl, independent, who runs an advertising gency. The business is doing well and is enmaorada of her boyfriend, a lawyer of lost causes somewhat confused. Its stable and happy life is shattered with the appearance of a famous movie star, party animal and womanizer.
Год пробуждения
Music Consultant
Сюжет фильма разворачивается вокруг гражданской революции в Испании средины двадцатого века. В это время вся планета погрязла в войнах, но даже те, кто не принимал участия во Второй мировой, не отставали по числу несчастных судеб. Именно в такой ситуации оказались два главных героя киноленты – Иисус и Мануоло – братья, которые сложно переживали за судьбу собственной Родины в послевоенное время.
Lulú de noche
German, a young theater director, tries to organize a theater play about Lulu, a prostitute that was killed in London by Jack the ripper. While looking for the protagonist, Rufo appears, an introvert jazz musician. He could play Jack the ripper.
Lulú de noche
German, a young theater director, tries to organize a theater play about Lulu, a prostitute that was killed in London by Jack the ripper. While looking for the protagonist, Rufo appears, an introvert jazz musician. He could play Jack the ripper.
Ни стыда, ни совести
Пако и Фернандо – друзья и владельцы небольшого издательства, которое в данный момент находится на грани банкротства. Поправить дела должен контракт с популярной детской писательницей Аделой Морой. В тот вечер, когда Фернандо должен был подписать договор в фешенебельном отеле, его приятель решил встретиться со своей любовницей, для чего попросил своего друга уступить ему одну из комнат своего дома, оборудованную для тайных свиданий. Но находящаяся в расстроенных чувствах секретарша отправила писательницу не в гостиницу, а домой к своему боссу...
Golfo de Vizcaya
Original Music Composer
After of living in France for fifteen years, Lucas, a journalist with a dark past, returns to Bilbao, his hometown. He begins an intense romance with a young woman, but a series of circumstances will make the intimacy of the couple almost impossible.