Miako Tadano

Miako Tadano


Miako Tadano


Visit Me In My Dreams
In a transient land reside a mother and son. The son is unable to accept the fact that his mother is dying. This is a story of their melancholic journey in search of each other.
Seiichi is the owner of a flower shop. He enjoys his peaceful single life. Kiho runs the ramen restaurant left to her by her father, but she's thinking of closing it.
Three Mornings
Three factory workers in the countryside lead ordinary lives, marked by the melancholy of everyday life and by small, meaningful gestures. A slice-of-life film about the beauty and sadness in the most inconspicuous moments.
Переехав из Токио в маленький город, в новой школе старшеклассница Харука сталкивается с буллингом. Как хорошая дочь, не желающая создавать проблемы родителям, девушка пытается не реагировать, а после и вовсе перестаёт ходить в школу. Но однажды одноклассники преступают черту и поджигают дом Харуки: её родители гибнут, а младшая сестра получает сильные ожоги. Вот теперь-то и пришло время обратить на задир внимание и расквитаться со всеми виновными.
Красавица и умница Канако внезапно исчезает без следа. Отец девочки, бывший детектив Фудзисима Акихиро, чтобы найти свою дочь, начинает тщательное расследование ее жизни. Фудзисима — одинокий человек, собственные действия которого привели к распаду семьи, но, когда он продолжает свое расследование, то сталкивается с серией шокирующих откровений. Оказывается, Канако — далеко не ангел, которого все видели в ней…
The Road Less Travelled
Norie Mikiyoshi
Kazunari Katsuki (Gaku Sano) lied to his classmate that Tokyo stinks. Because of his comment, he goes to Tokyo alone. On his way back, he misses his flight back to Kumamoto. Kazunari only 3,400 yen in his pocket. He becomes confused about his missed flight. At that time, Masami Tanaka (Kaoru Sugita), who works at an airport souvenir shop, talks to Kazunari. On Kazunari's unusual trip back to Kumamoto, he meets many different adults and begins to think about his life.
Suzuhana Aoki
The murder of a young girl leaves the inhabitants of a small Japanese village in shock. The body of Emili is found by four classmates with whom she was playing. The murder is never solved. Emili's mother, Asako, is torn by grief and puts a curse on the four girls when they claim not to remember the killer's face. Each of the girls, in their own way, will do penance for their silence.
Я всё равно этого не делал
Mitsuko Ichimura
Молодого человека Тэппэя Канэко ошибочно обвинили в сексуальном домогательстве в общественном транспорте. В Японии в таких случаях подозреваемые обычно сразу признают себя виновными, договариваются с жертвой и выплачивают штраф. Если дело до ходит до суда, то со стопроцентной вероятностью вина будет доказана, обвиняемый сядет в тюрьму и получит клеймо на всю жизнь. Тэппэй же, несмотря на уговоры полицейских и адвоката, продолжает утверждать, что он этого не делал.
Кровь и кости
Chun-mi Kim
В начале 20-х годов из Кореи в Японию вместе с эмигрантами в поисках лучшей жизни отправляется совсем ещё молодой парень Ким Шунпеи. Но новая земля принимает чужака неласково. Пытаясь сохранить традиции, культуру своей страны, он ожесточается. Под градом жизненных неудач любовь превращается в ненависть. В бессильной ярости Ким Шунпеи ломает жизни своих детей. До глубокой старости, до последнего вздоха он пытается показать им, что значит быть настоящим мужчиной. А они страстно мечтают быть сиротами…
Манеры выживать 5+
Mrs. Sasaki
Муж и его умирающая жена, успешный гипнотизер, специалист по рекламе, группа из трех грабителей и наемный убийца. Жизни этих совершенно разных людей оказываются связаны друг с другом самым загадочным образом.
Walking With The Dog
Dumped by a bored pet owner, a mixed-breed mutt ends up with three time loser Yasuyuki, who's loveless, homeless and jobless. Yasuyuki finds solace in the dog, whom he calls Tamura, and uses it to mend fences with his ex, who's distracted by her mother's debilitating illness. A trip to a hospital reveals Tamura's ability to comfort dying patients, leading to dog and master attending the real-life Japanese Therapy Dogs training school.
A Larva to Love
Bizarre love triangle about a girl, Yuki who transforms into a tentacled creature that feasts on human blood. She manipulates the guilt-ridden Fumio to do her bidding, only for a strange romance to blossom between them.
9 душ
After discovering a hole in their crowded cell, nine prisoners escape their confinement to track down the key of the universe, which a fellow prisoner known as the Counterfeit King said he had hidden.
A Painful Pair
Ryo and Natsu love each other immensely. They are also able to feel each other's pain. Their relationship is troubled when Ryo allows himself to be seduced by an office employee.
The Ripples
Natsui Inako
Inako Natsui is a quiet, modern girl working in a laboratory and living a closed and somewhat monotonous life in a small town. From time to time she goes to nearby to visit her lonely mother Wakayama who has been a widow for the past seventeen years. The girl's relatives, particularly Aunt Sadako and Uncle Shuhei, the local mayor's deputy, plan to introduce her to a suitable young man, but Inako has no real desire to get married. She is more interested in the hot mineral springs from where she takes her laboratory specimens. This all changes when she meets Mr Tamamiza, a young divorced man who's been left with a little boy. Her relatives are decidedly against the match. The girl falls in love with the man without realizing that she will encounter a painful conflict between her family and providence, as unexpectedly as the spring which gushes out from the geological fold, driven to the surface by mysterious subterranean forces.
A Tender Place
Kasumi is in the midst of an affair with Ishiyama, one of her husband's clients. When Kasumi and her family visit Ishiyama's villa in Hokkaido, she plans to abandon them to be with Ishiyama. The next morning, her daughter Yuka disappears, which throws Kasumi's life into turmoil. Years later, Yuka remains missing, and Kasumi journeys back to Hokkaido with Utsumi, a terminally-ill former detective, and tries to follow any leads she can.
Zawa-zawa Shimokita-sawa
Director Jun Ichikawa spins this affectionate portrait of the people who populate Shimokitazawa, a bohemian corner of Tokyo filled with small theater companies and smoky coffeehouses.
Бесплодные иллюзии
Паренёк слоняется по пустой хибаре, не ведая, чем себя занять, тихо садится на тахту... и так же тихо растворяется в воздухе, словно мираж. Миловидная почтовая служащая в глухих коридорах возится с принтером, как вдруг слышит странный вопрос странной женщины и цепенеет от страха.
Across a Gold Prairie
Makiko Miyazono
Meet NIPPORI Ayumu, an 80 year-old man, who, due to a serious heart condition, has spent sixty years of his life confined to his house. One morning, he wakes up believing himself to be twenty again. In his mind, he has become the youthful young man that he once was. However, reality fails to keep up with his illusion, and everything around him seems to be quite different from what he is used to. So, he decides that he is simply dreaming. As his reality becomes his dream, his unhappy world turns into a life enriched with happiness and expectations for the future. Ayumu is now enjoying his life to the full again.
Sunday Drive
A pair of friendly coworkers at a rental video store accidentally become murderers. Borrowing a station wagon, they flee with no particular destination in mind.
French Dressing
Drama about a narcoleptic senior-high student, Mayumi, and his relationships with a male teacher who raped him and a female classmate whose boyfriend keeps bullying him.